Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 2004, p. 16

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SI n/I tp/me from DATELINE on page 15 welcomc. For more intormation, cati Gail Turner aI (905) 637- 2279 or e-mail her at gbuniy@cogeco.Ca. Sunday Sept. 19 The Milton 'Ferry Fox Run takes place ut E.C. Drury Hgh ~ww.halînet.on.ra/miltonhort. A meeting is held ut Sum Sherratt Public School. 649 Laurier Ave., trom 7 10 830 p.rn. for parental input regarding special edu- ration programs oftered by the Halton District Srhooi Board n north RatIon schoois. Tuesday Sept. 21 Schooi on Ontarjo Streci from 10 arn. 10 3 p.m. Ever'one s wel Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets ai 6:15 p.m. ai the corne 10 mn. walk, bike or rollerbiade. For more information, visit Milton Seniors' Activîty Centre, 500 Childs Dr. This is a non prof- www.miltonterryfoxrun.com. t, non-commercial weîght ioss support group. There is a minimal Monday Sept. 20 charge. For more information, cati Nuncy Nowak ai (905) 878 4025 or visit www.tops.org. The Milton and District Horticultural Society meets with improve communication md leadership skiils with the Milton Sean James discussing trees - cure, pmning and great varieties Toastmasters. Everyone is weicome to attend the meeting at the for ail sizes of gardens. The group meets ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Royal Royat Canadian Legion. 21 Chartes St. (upper levet). ai 7:30 p.m. Canadian Legion, 21 Charies St. For more information, visit For information, rail Alto Lahue ut (905) 877-3441. HeIp for Parents, a purent support group, meets n Burlinglon. Tins non denominationut self-support group heips parents of chu- dren who are in trouble ut home. di sehool or with the law or who are abusive or taking dmgs. The group sa meinher of Association of Purent Support Groups n Onturio. For urnes and directions, rail 1-800488-5666 or visit ssssw.apsgo.ca. Calling New Parents, a free program for parents and babies aged 6 months and younger. meets with a public heaith nurse 10 discuss purenting and infant rare. The group meets ai the Milton Communîty Resource Centre, 917 Nîpissîng Rd., from 1:30 10 3:30 p.m. For more information, caîl (905) 6934242. est. 7899. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic wîîh a rer- tified lactation consultant from 9:3(110 11:3(1 a.m. For more inlor- mation or 10 make an appoinîment, catI Jean Galles ai (905) 878- 2383, ext. 7030. St. John Ambulance meets aI the rommunity centre in Norval from 7 îo9 p.m. New volunteers are weicome. For more informa lion, cati (905) 877-7658. The Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton branch. holds ils annual generai meeting ai 6:30 p.m in the tofi room ai the Halion Region Museum on Tremainu Road. For more iniorma- lion, cati (905) 6934270. Weiispring Haiton-Peel. a support network for cancer patients and their families, hoids ils drop-in Gentie Yoga ciass from 1:3)) 10 3 p.m. aI 2545 Sixth Line 10 Oakviiie. il also hoids a spectal presentution cntilled 'Long Cancer: Symptom Management' from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more information or 10 register for the seminur, cati (905) 257-1988. The Millon Seniors' Arlîvîty Centre. 500 Chiids Dr., holds inlermediate une dancing frorn 7:30 îo 9 p.m. The rosi is $.50 for members and $550 for non members. il aiso holds ils Evening Euchre Party aI 7:30 p.m. And ils Downsizers Weigbi loss Club meets aI 10 arn. The rosI s $2 tor members and $4 for non- members. For more information, raIl (905) 875-1681. The Nelson Women's Institute mens aI i p.rn. New member', are weicome. Members wîit he collerting articles for the Mîlton Faîl Fairs 'Duiry Days'. For more information inrludîng the loca lion. rail Muisie aI (905) 878-5133 or Muvis ut (905) 336-0031. see more DATELINE on page 21

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