Issue 18- Sept 17, 2004 <42/ewde 4eM/ /o14Scel" with SL We would like f0 fake this opportunity f0 thank ail of our volunteer coaches for coaching over 2100 players in 20U4, we couldn't do il without you. 2004 SEASON COACHES AND CONVENORS UNDER 5 Minai Head Convenor Donna flagne Keain Spearing Norman Fisher Patrick Gordon Staci Auger Simon Ferrazzi Uwe Samstag-Schnock Cory Carter Emil Mtinarevic Paul Rivard Neil Garraway Michael Zammit Chris Field Yonnei Jia Daniel Savage Shauina Tennant Gonzalo Matinez Rob Bowder Stacey Moore Cameras Mattbew Rick Horne Shawn MacDonald Josie lanniciello Andy Moeno Mike Cerveira Tony MacLeod Donna Jagne Angle Rioner Ashley Singh Krystina Menes Dave Strothers Kevin Hodgkinson Gord Blackburn Pan Struck Suzanne Ley Megas Wright LINDER S AND 7 Head Convenor Chris Schinn Converoir Da Schirm Under 5 Frank Condron Cis Drosz Paul Hanson Pam Muîhaîl Brias Heaney Don Smal Doog Thomson Sandra Miller Mike Robertson Max Robertson Sneve Duivesteyn David Squires Danid Btadeo Chock Mia Sean Faulkoor Nicole Faolkner Bob Ganton Paolo Gantan Brion Kingolaed Stewart Iraine Joe Mitaod Drew Tremblay Kim Parier Brendan Rocks JuIf Hendersot Stephan Schomberg Jomes Bell Jane Pink Keeley Ramaey Mark Irwin Patty Clancy Under 7 Chnîs Schirm Ron Leblnnd Drew Schaper Jason Medeos Mark Medeiros Darrin Landau Doran Dancia Amer Kassem Derwal Edwards Philip Bockley logo Stahînfiano Rabyn Elîsmere Ree-Anne Coshole Jenniter Branch Kirk Cormier Ligaya LaPorte Frank Pantosa Amanda Robinson Andrew Robinson Gary Norman Sneve Boums tan Harkins Adrienne Pucci Doog lwasa Kevin lwasa-Madge Beth Nesîns Richard deLeon Fi1000 Kay Alicia New Crystal Marra Rasa Bornhwick Tannsa Champoon GIRLS UNDER 9 AND 10 Hiead Convenor Debi Oain-Saiiba Convenor Lisa Alexander Stephasît Word Michelle Waketield Jenniifer Mctodden Sue Haringa Doog Hopkins Graham Morris David Bronner Barh Carey Michael Weickert Kelsey Orpen Gail Orpen Christine McArthur Elisabeth Ecclestone Jeanine Jenningo Andrew Meens Cherie Longstonie Jeremy Brown Diona Flook Darren CaraIll Sean Faulknor Nicole Fanîkoor Krista Eves Terri Gardon GIRLS UNDER 10 Michael Sinyi Rebecca Sinyl Audrey Sîncovich Scott Scolly Dace Brough Leslie Bunler Sandra Pineau Ken Longstaff Mary J0 Longsnatl Jesaica Rîetman Sabrina Dîcîntia Nicki Vhra Dose Saliba Debi Bain-Saliba Tadd Carey BOYS UNDER 9 Head Convenor Koela Ramsey Convenlons Neasa Srowne and Kerrie Smith Michael Meehon Dog Morrison George Schemhri Roman Kivac John Vas Norman Fisher Colin Brodie John Mikolic Joanne Rowe Rîck Skoryk Uwe Samatag-Schnock Andrew McMillen Jîm DeMarsh David Browne Mike Walter Doog Tnacey Stephen Grezoux Drew Schaper Cary Carter Emonuela Mule Jon Pink Patti Morrison Chuck Ma Mandy Warner Rosina Retera-Robinson Andnew Thihadeaa Allon Stnley Kanherine Mitchell Chnis Finlan Pon Montaroli Ron Lehlond Brendan Goolding Sonia Mandini BOYS UNDER 10 HeadCenveneqr Janle Pink Ingo Slahîman Siesen Kazimer Whitney Wilson Jas Coobs Drew Tremblay Chris Schirm Frank Micheolîs Jeanie Jenningo Cameron Voder Monique Motler Brian LeDrew Heather Arhackle Joey Czîkk Compelitive Girls iea centenel Sheila Nikroiich GIRLS UNDER 12 Soodie Kay Juif Dawler Ron Uyede Gerard Thampson Dace Saliba Maudy Stochîll Martin Warner Todd Carey Brenda Heaney Gregg Danidoon Debi Saliha Janet Dercotch Morlene Mînt Eddy Drtîz Carol Doroler Sue Dîcînto Pick Kennedy Cheryl Czikk Carl Cousins Jerry Giddens Megon Johooton Caitlin Brown Liom Johoston Ben Clittord Fioa Kay Mark Hill GIRLS UNDER 14 Mary Lou Jameu Doreen Clarke Jane Posavad Sien Yelman Dard Pinder Amer Kassem Clem Schaltz Suson Barrie Loorie Vander Doelen Antero Gomez Ofelia Snetaniok Carmes Schembrî Anne Marie Desroches Linda Paradis Sondy Rîmbao Joe Pinherjo Renano Asdrobolîni Laurie Panris GIRLS UNDER 17 Puy Sewitt Jett Harper Gary Laing Mîke Mitler Josee Lizatte Pan Purtado Miranda Fartado John Deans Jolie Deanu Meliosa Deans Chris Heoney Scott Bradtord Emery Robidoox Competitiv beys Head Convear Heather Brooks BOYS UNDER 12 Conveons Robin Hill and Shirley MlKoih - - Bob Rollwagen Heather Rollwagen Jîm Johnston Gord Pînder John Mikulic Kevin Cea Dole LoPorte Marie Shikatani Gary Santorosa Emery Robidoua Deborab Burke Volerie Burkre Mitre Wnickert Dose Whitord Gamin Bnrtuzzi Scola Bowman Wade Macdonald Tony Allen Sasha Loucic Robert Daboornie BOYS UNDER 14 Convenor .lohanna Darbila Heother Brooks Siobhan Hope Mîke Bedard Mike Brown ie Hari1 Johanna Barbila William Paguaga Bob Borchett Michael Pavant Colm Thomas Johney McMahon BOYS UNDER 17 Convenor PaRi i!lle, Janice Bowman Megan Pallet Louis Bonnici Dace Haringa Gary Freeze Mike Stavinga UNDER 21 Head Cenvenor John Mlikolic BOYS UNDER 21 Jîm Hardieg GIRLS UNDER 21 Gail Drpen Jenn Druen AIL STAR .COACHES 2004 BOYS UNDER 8 Martin Warner Dan Buein Dole Duinn BOYS UNDER 9 John Mikulîc Pick Skoryk BOYS UNDER 14 Mike Cupples Rosa Brooks BOYS UNDER 15 Louis Bornîci Dace Haringa GIRLS UNDER B Liz Herrmanc Snephec Ramkolawan GIRLS UNDER 13 Liane Robertson Simon Hirat Patty Clancy -124 IM TEm Do you hava what litltakes to compote on one of our rap taam.s? Do you Waata1 compote at a highar levai of play? Dur rap teams ara aiways iooking for naw talent. Trynato are tentaticely ochedaied for OCTOBER 250,3R0 & 9TH,10TH MILTON DISTRICT NEW BOARD MMBERS ALWAYS WELCOMB)II W. ara looking for organized, anthu- siastic people who care about the direction in which our club is taking. The mora board members we have the laus wor* for ail invoivad. So gel tnvoived loin the taam and help make MYSC the hast soccar club it Can bel For more information, or to loina tihe We hope thaf you hall fun and thW yeu wtt> retum Boan Ma yer I order to pIwo mu ccWs &Md coy wfth OSA rithls, we nuod adl new and mrou mtocoes to corliiea, coachhnform. Fornew coachs, you cmnhndktyw ouremon ymachild's roosWio formi or pick op a coachhng foih at om oftIw in the Leism C&atr. Romember cuachhUo* Îakoa w» of hoursawo fyu illai d ym iMe butithe rewlards M priciloss. 71( Gonipetîive Seasun E tfing Results DîvWon lot plan ChampIorn Finlst (Sama (FIale Day> (Finals Dey) SI .iniie 12 Sardenat Oreenbtouunu Brienu Aute Repur and Tire HaeBue Meehining Gse nier 14 Pulnbew Gruup Chueg & VannIer oel Eng. Ba Racing Gil umêIsi17 Aîm Luk and Sale camils SquaenCldro Hm Lock and Sale Satuday Spembe 25 l Roa Cnia Lei o oie 2M W" alie Rory M SC' OfCer lcaed inr te Laere eter (21n h alesv St)r Cost: an5d0 Lase 4LnsyMcae- rntoatin svE DrU"i AiND IONdS FIEmSo Roa m Eeryohnk eu Welcomer 1 Syro da eony oflanadan tiMfttppnedColisindoad Onrano Sccer As asci Mido tiîsînc hedPe Hloccer Clb'l (ITR E IT AIONîa Satrda, Spteber25 oyl~ andian Leie' at oal aa'r* Office~ locae inn the iliur n CetSone