B34-The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 17, 2004 chicke< cross thefz. rVoad? Pni &To lve langer. By walking ocrons the rood, the chirken goîned o heoithier heort se p n u osd lungs H lpngmî and o pasitive attitude. Members of the Kîds Fîrat charitable foundatlon at the Vanle Shg Womien In Milton recent rmisei $4,500 for Halton Women's Place h<ier< were collectei through walk-a-thons, auctlons, barbecues anc «ro, , .0 bar sales. S eptember an ideal time for starting over r Centre for i.The funda J chocolate Perhaps it's because school, calendars are ingrained in us ail that September just seems to be the time for starling aver, of new beginnings, and of seif-evaluatton. Add to that the recent anniversary of the profound events of 9/11 and thoughts cer- tainly turn 10 what matters most in the world. The library has many books thal can help toi re-discover what those things are. Myrna B. Shure provides the tools ta help children become more co-operative, empathie and better able ta hardie life's frustrations and disappointments. In 'Thinking parent, thinking child' she uses the 'l cati prablem salve' approach, first introduced in 'Raising a thinking child', ta teach children the critical tbinking skills they need ta salve prablems an their own. In 'Me ta, we' Craig and Marc Kielburger outline a philosophy of living that chal- lenges the way we look at the world. They -a ranwst)p T13at Wdrks! Çà odu MW*I lm#«dear or 4coloured, food an4i beverage) C<0u118hun (steel and a"ntri) AMu.ftm wp.U (foil, plates and cotifirs) (pactagng foa, cutps, plates, etc.) IlIkoic . oi (Waer, ~WX berq detergenit NWàtfetc.) To help prevent litter on windy days: " Place your Blue Box out on te moming of collection day by 7:00 arn., instead oft he night before. " Stack your Blue Boxes on top of one another wvith heavier items on top. " Do flot overload your Blue Box, use additional containers. Note: Blue Boxes are available at die Hallon Regional Centre, the Halton Waste Management Site and at dhe Hafton HuIs Public Worlts Yard. Space pý dn.J through the Canai.n paperAssoato adotncCori, <ty5 N ppnAssociaton and thi ener spr f Stmandship Omo'sO Blue ox Progrann in <-ss<scs. .,h Wasteveri Ontario Cover to cover [~ dlaimn thaithie selt-help culture, with it focus on me and not we, has ted us alan1 the wrang path. They invite you ta fin( happine'ss and purpase by reaclîing oui ti others. This is reiterated in 'T'he power oif gen erosity' by Dave Toycen . which wilI strik, a chord with aIl who want tai fultill a vita part of their humanity - the need ta give Most people would agree that it's impas sible ta sustain genuine quality of life with oUt a reasonable success in work, famil) time, and money 'Lîfe matters' by Rage and Rebecca Merrill witl guide yat through the steps ta creating a dynamni elquilib-iumi in which aIl four of these comn patents are vital, richly rewarding, an( highly interrelated. Happiness at work involves feelin appreciated in contrat, successful, and ti balance. According la Julie Morgenstern author of 'Making wark work', ils possi hIe ta achieve this by making smaI changes in your thinking and behavtour tIl imprave performance and efftciency a work. 'How tu get contrat of your time an( yaur life' by Alan Lakein will show yoi haw ta set short-term goals, establish prior ities, organize a daily schedule and, in th, end, achieve benter self-understanding. Our latest additions ta the global block buster series by Robin Sharma, are 'Munt who sold bis Ferrari' and 'Discover you desîiny'. Like the others in the series il is tld as ai engaging fable. It will show you a patbwa, for self-awakening that the authar feel will help yau live your greateut life an( dlaim happiness, Prasperity and mmne peace. Perhaps yau've had a special relatianshil in yaur youth witb sameone who helpet you deal witb the big questions that haun You today and you yeamn ta have that back 'Mat is juot what happened tai Miîch Albon Who soughî out bis aId teacher for anc las lessan - on how t0 live. 'Me rekindled relaîionsbip lis paignantl' captured in the best selling 'Tuesdays wiîl h4orre'. For these and ather tilles tbat can bell tnswer some of your life questions, com o Milton Public Library. We'll he glad Il help. Coser f0 <fier is pîîepared /p .staff az th. ltion Public Lîbrarv 1 à mil CORRECTION NOTICE Product Sony OuDita 8 Curirorder 1003591 Thm SOih flye for$399 99 lter $50u savings a$20g <d, h curi ie o hsgrdc iS999allra CORRECTION NOTICE 100rai0 «np 2c1orS@fur0tAissiu<,,s .o<,,i< purwru,r ac, xtU-M WId" ( -4 I - j illir-