Aduits can help teens adjust to sehool Startmng back at high school can be a tune of excitement and anxiety for both students and parents - new friends, new teachers and new challenges. As an adult, parent or caregiver, you can make a positive diffecence for teens by using the followmng tips. Balancing homework, sports, extracurricular activities and jobs Parents can introduce teens to a variety of activities and people and create a bal- ance of commitiments and intecests. Be suce lhey have down-time. " Teach trne management skills. " Wock logether to define cesponsibilities and consistent consequences. . Limit part-cime wnek to 15 hours a week. - Monitor activities and welI-being. Making friends and keeping friends Youth with slrong interpersonal skillt work well in gcoupt, cesolve interpectonal confliets peacefuifly and are confoctable sharing ideas and feelings. Share your personal struggles with cela- tionship confliets and be sensitive to teen frustrations. - Treat youc teens like you treat your fciends. " Welcomne their fiiends into your home. " Address confliets directly and negotiate solutions. . Seek support film the parents of their fciends. Surviving in a larger sebool, getting ls and competing for sports teams Teens are particulacly anxious about being embarTassed and nol finting ini. Parents can help plan foc these changes and solve pcoblems with teens. . Inctude familiar routines and people in the transition to high sehool. - Encourage teens to ask foc help. - Stay in touch with Uic school. - Recommend involvement in sehool social activities. TDealing with bullying, leasing, intimidation and violence Fciendships and good inteepeesonal skiils are Uic best defence againsi Intimidation. Watch for signs of trouble, invite discus- sion and problem-solve together. " Encourage suppoctive friendships. " Use discipline Uiat is film, not coercive. " Make sure Uiey have a plan if anyone tries tu biset Uiem. *Wock wiUi Uic school. Managing longer classes, exams, projecla and course choices Teens who are committed to leaming recognize Uic value of completing sehool. Parents can consult wiUi sehool staff and set cimte and space aaide foc homewock. " Expect then to do Uieir best. " Help set achievable goals. " Offer to quiz Uiem or listen to Uieir assignmnents. - Monitor their activities and sehool attendance. Keep talking wilh your teens Parenting a leen can be tough as weil as rewarding. Siaying involved is Uie key Io success and the easiest way to stay involved is 10 keep talking. Cornmunicating effectively wiUi youc teen takes praccice. - Ask a loi of questions - avoid state- ments or lectures. " Help Uiem solve their own pcoblems. " use music or TV 10 gel Uiem talking - "What do you Uiink about that?" - Give daily encouragement. Back to school time is an opportunity t consider evecytlsusg we do to keep leens HealthVH Notes 4 happy, healthy and safe. Contributing to the interesis, skills, expeniences and cela- tionships of ail teens wili have a lasting positive effeci on their lives. For more information, cail Uic Hallon Region HealUi Depactmnent at (905) 825- 6000, 1TY (905) 827-9833. Visit our Web site ai www.cegion.hal- Hcalth Notes is prepared by staff of the Halton Region Health Department. * F0011. Mlo tako Uirsi ml i'i.. olers Midis h it. 3S% 1 + Canadian Red Cross .I __________MARY MORE MODELS TrO CHOOSE 1 PMreoes, Baegandy Finish, Balance of Factoey Wareartyj Stk# P2281. W on cily V 2,O O fs bi uneaowuf $26y9951 vuamai, tltcrise, pte RN «" M, W MuuU, POflur W51 , p-m ie, - I t poser mirrors, only 12,000km. Balance of warranty. $0 DOWN__ Sk# P2282 $23e995 S#P27 2Oy995_ MWo * tIlt ceUse fo p sueeto, keyes loadl "dd PeteWhlte, fRe à"e leh htaelo bat- remote los kms. A beautyl ance of warrdnty, only 20,000km Stk# 5216A ~ . ,9 Stk# P2280 $239995 Tex mcil. plus NO PAYMENTS 90 DAYS AItWIena~ aege S, daere Cum cateail I0<dmi secondi $0 DOWN$795 Sk583 $99 _ UI sale pile Pliu fou,. aIl apllahlum e l m aMIcle lax admi ael4labY amarilsiad u te M 1, 0*t O .C. AM Oe Sanue lpreunlal fer lo i lal WServing Milton gelm For Ov;er 3 Generations CBIRLfODMBL 8784393 -3 i I