Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 2004, p. 20

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20- T T BEARDMORE LEATHERS Commission Sales corporele Prmotions Department Reqaîres individuel wittr Strong reserc sWIIs LonT g-Teni Care Unr'ortunities -Computer sperbse Effectuve phone monter Proverr or§arozab"oa sill if you ama dedicated, caring, client-fat sed Professional anud you wish to woru mn an Excellent opportuvrty for a sen-otorer ,evoar A team player - home worir possrible envro ent wher the eesident is at the centre of catie and customter service is a Appfy by fax t10519-853-9494 or by fr consntment, consider foirnt oue Servtce% for Seniors term Wr are prepane tu open email to: îobs@beordmorelealirers.cr cvm Post Inn Vtjse*, ove 228-Ored iong-termi care home Iocated mn a ueautoft com nnty Please rofermnce Jo 1250 semins mn Oakerlle, and are recemotr for the fohlosemig Pnosit)fl Tommy Bahama Ref ail, thre purveyor of îolaod lfetese irao carier openings for fas Downtown Oakarille locaioo We are Iooking for eoperienced retail profeooiooalo for the folfowing positions Full lime & Part time SALES ASSOCIATES l5eos forward reoomîo fo: rbetareera@iaytex.com WANTED Higfrfy energetic individuel for buoy chirc- practic clinic. 00e prefer 1ha1 yoO have 8 legs, 4 arma, 2 heado, con do 10 tiringo aI once and treaf oor patients like royalty. Full1- lime position, invving eveniogo. Please fax reoume 10: 905-827-6945 OnIy taccesstal applicants wiii be contactedl. MANAGERS Richtree foc.; operotor of lire Marche, Marchelino and Mooenpick Restaurants os openmng o Quicir Service Restaurant in Milton. Do yoo have o prooeni track record on iropitality management and otrong business ocomen' We offer an attractive salary witir henefito. Send your reaumne witir sailri expectatiana ta hr@richtree.ca TACO BELL SHIFT MANAGER Weoffer a competiive s1aling salay, benefil ackage & oppo«uity for advancemrent. Email Resuie to: sboyce@twiflcorpilc.cOm Or Apply at Taco Bell: W4 Trafalgar Rd EXPERIENCED- FINE DINING SERVERS- are required. Please fax resume Mention: Colleen at fax: 905-73-6270 t;sEN ,055m50 FULL AND PART TIME POSITONS Neit Orleans Pizza os oeeking staff for dos Actor loca- tion, A vuriety of oiîh ovo:loble; evenirg clouing shiftsanod day openivg sits. including iteekendo. Experience in tire food uervice industry preforreut but edling to train. Must ie mature, wil orgonizeut ond poaxess frindfy public relatior SkîIS. Spl in persneta Nea Orleans Pizza in Oie Oobey'v Plaza Wanted Delivery Ddvers f0 start immediately. Casir paîd daily. Varfefy of siffs available. Appl in person Sobes plaza, Acton Reglstered Nurses (#SS-188-04) kla Reglstered Practical Nurses (#SS-189-04) 'y Personal Support Workers (#SS-190-04) g M Dletary Aides (#SS-191-04) 0- For further mnfortnatian on apply g for tese and irîher career cippotamntes, pleaur vistt ose website au www.reglotchaltorLon.ca. Wr encourage youtaeb appty online. if you do nat have accrus ta the tuternet. yov may fax your resumne, sodicatmng te competition oumiver of mnterest, ta 905-825-1032. Please amOttate if yau aminterestet in ful-tsr andt/or part-oime emplameut. T ailk to us about employmeat with Haltos Revion, visitovue booto au the Halton Region Business Development Centres Job Fair alat Thursday, September 16, 2004, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Halton Regional Centre Auditoriumi 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville *Occupancy information for Post Inn ViOage is avaitabte on îour website. ih, R,,ntiuia1 ii: ii, ,iT oo'/coopu Mi, iiowk ait uondÛidi ., tili vi'e, liose ii'e Ouvs'ised act.iLte *Q ' io , if i ici ,i,ý',l St. Peter's We are seeklng enttrasiastic, commltted RN's, RPN's and PSW's If y00 ore întereoted in prioate home rare and staff relief, opportunitieo exiol 10 deoelop your coreer in an enoîronmno liraI oNfero o compreirenoioe orientaion, mentoriog by our Clioicol Managers, in service edo- ration and a oanied client brase. Please fotward your resume, aitir coeeriog laCter, specîfying posjiton, 10: Ms. Dies Zantn, V.P. & Geinerai Manager 760 Brant St, Ste 48, Barlngton, ON L7It 487 Fax: 905-634-6066 - Emai: dzanin@ttpeleu.ca www.stpetes.ca DENTAL REÈCEPTIONIST FoIltime fort8 munIr materofty laae Minimum of 2 yearo Dental eoperievce Credidviewilfritannia area. Gualit est applicantu onty Please fax resume ta: 905-26-6642 AIS RELIANCE INOUSIRIAL GROUP BAYSHORE HEALIS CARLE vLOCKBUSTER BURLINGOO FAMILY YMCA eVRLINOTON POST CIRCULATION CANAOIAS ARMEO FORCES CARMEN'S CATERINO CLINIDATA CREOIT INSTITUTE 0F CANADA o ILNtY EXIT REALII GOODLIFE FIINENS HALTON CAISOLIC DISTRICTS( BOARD 5CR PERSONNEL SOLUTIONS SOMEWELL HEALTH CANE INVESTORS OROUF I MICHAELS LITTLE OPOUO', THE LYS GAR NIAGAROA SKILLS COLLEOF NOVA OROUP OAKVILLE FAMILY YMCA PRIME SICA WOODVIEW CHILDREN'S CENTRE requimus a permanient fol-im Chioi and Yoettr Worker in Acton tCiid and Voutr Worker Dipfoma, or equtiafet *Minmum 2 yearo expenience 'Demoriotraled staf woring irom strengtir-baoed., clint-centered roincal perspecive eir cildren and t1hi familieo 'Eopenience wli recratn aoutdocvr octivteOs 'Abifity 10 worh an part of mufhdioipfinary leam *Excellent aerliwren rammunication aIa *A val id F dnveÊs f cewo EooerOal requiremnerit of Oie Jorecessitate lire preseoc Of a mule peruori, onir maisasppicaros Mil ie ccetetlered. Hu- manl Ros ode, Secioi24 (1)<(b). FluBse fonwffd reaam by Seplteber 20, 2004 by fao or emait ta: emai: woe@odwciritreltttre.celn Fa: 519-053-4899 -------------------- i Are You LookingfZr; l * Great Job Opportunity or Need Addltionat Expertence ta * get tntoTeachera Collage? *-Why nt mark in one ot Our YMVCA * Betore/Atter Schrofl Child Csre * Pragrams? * ECE Chfld & Youth or Reoreational Idiploma applicants welcomne' *If yaLi arn inteeed, orer 18i yeara of age and have poreriooo sopeerence working wifr childrmn 5-12 years oid, pieaoe send *yoîar reoame wdth cover letter ta: K arsen Westwlck, Ron Edwards Fatnlly VUCAI 5 00 Drary LUne, Burllngton, ON L7R 2X2 1 Fa.: 95«0333-17i7 * Ernail: karen wentwick@nntca.na 1 KI-ý- " ý 1 1.." 16 -- - - - - -- - - - HIRING IN: Medical Fielu ci Cler ical hales Retail -Restaurant - I.T. -General Labou r *Careers - Service lndustry OFFERING: -Training & Skiffs Upgrading Facifities Find the ' ht «b PARTICIPATING EXHIBITORt INCLUDE: RAMAOA INN REGIONAL MUNLCIPALITY OF HALTON SHERIDAN COLLIGE SPHERION ST, ELIZABETiH'mH-EALIfI CAREVINEYARD ESTATE WINES WEE WATCHWENDY'S RESTAURANT WOMAN'S CLUS Oh NON For Information MIRLNTONCST THE 0AKVII5LE BEAVER Cali 905-632-4440 Cf anabian <ham nu~ FLAMIJOIOUGU Review Attend ose Job Fair betnu hetd au te talasingrmstaurant: 505 1 Ilarvester Rtoad (at Applmby Line) Wmnmsday. Septemb>er 1S, 3:00 pm - 7:00 prn Saturday, September 1B. 9:00 amn - noon WVe otfer ttsmibtr shra. pasi tsraining. as exctang surel envrmnment, great pay and disutîsatesimeat. tf pou ra miake It. ptnase issx ynsr resume ta: (905) 849-6608 or drop by thti ation anysurne t iltout an appliation. MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL GARAGE SALE AUXILIARY GARAGE S ALE Sut. Sept. 18 * 8AM-Noon .t lIbe Huspitl -Fr#$ Parn" Sot. Sept. 18 * 8AM NOON 605 Churchill Ave. Donations Orateiullp macillai ai the Furniture, à Causeitntd items1 swithaodhrsl t day Saptember ît Raie Date: Sun. Sept. 19111 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sot. Sept. 18 - 8AM-Noon Sot. Sept. 18 -8AM- 1PM 884 Morley Ave. 481 Bell St. Hsusehold items, sl TV tand, 5' ai ding doue à musc mse GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE FUNDRAISER FOR MILTON MINOR Msat.0Sept 18 * 9AM-Nooni ADAM DOUBLE A HOCKEY 717 Syer Dr. Sot. Sept. 18 -7:30AM-1 PM Stmethinu teor Everysnnl Memorli Arema (Thonipson Rd) 7ARGE SALE Sot 1 at Sept 18t - 8AM 1PMGAAG SL 1579 EarI Cres.StSp 8i A P (Darry NI.td îeuau> 5519 Sixtb Line <Sea. Tliis, InEal (Btwn. Britannia /Lower Basa Lino) Computer diskant haibes, hsusehil itemsSmein sevrrne Raie? ne Sttnlne §:.ý=Ao"0reer Fuir,

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