26'-The Canadien Champion. Friday. Septernber 17. 2004 MILIGU DISTRICT HOSPITAL GARAGE SALE AUXILIAY CARAE SALE Sat. Sept. 18 - 8AM-Noon ai hWe Oteoitai. -Fr". Paohiq" Sat. Sept. 18 * 8AM-NOON 605 Churchill Ave. Deeateo gratoiîy rmivd sitthe Famihire. à hausehaid Item mkwVihha, fltsd»y Seaeber luth Rate Datm: Sa. Sept. lm1 GARAGE SLW GARAGE SALE Sat ept.18 -8AM- PMSet. Sept. 18 * 8AM-Noon Set ept 8*8A-1PM884 Morley Ave. ai, Bell St. HAousehohi Item, oak TV sed 5' lid de., & mach More GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE FUNGRISE FOR MILTON MINOR Set. Sept. 18 - 9AM-Noon ADAM OUBLE A HOCKEY 717 SMDr.Set. Sept. 18 - 7:30JAM-1 PM S&MMg l EmmlMomerlal Arasa <Thomun Rd) GARAG SALE GARAGE SALE FUNIRISE FUR MILIGI WIMIER Set. Sept l8th - 8AM-4PM NAWUS 11111I ATGM AA HOCKEY 5519 Slxth Lins Set. Sept. 18 * 7:30AM-1 PM (Btwu. Biteamim ILowsr Basa Lins) Mumorial Areu <lbo.pso. Rd) Sometinq fer eveoponel MMLTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE BRBIE BOUMA SALE MULII FAMILY GARAGE SALE Set. & Sun Sept. 18 & 19 * 9AM-4PM Set. Sept. 18 * 8AM-Noon 11544 Guelph Ln 578 Moorelands Cres. nia Muesa MN bi. MWa #Me, te maey km atueusir ...RMie orS*hellIl GARAGE SALE MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Set. Sept. 18 - 8AM-1 1 AM Set Sept. 18 - 9AM-Noon 26 Cout St. M. Walsh Avenue (Off Mai. St.) (fHawthomne VIUIap S, Brry te Tiniom, Kaew"e let teM", Ctehing. a00114e pemeat tl sien É1.1. amecb td mch mm Tee .uch te lot bouriiI fM FAMY MOVIUGYARO SALE GARAGE SALE Set. Sept. 18 * 8AM-1 2PM St et 8-8MNO 1073 6thUne758 Byng Crt. (South of l5th Slderoad) Hooaehoid effects, btoks, records Lois et Staff! I GARAGE SALE GARAGE SML IDEAI. FOR PARENTS 10 BE Set. Sept. 18 - 8AM-Nooni Set. Sept. 18 - 9AM-Noon 224 Riverpiace Crus. 739 BiUr Crus. Poker table & chairs, bedding, hmass arhvor, pao (Mail, & Woodward) perepo otroler toduter boit dresser brend ciloes 0-3yrs, mach more, ail excellent condition! GARAGE SAL IWO HOME GARAGE SALE Set. Sept. 18 * 8AM-Noon Set. Sept. 25 * 8AM-1 PM 1040 Cooper Ave. 151, &, 227 Wheelihan Way (Off Thouipson S of Damr) spm9itîa up., kIten aif, castemati, plctares tap Dresser mrid #ïm5 & heneheld itemsl Rais or Shsll Raie or Su"a GARAGE SALE GARAGE /1001. SALE Set Sept 18 * 8AM-Noon Set. Sept. 25 -8AM NOON 1199 &m 1202 Cobban Rd. 332 Coxe DIvd. (Main st. li Poumn Way. off i.. Dr.) Ail mmu abmi Fuietlut,, good kids stoif, eleclronlcs & more fH IG FORA GREAT D>EAL ?. ~~Visit these great garage sales this weekend -Barne s switchi *ng gearas; set to tackle duathion nationals By STEVE LoBLANC The Champion Harry Barnes is thc fu'st 10 admit he's hcading mnto uncbartered waters. I actuel fact, thc 57-ycar-old triathlon champion won't be secing Uic water et al in bis next national appearence, wbich comtes in Queher City October 2. WiUi lest month's triatislon netionais being wipcd out by heavy reins and flooding in Kelowna, BC, Bames remains intent on sec- Hrr mg sme frin f Cnadin raingaction Ibis ycar - wbich means switcbing gears tu duaiton competition. Not having participated ini Uic two-discipline event et Uic nationai level in more then a decade, Uic bighly- deternaincd but cqually realistir racer knows be's got a 100gb road aisead. Not only will Bancs tic facing rnuch more seesoncd duathîctes, but heUl bave 10 revise bis montg diet 10 coincide wiin a race that begins wiin a mun rather thnn ends wiin il. "WiUi the triathlon you cen have e big breakfast because you build up 10 the mun. It's a lot harder on your stomnach 10 mun then swim, so if you cal too, mach and stert nanniaig you cen wind ap in Uic bushes puk- ing," noted tthr tocal racer, who's won ses- erat age-ctass nationa triathlon champi- onships. "It's gomng to he tricky deciding on what 10 rat that morrnng - 10 have enosgh energy but flot be too fult." Front a momemsum stassdpoint, however, Bernes looks te, be in sotid shape - heving 5prevaited in two triathton meets cartier this month. tn Wasaga Beach Saturday, he descirnated lames his men's 55-59-yeer-otd competitton et the Olyrnpic distance tevel - beatiag his clos- est rival by more than 25 minutes with a 2:19.46 fmn- ish. H-is tirne wouid hase been good enough to win the 50-54 division by almoot two minutes. One week eartier et Guetph Lake, Bernes detivered a 1:34.08 effort in tihe sprint trathlon - enjoying roughty e seven-end-a-half minute margin of victory over the ruttner-up. The 50-54-year-old winoter's rne was e mere six seconds better. "1 feit pretty good tn both races, but the duathion is a whole different bail garne, su l'm flot going tu make any kind of prediction," said thse usuaily arnbitious racer. "We'IB juot see what happens." Lockout a huge blow, says Bertoli - fromn SEMI-PRO on page 24 1I don't sec myseif geoing corn- placent." Looking beyond birnself, Haydar said the lockout will be extremely detrimental to hockey as a whole and could put somne of the league's simalier-centre clubs in serious jeopardy. Echoing those sentiments was fellow Miltonian Scott Bertoli, who heads into bis stxth season with the ECHL Trenton Titans early next month. Having played ail over the United States for thse past decade -fuast with Princeton University and then witb bis New Jersey- based serni-pro club - Bertoli knows that in many southern areas of America hockey is merely enother sport rather than part of the fabric of society. So if thc NHL lockout toms out to tic a lengtby one, support for hockey in these areas could dry up altogether. "There's s0 meny 015cr sponing options down here that people could really tumn sour on our gamne," said Bertoli. "'[at's partic- ularly concerning for a term like Tampa Bay that just won the (Stanley) Cap." Witb the Devils n0w iocked out -tikely for thc entire 2004/015 campaign Uich Titans are New Jersey's top hockey club, and sbould sce et east somne increase in thc stands. But for Bertoti, that offrs ite solace for a season without NHL play. "TMe (AHL) Phentoms are about 45 minutes away in Phiiadeiphia, but reatly we're the ontly show in New Jersey now. But wbetber wc gel an extra 50 or even 1010 more fans a garne, tisaIs flot realty mach of a consolation." CARRIERS WANTFi I HERE MIE OROT" aNew routes being set up ail the time. eRoutes available in existing areas too. "à f1 Il ha6o&lf$m The Milton Canadien Champion is lookîng for newspeper cerriers in your neîgbbourbood! Deiivery deys are Tuesdeys & Frîdeys. If you or (0)878-5047 ADUU MAE GRAT ARRIRS 001 Do you have some tree lime? Would yoa like some great exercise and sorne extra money? If so, don't bestale 10 raill We cen fioU e route thet cs perfect for you. JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB 9 START EARNINC FREE STUFF NIOWf SVrLC if Canuan * 1 Support Your Local Carrier ,n t n