GEORGETOWN CINEMAS 25GUELPH STREET 873-1999 O RwsioN Et. APOcALYPSEg Day 645 p.M &9:00P.M Sat. Sun,20 Op.m. ~eMR. 3000 Dniiy 6:45 p.m. & 9:00 pin Saiarday & Sunday 2:00 p.m. N NAONDAS I Daify 645 p.m &9:00p.m. Saturday &Slday 2:00 p-n Frightenlg Seefln L bf Pab Aveuh tayorand Redding Wig ifluecelCs for Khalel -from LOCAL on page B2 ness, Mr. Sewitt satd ho's not lettmng hts Rosie, and eight-month-o!d son, Justice. success go I0 his bead. The birtb of hts son has given his songs an "Some artists are conceited. bot 1 pride added depth, he said. mysoîf on being humble and flot letting my "He's been my inspiration as of recently. head get too big," hoe said. lt's made me focus on the nrue things - He added bie can't take credit for bis rather than platinum, gold and cars." accomplishmiefts. Msr. Sewitt's musical influences bave "It's a God-given talent. AIl that's been mncluded everyone from James Taylor to given 60, me. I personally believe is fromt O[tis Redding to Cold Play. God. I have a message 60 give, and somne- "ýA lot of people say they're fresh," holimines it doesn't even seem like it's coming said of bis songs, adding they're not aIl from me - it's like somoono else ix con- about the usual topics - money, girls and trolling my Pen." power. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached ai Despite the intensity of the mustc busi- sthiessen@miltoncaladiatc'ItoiPion.con. On the k loose Marauders in dire need of help fr national tp "Well, Tom, here we are in Edmonton broadcasting the Canadian Senior Football Championsbip on TSN." "TMat's right. Bill, the Milton Marauders are representing Eastern Canada, alter they beat out the Oakville Longhoms. a teain tIsat has played in this gamne for Il years in a row." "Wow, Tom, that's amnazing, and 1 nover oves heard of Milton. Tbey must be very proud 60 come this far for surIs a small place." "From wbat I bear, Bill, tbey do pretty well for a small town. They've produced an astronaut, a famous actor in JAG, and pIon- ty of NHL players and officiais. And that's just what I can think of off hand. Plus, tbey hold the world record for most Tim Horton's per capita." "Oh, you're so crazy. Tom. But, seriously. how did sucb a sminal town toam make it this farT" "Glad you asked that, Bull. They were put together by coach Barry Emo, wbo picked up key players from the Oakvifle Longborns and the Mississauga Wolverines, wbo folded this year. Basically, they're just gond." "They're good? WIsat a great insight, Tom. How'd you get this job. anyway?" "Wel, Bill, if you want more information, it's just their third year in existence, and two years ago tbey didn't even wis a gaine." "Amazing. And bore come the Milton Marauders out osto the field. Hold on, Tom. Sometbing is wrong. Where are the rest of their players?" "You didn't Isoar, Bill? Only about haîf of the team could afford 60, come. They bad 60 spend a lot of money out of their ows pock- ets, and some of them, including aIl-stars, couldn't afford it.- "You've got to be kidding me, Tom. Milton being sucb a great place and aIl, didn't the town, or local businesses, or the general public cbip in t0 support tbem?" "Nope, flot a cent. And bore they are on a national stage, and instead of proudly representiflg thoîr îown t0 the whole country, they're. well... a national laughingstock." "Now, tell me Tom, is ibis a vision of tbings tIsai musi happes, or is a visin of things thal might happes?" "Look, Bill, theso aren't oves our real namnes, so you figure 6t out. This is jusi the future as it looks now. The Maraudors are still waiting t0 hear if tbey have somo niosey froin the Towii's Community Fusd ihai they get froin the slots. But. îhey have ail kinds of rules and regulations and red tape, and it' only a couple weeks away." "You mean, Tom. that they'd rather be embarrassod satîonally than como through with somoe mosey oves if if doesn't quite fit their rogulations?" "I doubt that, Bill. We'll sec. In tIse meantimo, the tram is hsop- ing somo businesses migbi stop up to belp and îhey have some fundraîsers, iscludîng a hooth wîtb a dunk tank ai tIse Milton V,îll Fair." "1 wisb you ssere in thse dusk tank, Tom. l'd spend some mîiney t0 ser you go int the drink. But people don't bave Io dunk a quar- terback or offensive lineman, îbey can jusi dosate five bucks oir ton bucks or a loosie, or whatover they want. Tbey're goisg to bave a donation box there becauso thoy dosperatoly need thse monry." "Wby would people want t0 donate mosoy to hefp ibis eain, Bill?- "Dub, you idiot, baven't you been followtng along? Plus, tboy want tIse town of Milton t0 be national champs and sIsey can ho part of it by makîsg sure tbey con send aIl their players. And the gaine really is going t0 be on TSN." "YeaIs Bill, but inm a hitle confused sînce we'vo beon switching back and fortht from possible reality 60 actual roality." "Don't worry about it, Tom. You don't oves exisi. I don't think." ~fl Kýý - mmaund