2-Tf/s Canadian qF4// P T pt mý, F 4 9004 I TOOTÀ2ÔO4s GOPING G3O GOING,1 With these rates., they won'ft last long! COING GOING Hm2004 Highlander V6 2004RAV $36,900 MSRP $26,400 SRP , PURCHASE 4 d% PURCHASE FINANCING' 1FliVANCIN' lu - -3ý,.Y q 5p.enýj raco s-e . 43 - AB A, ,.«ýg4W rill //404, nd-,/30BsAýý t,on.4/// 40 AM*/4 x/114/5////.d// FM /44a,d /4/M0 /O/50 0,1,sA $45,345 MSRP l y PURCHASE 1 ' ' -/oet 905 875-1700 GOING L X I2004 Sienna CE $30,000 MSRP 9%PURCHASE 2. %q-FINANCIV& "<'a-fl tFnnigplats Sasm Toyota Fnancia services. O AC Oftaîs vald ont 2004 Camry/Higttlattda4RAV4O490t1r/Son Lcense registratiote, e suraice and tuoes extra ASRP of $24 '800'$36.900$26ý400/$45.345/ 000 Finance exaotple: $20,000 ail 01 / "1,9/O9% pet ann1/o e<poalo$571.il1$571.98/$580 74 par 1,445 for 36 oths. C 0$9 s $559>46591 2841906,64 for a total obligatio of $20 *559 96420.591,28/$20.906.64 1 8% no totot purchase tonaotog lor 90 Ito otts avatiabto on the 2004 Carnty, 1 9% no /01/t poîchase tt/aîtaltg for up to 36 ttt/hs avaltable on the 2004 Higt/tandaî RASA4/t/nnr 29 ".to lImèt purchase f104001/g forI 6toi36 mtonthS avattabla On the 2004 sienne. Theare aote lime4 /s offert; Please see four parlicipatitg Toyota Dealat tor coota/te data/as Dealer otay se//tfor es Donations sought for hurricane victims Huricane Ivan is the most powerful hur- ricane to hit the Caribbean in the last decade. In Grenada alone, more than a dozen people have died, 90 per cent of the buildings have been destroyed or damaged, more Ihan 50,000 people are homeless and there's no water or electnicity. The Canadian Red Cross is respondmng by sending cash and preparing to deploy staff specialized in logistics and water san- itation 10 the region. Il's also asking for the public's fmnancial support. The Red Cross is contributing $50,000 in addition $0 $50,000 fromi Scotiabank, ear- marked for Granada. Canadians are encouraged bo support the relief efforts by making a cash donation in support of the international Red Cross's worldwide pre- liminary appeal for $1.79 million. Funds raised wiil help provide shelter materials. food, blankets, kitchen sets, hygiene items and ierr cans 10 10,000 of tIhe most vulnerable people affected. In recenl days, Hurricane Ivan has lefI a horrific patb of destruction --hîtting some of the poorest countries in the Eastern Caribbean. 1$ bas wreaked havoc, sîarting September 5 as a calegory foar hurricane, Ihen gatbering strength 10 become acae gory five storru, the highest possible. 1$ bas lef death and destruction in its wake, hiltiog Barbados. St. Lucia, St. Vincent. the Grenadines. Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and thse Cayman Islands. At press lime yesîerday, il was approaching Cuba and Florida.- T'Me situation in Grenada is extremely seriaus. Thse Grenada Red Cross Society headqoanters was anoong the mosl serioos- ly damiaged buildings. Il bas relocaled ils emergency operations centre to one of the shelters. The sub-regional office in Tninidad and Tobago is following the silo- ation closely. "The destruction caused by Hurricane Ivan is devastating some of the mosl yul- nerable countries in thse Eastern Caribbea. said José Garcia-Lozano, depuly director of International Programs, the Canadian Red Cross. "The people impacted by this disaster urgently need assistance 10 simply covier Iheir basic needs for items such as food, dlean water and shelter. Through tIse generous support of individual Canadians and corporations, we are one step dloser 10 making that help a reality.' Canadians requesting information about family members in thse affected region may contact the North Hallon Red Cross branch. At presenl, tIse priority is on the emergency relief operalion. But in the coming days the Red Cross, through ils Resloring Family Links program, will begin processing tracing requesîs. Canadians wîshing 10 make linancial donations may donate aI www.redcross.ca, caîl the North Halton Red Cross branch aI (905) 875-1459 or cal] 1-800-418-1111. The 24-hour toll-free line accepts Visa and MasteiCard. Cheques should be made payable 10 the Canadian Red Cross, ear- maeked '2004 Hurricane Relief and mailed to Canadian Red Cross National Office, 170 Metcalfe St., suite 300, Ottawa, Ont., K2P 2P2. Donations of gonds aren't accepted.For înformatîon on how Red Cross manages donations, vîsit the 'How we care for your donations' section aI www.redcross.ca. :MILTON Toyo ýTAý