~Th,. ~ Ch~wswr. Frîriasi Sentember 17. 2004 IT Some car companies offer 0% financing. We offer 0% commission. Who would you honestly talk to about a car? GORRUDy5S AUTO 6 R 0u P 410 STEELES AVENUE, IN MILTON 905-875-2277 WWW.GORRUDSAUTOGROUP.COM AIl puyments based $2000.00 downs payens. Ail taxe and adminstratio te in uddd in puyeis Liclu tee exraO ducs paymeni opion avulablu Onsi lInterl rate 7.45-/ al ,,uhcls 1999 andllnewutO9,4% for ,ohiclnl1998 and print iztA, o, n ro, 24o 72 t s dpnding on vhile ye Subject to erorad ossos, i" Here's just a sample of over 250 vehicles we have in stock. 2004 CIII TRAILILAZER LS 4X4 2W33 CHEV SONAMA IS X-CAB EXTREME 20 CHRYSIER SEBRINO LX Oîly 33,00kmilV auto, air, par Pl, tilt, croius Ouy23MkrillVt, suoo airup Petrr+Mn O0 0kmltV6, auto, air, Pa. Pi, p.Uai lim lab more. Batante of où warraîty $ aaautM aaa altaihrararrit 1 262655 $50.80 BI-WEEKLY f2,9 241100O 171 61 BI-WEEKLY $2.9 1#5196 ;7.9781WEEKLYS .9 2002 TOYOTA COROLLA CE 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 1991 VOLKSWAGON GOLF CL 0,ty 77,M Éarai At, air, Pi, kayaa remolit. onlil 02,M0 krill Auto, air, Par, pi mura. Duril 107,M ail 5 ap4+ air conitiliir. Blie ut Tupula araihim Baa.l aoaarattCra immaculti ideil & tf #858130 $115.48 BI-WEEKLY $1,9 4013791e T.$1.61.28 BI-WEEKLY $1,95 1 l39262 $,9 Champion buys 701 Gold Book distributed in Halton The Milton Canadian Champion announced toiday its purchase of the 701 Gold Book, a comprehensive business Intemel Web site and telephone direclory produced by InterInforma Inc. The Book is distributed with Metroland papers ini the markets of Hamilton, Brampton, Georgetown, Oakville. Burlington and Milton, providing con- sumers with individualized and local list- ings of businesses, gnvernment services, restaurants. enlertainment and cultural organizations. "We've been very impressed sînce the launch of the Book. litis a first-class prod- uct thal has shown greal growth,- said Ian Oliver, publisher of The Champion. "The Book will provide a perfect com- plement tc what we're providing, and somethîng of unique value toi nue rus- tomners.- David Turkstra, general manager of the 701 Marketing Group, said "The credibili- îy and resources of the Milton Champion will be a greal asset toi the Book. We've had business dealings with the Milton Champion and they have been great 10 work wîth. Their distribution system is excellent." The 701 Gold Book nffers a cnmpletely integraled print and nn-iine directnry, offering ronsumees îwo quick and conven- irot ways to find the information they are iooking for. Web site addresses are iisted alongsirle company names where applica- ble in the prînted version of the book. On- line. consumers cao access complete local directories in Hamilton, Brampton, Georgetown, Oakville, Burlington and Milton thrnugh a local Inlemel portal ai www.701.rom. 'Small ho use fire under investigation Arson may be tn blame for a blaze Monday aftemoon ut a Robert Street home. At press lime, the home contînued ten be the scene of a criminal investigation by Halton Regional Police, and a search war- rant for the home was being sought. "There are suspicinus circumnstances sur- rounding the fine and police are cnntinuing toi investigate as part of a criminal investi- gation," said Sgt. Jeif Corey Wednesday, adding the house would continue to, be locked down until the search had been exe- cuted. "We're holding the scene in the event something may not be accidentaI." Sgt. Corey said he couldn't give out fur- ther details surrounding the incident. The Milton Fiee Depariment was called at about 4 p.m. Monday toi the scene by a resident who had just retumed home 10 find a small tiee in a main-finor bedroom. Crews exîinguished the fie. which caused minimal damage estimated at about $5.000. - - There were no injuries.