* Multi-cultural group upset by immigration resolution body." By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion A recent resolutian tabted by Ward 4 Councillor John Challinar on immigration bas receivrd strong reaction frars die Nordi Halton Cultural Awareness Council. Me. Challinor is calling an the federal gavernmrnt ta review its instoigration policy, identifying it as dit "root cause" of residential grawdi in die GTA thats putting a straus on mune~ipalities' ability ta maintain and drvelop iesfrastruc- ture and services. Bot North Haltan Cultural Awareness Council board member Judy Scannell said immigration isn't ta blame for die population explosion. "Ht assumes that this rapid growth is mainly a direct result af die 125,000 new onroigrants who amer in dit UTA tarte year," she said. "Tht implication is diat new immigrants ta Canada are con- tributing ta the immedeate growth being experienced in dit tawn af Milton. Yes. il is aur tbat same new immigrants att caming ta Milton, but dirse are very frw. Blaming new immigrants for dit construction of new bousing makes fia sense whatsarvte." Ster said tisat developers teuild bomes in Milton because theres a large job market diat will attraci bomeboyers. But, Me. Challinor said dit infor matian in bis resolution isn't as assomption, its a fact. "Its flot my opinion. Tht fact i Canada's existing population is ne reproducireg quickly enough ta provide us midi the growth nura- bers Ihat we're seeing," he said. He added that he's fiat btaming new Canadians for anythusg. "Again, they have misconsteoed the purpose of the resolutian," tee said. He explaissed that tee wants ta make tise immigration policy issue a focal point for debate tey Careadians, municipalities and tise federal and provincial goveen- ments. along with bringing it ta tise attention of tise upper levrîs ofgov- emment ttsat tisey have an obliga- tion ta help offset the cast of growth. Meanwhile, Ms Scannelt said ttsat land use planning is tise topic that should be tooked at. "hismigeation is flot the issue that needs ta be tackted here." she said. "Changes need ta tee made in tise way land use planning is conduce- ed. and us the way decisions about growtte are made with limited com- munity inpot." She added that witts Canada's drclining teints rate and aging pop- ulatiote, new immigrants are essen- tial ta betp ensure the availabitity of a skilted labour force down tise road. At a recette councit meeting, Mr Challinor explained tisat tees fia t advocating fia immigration. "The question is nat one of whc should tee pertnitted ta sente is e Canada. Radier, tise question is on of teow many should tee peranittet s ta sente in Canada," he said. t hope its flot misinterpreted by an~ He said tisaI so far, tees receiveil na complatists on bis resotutian, just positive fredback tisat "fmatty, somebody is standing up." Me. Challinor explaened the rationale behind his resalution in a letter ta council. It read that for mare Ihan a decade "as a direct consequence of federal instetigration palicy, atmost 1.5 million new Canadians have settled in the UTA, requiring tisat commuresties like Milton enter inta exhaustive, fiscaily complex and lang-term residentiat and commer- ciat/industrial development plan- ning and fmancing imtiatives ta hast supportive bousing and empînyment develapment so that these new Canadians might seule bere." It went on ta say that, "Required by law ta develap, fmance and maisstain infrastructure and pro- grant solutions ta tise chattenges created by 125,11(t) new Canadians settling each year in the GTA, tise Province and its municipalities find tiseroselves at one of three stages: at risk of tise tertaking point fusan- cially, at tise breaking point fusan- cially or teroken fmanciaily." The resolutian, wbich council supported. catted for the prime t mimster ta estabtiste a royal com- mission an immigration witte a s ane-year mandate ta review dit s federal govemments cureeni r etatorugratiots palicy. t Melanie Hennessey can hi t reached at mhemnessey@'flulrafl canadîanchampiOfl.CO~fl. 04 il Response expected Wed. frocs iIALTON onfao i ta corne be~ore regional council "Challenge the nee4 ta have die Wedneaday. A draft o! dec utunhaleit degece of gmwth deat'e paaed exclusive- shows dut staff deink ït's a gnod dace- ly simed aI dec Greater Golden ment. but want ta tmnsitsd dec Province Horaedue,"~ ha said. 'Have it aimed dut dec geowde strUtSgY elaewhere te whetn h needa h more antI would lie tant detivered dtraugh region- ceuld actuaily leandie it wlde tnuçh Ires ai meut local officiaI plan potines. captive impact." Mekmie Heane.esey cen tIr rreachedat A respuane te dec dlacsssi'ss puper mhennesse,@fltiltOACWI~I<I5a>'I(~hda~4Pt frein ragsoeeal saut inunscepal staff la set oncom. eam to fly with us! 820 Milton Blue Thunder Air Cadets IT'S FREE! IT'S FUN! * Free Trammg tn Aeronautecs and Open to everyone Theory of Flight Program ages 12-181 * Glider Flying Program - fly ina glider fonfrer * Free Pilot Ground School Training Open House * Free Flying ModelAircraft Club * Free Air Rifle Training & Registration * Precision Dru Team & Band Tuesday September 21 * Free summer camp with pay 7-9pm * Free unifouns Milton District High School * Free fun and fniendship! JOIN NOW! ~ * Fer more iclormalion ci: Ctnaiusisg Offleir- C~L Aibossas (906) l0l~3l61 or 1k. L Mati (906) 8751510 To celebrate this special month...The Canadian Champion will be runneng a contest en honour of special women who have helped form Canada's history. We are asktng students and youngsters te do one of the following based on the toptc lWhat Canadian Woenan in History most inspires you?" Poster Contest - Ages 6 to 12 Years Essay Contest - Ages 13 - 18 Years 1~ Conteat Rules' - Poster Size 8.5x1 i size paper, Essay 500-1200 words. Please describe * the woman in Canadian History, her accomplishments, hardships and hurdles she had to overcome and why she inspires you. -~ Prizea A Gift Certificate to Milton Mail will he awarded * to the lst and 2nd place winners in both age cate- g * i Deadhne for entries is September 24. The winning entries will be published in a Special Feature in the October 5/04 edition of the Canadian Champion. - Cahfomia ~ ~ Mississauga Notth Mississauga South If you have any questions please contact Joice at the Showroom Showroom ~I'N ~ / a ~ 335 Superbe Bird. 2528 Bristol Circle HY L Canadian Champion at 905-878-2341 ext. 241. Derry Rd./HighW~Y #lt Wtnatofl Churchill/Dondas uOt sPot -M rI1NE~~ (905) 565-6840 (beirOd Home tepot) Et~Ïîp1on ~ SuSmît entres to MamSLE.,MiItOflL9T4NS