RI21 -12 , ' ecstasy SRepair gosikeepfer î Barbara Putica gets holstsd atoll by bois- terous teammettes aller their double round shoot-ou victo- ry in Ssturdaey momn- Ing's semifnsi of et Lion$sSports Park Above rlgMt Lesle Wernhsm of -"mln cou. couldnIt quit. stop msrstho encounter, whil.e Brlsn's Auto ln ta second round 0f GRHA PAINE wlc Winning or losing - maybe it's ail in the attitude The bail is going directly at the hole. Il goes in. 1 win $15,000. This is at the Mayor's Touenament for the United Way Friday ai Granite Ridge. My teammates from The Champion had igreed, if one of us gels it in we give the others a $ 1.000. Tima Coles, production manager ai The Champion, mentions thai if he gels il in. he's nul buying the tradîtional round ai the club- house. he's skîpping oui of ihere. Gnod idea. 1 figure. wundering if that also meant skipping ont on your leammates and iheir $ 1.000. Imn going 10 keep an eye un him. We aIs» discuss the option ut jusi saymng we gui the hole-in-one, because we dun't see anybody waîching. and ibmn splilling the $15.000). Thai option îs dismîssed raîher quicly by my honesi teanimates. ai whîch point 1 also preend lo be honesi. We find oui when we gel closer Usai Ihere was somebody waîchîng, anyway. F.arlier ne had a clusest-to-the-hole compet 3, the wmnner of whîch won a couple fe Mohawk Inn. Editue Karen SmiUs wanted to when il n'as my tam lu, shoot she trîed lu -Under-lO boys finish with hug Season finales don't come much more evciting than Usîs. Peesevering Urough a highly-cunfronta- tional dloser lasi Tuesday in Cambridge, Milton's Under- 10 boys eep soccer squad sced wiih under Oive minutes remaining and then turned back a hage free kick by Useir hosîs in Use dying secunds uf play lu prevail 2-I. Il was Use Magic's only cumeback win of Use season. and just Useir fifUs overall in league play. Coming ouI front between Use pipes lu, don Use strikee's role un Use second half, Mitchell Adamson ended up ponting the golden goal -conveutiag a nifly cross- fred from Mackenzie Robertson in low. S tri ker-turnecl nelm inder Matîben Hanter shaeed Use spotlight wiîh soute cru- cial saves aI crunch lime. He also booîed the hall anay as lime ran ouI afîter mid- fielder Liam Robinson robbed Cambridge on a somewhat questionable lasI-minute free kick. Robinson also contributrd offensively. knottang Usings near Use end of Use first half. Also standing out were Ross Morgan, Connue Ramsden, E Adamu Blay, alI of whoî formances in Use eough "Il was great, a rea saîd coach Hugh Robin 'Me season-ending nv ow a heartbreaking 4-2 of Ancaster August 3 Park. Milton collapsed do gave up two goals in lth after deposits by RoI Entmnaa - about Use ut on Use night - kept vi> Girls volicybali tryouts set to starl The Waterdown Raiders Volîrybali Club begins tryouts for Useir Tryouts for the Under- 12 and Under- 14 tea 2004M15 season next week. wiUs tuyouts for Use Under-I15. Under- 16, Und Prospective players feom grades 5 to 12 will start audîtîonîng for squads starting at 8 p.m. une of six îeams Septembr 23 aI Waterdown District High There's a $20 camp admission per player. Sehool. wiUs other teyout sessions bring held on Septembr 27, teyiug out or learming more about Use club a Septembr 30 and Octobr 4. Nedereren ai (905) 628-0)582, -Oogedy Boogedy.- Oogedy Bougedy. I ftnished lourth oui of four peuple iin thai cumpetîttun. She didu't win ither. so serves ber rîphi. I neyer nin anything. At least aîîyîlîîg ini an îndividual compe- o Ut i titin. Vve won some awards and îeam cumpetîtions, but noîhinp on my Ovn. Iltbnk there are certain people sho have tha, killer instinct that helps themn wîn those thîngs. I don't have il. In laci. eft f ejW oîng back lu nîy childhood. ail mny rtbbons say 'pacticipant" on them. LVIol!I 1.cIà Meanwhile, halînay lu the hole. my hall is stîll on a pertec l hue. l'ml aleeady thinking whaî I could spend my $12.091 un, not to ilion ai another Pa mention the ibrîll of a hole-in-otte. And l'm cuîîîemplatîng ebreakfasts ai the whether or nul I'd really have to gîve $1.000) each lu my îeam- win this pnize. and mates. jix me by saying: Aetually. I can win events that have cards te itheru. You can a debale among yourselves whether poker is a sport or nul, but îhey e W~J show il on TSN, su I say ilis. I've won several poker tournaments. in suI could win more of îhemn if I had a killer instinct and put peu- ple away. ,ric Schroder and One lime. I reached the final table on an on-hune tournament. n offered gutsy per- Evenîually, there were unly five peuple left. oui uf the I(X) or set showdown. who sîarled. l'm in fifth place. with lîtile hope of movîng up. Thai 1 chaeacter effort:' was my attitude: lmn not likely lu win, su I wonlt. Ison. 1 had lu go tu an appoinîment. su I asked my uldest daughter tu in helped overshad- play it out for me. SIe knos how lu play Texas Hold 'Em. but defeat ai the hands duesuli have the experience. knowledge and acquied skîlls nec- .0 aI Lions Sports essaey lu wîn. Not lîke I do. When I gut home an houe later, I leamed she had won the wbole svn Use snretch and toumameni. I would have peetty much conceded and been happy ie final few minutes wiUs fifth place. bertson and Kevin Maybe Usai's the difference between winnees and losers. tly îwu bnight spots Winnîees think Uscy're gomng to, wmn, and losees thiuk Useyere gomng ctory hopes alive. tu lose. Then we gel what we Usmnk we're going lu, gel. Now, if my daugbter sees Usai I've got to, Use fmnal table, she asks me hatf-jok- 50011 mgly if I wanî her lu finish it off. And I Usink seeiously about i because I know l'm more likely Io lose Usan wîn. The hall is nuw almnst three-quarters of the way te, Use hole, and ms begmn ai 6 p.. ru s pretîy mach a sure thiug. Imn geltmig ready te, do a dance. My ee- 17 and Under- 18 heart is beatmng more eapîdly. But, then a strange thmng happeus. alihougu nutlo10 sîrange luer Those inîeresîed in me. The bail] starts te, carve. Il canves and curses antil il's (ivr the re asked lu caîl Jus fence lu the left of the hole and o>11 of bounds. I lose agaîn. but nu big deal. l'm ased le>it. --à