8--Thp Canadian Champion Tuesday September 14 2004 4SLw 7-28Cmmunity Page HolyRosary Sehool to take trip down memory Jane as it prepares to celebrate 5Oth anniversary ------- .......Full siate of activities in the works t V Ifor school's upcoming millestone Photu by GRAH-AM PAINE Former teacher Annette Lewin (left) and current principal Carol Cowan look through some old schoal memnorabilia as they prepare for Haly Rosary's 5Oth anniversary. By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion A sastudent at Holy Rosary Catholic School, Carol Cowan didn't expect she'd one day becomne its principal. Likewise, when Denise McCann attend- ed Holy Rosary, shte neyer dreamed she'd teach students like herself at that very school. And when Annette Lewin taught both of them in grade 6, she couldn't have imag- ined her grandson would be taught in the same grade by one of themn and would have as bis principal the other. It's a Small World' would seen to be the appropriate song at ibis point -at least for the Holy Rosary school community, where the small-town atmosphere is alîve and kicking. That's particularly truc fuse as former and prescrnt staff. students and parents corne together to prepare for the school's 5Oth anniversaey celebrations. On November 14, a celebratios mass and reunion ssill take place at 2 p.m. followed by a trip down metnory lune as guests tour classes deptcting vartous years tn the school's hisîory. A barbecue is set to loi low. "The classrooms in the school seili be set Up in five-year increments; with memora- bilia (from each five-year chunk)," said Carol Cowan, seho has been the principal aI Holy Rosary for lhree yeaes. Ms Cowan said she's lookiug forseard to seeiug old friends reuniled. "'Me ftrst thing 1 hope this dues is bring people togelher who haven't seen each other for a long time," she said. in May next year, a SOth anniversaey din- ner and dance seilI be held as a second part of the celebration. Ms Cowan said she has many happy memories of teaching, being principal and attending Holy Rosary. -It's a seonderful community atmos- phere. It's a happy school. The kids are happy" She said she still remnembers hec father volunteening in the early 1950s to build the original school building. which was tomn "6The flrst thing 1 hope titis does lis bring people together who haven't seen cacit other for a long tdms." dosen and replaced by a new une in 1999. The junior kindergarten to grade 8 sehool was grades I10 Il when she attend- ed, Ms Cowan said, as she remîîîisced about the schîîol 's early days. "hwas a well-run school , she said. "The teachers set standards high for aca- demies, socially and spiritually. The sebstol had a good reputation and that continsues. even ihough the old school was tom down." Althongh mnany things have changed since she aîtended. Ms Cosean said sehat's important bas remained the same. -The building bas changed. but the spirit of the school is su11I very nmuch the saine." Annette Lewiun. usho reîired lrom teach- ing tn 1999, satd she can still picture where Ms Coseati- then Ms McGinnis -and Ms McCann sat as students in ber class. "They were goud students,' shte said. Ms Lewein first begai teaching ai Holy Rosaey in 195.9, four years after it openrd. She cuntinued there for 26 years, hefore trausferring tu Our Lady of Victury School. She said she's louking forseard tu November 14's festivîties sehen she'l have a chance tu talk ssith former students and re-live memnories. "When 1 meet students (around tosen) they always talk about their days ai Holy Rosaey. It seems to meai a lut tu them." saîd Ms Lewin, seho's on the 5Ouh anniver- saey cummittee. Ms Lewein is asking former smudents, par- ents and staff to hring in any memorabilia they might have of the school and drop it off at the office before Nosember 14 sehen it seul bc used in the classroom displays. .Stephaîiic Thiessen taut lie reachled ai st/ties.seii@aniilfoiciiuisanc-'/iwpoiu sni. V\COGECQ. Cogeco Cable lbuly Local TelOviSi Channel 14 www.c"ogo.Ca 91,laPIgdIf 1,I NoRTS 145130 STU IO- p Kg n 0 Launer Plaza 6 0n 0-e581 V2n. 5- 500 Launer Avenue S..' 3 Mîlton, ON L9T 4R3 4 Programming Schedule - Tuesday, September 14 - Monday, September 20, 2004 Pl~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 1.ln LgdI' 9lin ug l l lmPfl n sS255s,, iicA,, 2,S "SportsZONE Live 910 Il- ugged n Il 12 30M 1 -0ý G-g.-n P.11 F., 5W 6p, %gwd n. à 7 30P. 5pnp.6k<dh! 5,, ' SVC ,n,,5 5 returns Monday, Sept. 2Oth, 8pm" A A A . i S...2 -................ & 12 <IPI 85W s,, SsqedIl-Û2S -ntwIý ml,_, Hal1w H'Ils cýý S.0 3 M'Yeo b-