The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Soptember 14, 2004-B7 If you have any questions these professionals cani answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Open to midnîght, 7 de s a week Carriage Square, 265 Mali, Sit. E DW 905"78-4492 ROSS Question. Haw do t treat a Ber or Wasp sting and is thrre anything 1 can do ta asoiti themt? Il is estiinated tisai one person tn etery l00 is senerely allergsc la sting- i ng toseci tenant Eacis yean dealhs result front stiog reactsoos. Most people stuog miii esperience a local reaction ith redness. pain, smellixg, and tomne iîcbiog only as tise sîsog site. This asually hogtns 2 t0 60 ntintes after tise sîîng. Normatly [ts reactton mtll go amay in a fem houes. Sonne people may hase a langer local reacîson tisai tasts for days. Tise more setere ailergsc roactions miii intotte genoralireti itch- ing, bines, thortnets of breatis, mheoziog. nausea and abdonal cramps. These requtre immetiale trealment and a sissi 10 tise emergency roont. Tise mosi sevore reacion leads ta dstftcully broathiog, and or smallowing. a drop in bloond pressure and uoconsciousness. This con alI happen mihin 5 go 30 misnutes and is catieti anophytactic shock. This reqxirrt emergency medscal trealimeni as doa[b con occue mihio 30 If pou are ssxng yos sisossi ciseck to sec if [bo be lefs a stingor hohinti Only [he Honey Bee bas a barbed stingor, misicis msll ho lefs in tise skin. '~If a stisger ss tefs il shoutd ho smumediatrly scraped off as il lakes 210e 3 minutes for tise teom sac te sujoci ail ils vneurn. The area sisoutd ho masiset carefutty mils soap anti mater. A cotti or ice pack con ho applird anti afier a pasie of baking soda anti mater can ho applieti anti tefs on for 1510e20 minutes. Otiser [test aid eanms[bit an anaes[betic con ho uteti or a hytirocortisone amantm. Dabbing ammoma may also hetp tise pain anti itchsng. Oral antthistantines con hoe takeo te retixce tise reaction, anti acotaininophen con hotp tise pain. Higisîn sensitive portons thoutti almays hase an Epi-pen mith them. To preseut homng stxng ssay antan front iies anti the nosts of stingmng insoris, as [bey con ho aggresstse if protoketi. If you [mnd a net, marn othors about tl anti contact a professional ontrtnnalor. Shoutti a bee or masp fly noe pou, stomty raise your anus 10 proteat your face ondi stand stili or slomty moto amay. Noter moto rapitily anti noter steike or sming ast a masp or bre. Anoiti fragrances, donit mear brigistin cotoureti clthing anti ho carofat if eaîing outiloors t0 keep footi anti honerages cotereti. Por any other concerts, contact your Heat Watcis Phuintacit. I~~ICarpet *Vînyl -Ceramics a Hardwood Paint - Wallcoverings Sisownont RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Gealdlna Hasisath 84S Md@ li. E. MIN«U 878-420 Why Choose Vinyl? When one thinks of vmnyl flooring, we tend toi Put il mnto a lower category than wood or ceransic. This isn't necessarily the case. By today's standards, it cati be an excellent choice 10 make. When searching for a floor, remember a good vmnyt floor has great resilience & being warmer than ceramic and not as hard on the feet. Gone are the smooth shiny show ail surfaces. Now look at amazing stone, siate, even wood effects. The floor i our showroom proves the point & stands up 10, commercial t.raffic & everyone swears it's ceramic. Both Mannington and Armstrong, leaders in the industry do their homework with strength & design for the competitive market. When helping you decorate itts important that your floor looks reatty Sharp while il suits & stands up 10 thse traffic. Vinyl defiately is a good choice. From basement 10 hedrocsms, great for allcrgies looi! Within the next few weeks, thse hot off the shelf designs will he here, s0 let's decorate & be a little c .... Ca ott MORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE bai 251 Main St. E. Suite 201, Miltas Heat ice:t 52u9 inor Die, Baise 101, Missssssagi, ON L4W 5M8 A GMAC contexon 90)5.878.7213 ww.trafe.otagac Cabin lever? Mortgaging for recreation properties Ail acrosCaa i 'e seog te roeiniaai propery markeontinu Ioao thrasgh the cedaihn gied mi. Ids epet pcilimotie e nîshch bmantosekg a pelt> o anumboîuit mtotal proptte ailahb The toto ac n o htn peak inont Years and have iesflted fran torpeodidcioinflic alains on thi pmay hoe.Ad aes e omtsinte r outg evlakrSait bach am ski ioje - miaatforathe ptrectgeuawao Wencomgetfini îbmtheguend tett f elucturog tasy:eas engenteriy chmgrinaaînaîe -igd m give heio naitf sipsna wu f iefetheismmer scu i. Bt ay. coatoal prpert aktsn:are rpeo a uningosoooîintooadons trn oain-inmticsipit gi yi 1x om oations. Tadyecooappery i c s. ,(i Ogant faon Iîay ot waefroi homes neon -sybe noium,ski chaetadt Itsine ýropcIets Maof athe taiiatyle cotagesarc til taing dof cours and they aill fo top do]- o h neoaionhaiiey atuiî: cnne otemarket Boreadur avrgCaahaveos: tison fee:Le'eling forfa ecicatilprpen holà a. iutdnlneharoîahthfeircyo iet And fo mayi he oaliuithibl:esem scnhisîoncaiy las omie rae ve the li few years -tad goeiato daiîity for miaif Caidiant. Butifiancitgna rionaiprpert) is mr halning [gh fundng apncpaidene laditionsi iesdigtnsiuiotypaiviitd aeodmts àsa muhitos desisivstint. Purhaiera ften adii o ak oi an uiy m a scndîa g e on terpcpalssdeceiore atuo boythe rciaonproperry But he lig ladaape ha he chagii he pcîs ewye Weiegig t, ecarsoe ridaes have diatipeti Oesibm rot gage podsanpolshi mspcfily deined fut Mfl i]propermaret. The ptine i issit Courdians nso arcn gg iodoit oage Raando tpe m. bc abis to bypaus a vrialnigitfaopnin th doan mi mhîehsone eide thj ned. Recretomi prpetýmoigge mavilbl loroý-ýpid ecndprpeti : ig ieao di ndm - .nefied, mit utem1 ipt cntidow û iras r h gon ottit.And i n mcas, 10 pet centidown cd gtyo ac ucisontnamsiny mrk f ytquaify Tgialy,dficvaaton pop 0fr ntd Io be locait in a kxown vacation m. have apprvd piumi ad yetit tond ce Aned do yow homwois. In meiy's "cad mmntaîmit popofmr source puchiso have mtdge inthe nuhicpiacehoeas tdny m cah buymr Toit iil he playig Cki.hyers ho fnncu hoe prchose ay nmciittacntdIoa ilsioa liptrmin eiapx cybow h dey qui- ile fortiefrt Iunthxg ihor nth. Fso. rcnati rpery i rcieinvethoie ithrts i naetrorne mnam. But the allat is uuly r esiala oenagte o&ofe leturnes a synholicetr o fafiv ifeîishee frisormoîgttli àlge ndisgeiihies ilatidtam Cnnnu atvtl ard tiaditins If yoedaing ofyouro« teoch sumetor he pefwskth o ayo dos, egn ilimr auv a vih ameoggt profeotîsui Yooor on twy cfd be os hayo tioh flBARROW FAMILY # CHIROPRACTIC ' 180 Ontario St. S. MiltonF i (905) 878-4994 D, ,gea U-n Fax:(905) 875-4485 Email: drabarrow@&sympatico.ca1 BOC BACS WHAT EVERY PARENT & STUDëbNT SHOIJLD KNOW A ecent s10dy mndicated [bat "stadoots misa carry packs mrîging 25% e o [beir body rîigis exititeti balanar pntbtems while perfoeming normal activties ssch as climhing stases or openang tionet, in tant incmeasmng theit eisk of tuils. In contrant. sttientt miso camiet packs meighing 10=-15% ni [ber bodiy mrighi mauntaieti r balance motierulely meti"- As surnamer has corne to aclose anti escitement of anent sahool yeae haâ hogun, mentant te make tant yoa gel starleti on the rigisi foot. Betont is a lini of renssmentiatin for isuckpack use: t. Wear batkh asaoulder strapa. Weueiug a bxckpack oner one shouttier caxx- ns a persoe ta compeusose tue the imbalance ot weigisi by leantng teuns sie. This cuses carting of the spmne micis, otertime. leatis t0 upper anti tomer back pain, su ineti shouttient anti neck, anti eve functionat scoiom six. f (note: Thle one-strup hugu [bat hune bren the ruge oser tbe lons couple of years are mnst tiefinttety NOT recommentie for the taine miaione it ecd ahove.f 2. Dlatrlbutlng welgbt essenin acense yaae back. Louth [e pack so [bas tht iseatiesi items ure rigit amit te yu iack. 3. Adjuax soulder strapu su tise pack fits chose ta tihe appas part ai yase back. Tis fusilier a hackpack's louti is tromt noue huck. [be mont il puis pou isackwueti anti stuins muscles brImera noue sisoultiers. 4. tise tise sealal bail anti side/cist straps. Keeping the pack close t0 ynu ips sifts "moek" t0 noue legs. 5. Tisa batitait sisuld rsat in tise carve of yaur iawer back and tise tais taach juat belant sIuder imvel. b. Tep te malle, fequent trips ta pae lnciser hoaren classes ta replac, books. As a ciropracter mn taras it ou the spîne anti mont upecifically, ifs anpar on [he ueroas snssrm andi the nertous tpslem's uiiny te fuancion us an Onui mal lesel. Impropr use of a barkpark con arrose stress ananot spine cas ing soblantations. Sabtasanions are amcas of youe spme [bat ont mîsaligord Tise s aligontents cause iefeena in nerte flbm thas allering commu nicaion alnng[thepaillenmnyoarbrain cownnyeuxspinal cord outth nerves. 10 ait of the muscles. tsssaes anti argons of pour body . m he chonsing a barkpack, foilont nue recommendaBoos n oue citits boal tirpents on it Affilllated wlth N.F. Insurance Agency Inc. Toi: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 Llautan MCFPRHU 420 Main Street Est, Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 Q: My daugister is going ta scisuol in Maistreai. Wii she be coseed by 0H11'? A: OHlP provides basc medcal coveragewhie in Ontario and fr short termi trasel front Otttarto ta other provinces (anti ta other counries). OHiP wtli only pay mhat tl wouid pay in Otario - not more. Medical esponse rates in cillerprovinces are notthe saine as inOntarioo If your chitd wili hcout of the prov'ince for an extendest peniod of tinte f(mare thon 212 dans) and plans ta reoam ta Ontario after thai usneOHIP caseragemilcontinue to bc etendedstb em -pro- sided thry qaaltfy and provided tisat they apply! To qualify nos must apply for estentird coserage. Whrther out of the province for school, or for employment, it is nrcessary to mnite to the Ontario Minstry of Health and Long TrtCaeand advse thent of the timing and drtails of yosr extended absence fincludtog a letter of acceptance front tise odocattonal institution) and sndtcat- ing that poa wili retoro t0 Ontario ait the end of the teon. While 0H11' protides basic hralth tnsseoncrantenage. tl dans not caser ail aspects ot health tosurance. The Ministry recommenda [bat additionai pnsate insarance coteenge hoe obtained. Titis may ho ihoough tise parent's company honeit plan for dependants, fYeu shoutti checks with yoor employrr on tis), or througb prisate trat- et mnsurancr. Monrp Concepts -Mdlton represents comparies mhsch protide appropeite tratel healtis insuranco. For furthrr detatis, ptree cali 905-878-0940. %EàGONO Denier Services Canada Inc. .,Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist Wakefield Professional Centre 1 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr.Ro Sroan 905-878-5882 Oplitauisa Mon-Tis 9-6, Weti-Fri 9-5, Taea 9-8 Satnrtiay AM by appoinlment Tis colonne ss dedicated la tise edncalioo an vsion care. tht hslanik [bis meek on rrcogstion atoll the people miso hase aost [boit ubîl- iîy te mati due ta thoir physical hoal[b. Visinn is pretersei mith regalar ara- lue isealth examnasos yearty front the age of b mnt[s. Il caunol ho replaceti. I on dedthault 1 the presernulian anti educason ai poar vision. Mot people mho isase lost [te vsiîn clonty titi nos knom wai h[ey titi or thti Mt do. I w,