IS0 registered cteariing company seeking tutt lime, heavy deuty ctearsers. Att shifts, muet have own transportation, uniforme pro vided. benetito avattabte, witling to train. Pieuse us. sefeane #e18s Fax emese 519-650-8432 or %0l cesumes 927 Ring St E, 2»d Ier, Site B CumbrtIe Ont, N3R 3P4 I okn . u FLssersix it PTIO#05T5 I UGiiTiNDiitiWhJ.. . le xil Cal SiisiTanlad 9586154~ ASSEMBLY luin 9o5111,4789 r 5nplyuhnIt voue resume 'i .04u ecit. e liWAVT tuuiVlmtNi IulltiIRIUI Reqaired by Earthmeving Contracter. Muet have a vailt drivers license and retial transport. Espearience preferred but net necesaiy. Fan resume to: 519453-4845 JOBS OUT THE WAZOOI lmmediate Posittions Available for: GENERAL LABOURERS FORKLIFT mcd MACHINE OPERATORS MIG WELDERS (NOtl-CER11FIED) Pay rates start hetlween $9 - $15.50 Fal mmfe. Part Tisne "xdTwrrpsry opportun"le Wfttn n Georgetown, Brampttn Mitaendi surmnding areas Pieus cet 90-M-1 1466 ter mnsedmate appoininent Or tas reaumne tei 9M5-77-2411 SEARS Dynaral, exciting, comratted ta Uncempromiaaeg customer service.. We neeri top notch people te hell usnet the Mepleview Store Coffnei we ars leMOkl for paif-lime assiclales litMO mui eorles of lme store Veu're hetptsl, tricndty, effergetic & havesa histery et previdtng escettence in castomer service and have flexibte avaitability. We etter a geset compensation & benetit package and a chance te wetit with a successtut and progressive ratait teant. Midwd Mili mit Avi., Umitu Tte human teseaices depadtmeet s iscated tan Catalogue on te appui teveli Applications wiii bu accepled 9:30-4pm Suptembur l3th-25tit Seins Canada is an eqoai oppaefidni employeir SPECIAL NEEDS WORKERS Nit successiel candidates ciii lie inlereste in cerling cilli chiidren or aduits wi deveIsprnevtl disubililies in ti Hillon regien. Previtte parent reliet et teucli nec sils, Patevt directeil Fax i- - 1u1115o8eht menitio estîmatîn an assetso Msecharfesinal Euchngn Mi yrs experence, r iosEra.i Laberor ses a muitleim day an seenng Engiisehania ni ecm ikllgistIvw Guo A I/optr sill, GMtn. Aul imiyan nis s Reorting te the Riequirements: minimum e rience; universit degfeu a0 ma; protessiona orai? anda skiiis; abiliiy toi muiti-task; a fast paced et Moussi torwîrd you morehi.eulewk@i Cheryl Crai! Order pickersl Packersn (Oabville) Tempor Muai have saler meilabte transpora operaters mast Pieuse fax resaines know the w ail Totemi eue wannant teu& woek in a fliste enviex, We offeusa spportive eî trarning oppornonities isenefies. Ant dase interesteti, pte locatons i Oakvftter à&" Gra 311 M.ekGroeDa Osevilte 5,6J4W. Qitiy thnse candidat soute1 ys ix The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 14, 2004-19 ESTABL.ISHED The Fiast 011 & Lube Shop AUTOMOTIV REPAIE SHOP aea Looing tor EXPERIENCEO AUTOMOTIVI Buniioglon location ix ENMMMFR Clcs. A Tnehuçia or 3rd YeSa &Aou ceir U!TC ICA currentiy accxpting juirSrieStuC ing puyd$10/$12hr pion profit slraring ap o suou wuts strong antis ethic andi dedicated te Mi cal & dutai benelils, Perm. Salis purcitasing and ochedal oustumer satisftaion. ouwarding automolîxe position Woodwonking & and ot£ procurement an Competitive viages and Beneftis Ideal candidate cil taxe goed communication tkîils. gaîdenino skris a ex gnation requied. Min. Pieuse sevd resume tCx. Appy In persn 1326 Guelph Lite, Comp. reluit age F0O Box #135 Georgetown, Ontarix L7G 4Tt Burttngten (et Mount Forest) serme eveningo & man:f lic. Mechanic or Fxrsre nyi & construction specifca- 4ttu/St yenr apprentice 953901 saxl an pro xct manage- With iruck/trailer espenience, requiraid îmmedîately ton Ils truck/irailer repaie shop n Milton. Gooti wagon and benetits. Administrative Assistant A eering Cal958800 rImmediate fult-time position s ÀCool Job! Cat 95-88-900or Candidate maet be chie te: i0&atw.¶ yemr twred mont have excellent Fw euets 0-7-50 / Deat crit afliuctuating and a heauy aorkinad To .Il sales & cotiege diplomua reqoired. a Moliuulxd & taxe slrong organizaionai skîixl eiimgo froiil TOOL RoolM N ACHINIST e'Be a team player Mskmtl. co. has9 hits. Must Ire fluet in ZN(C CONVENTIONAL Qualtficateons: r' Advanced computer skilis aitit WordPerfect, Gm-t-: psy ul Boxs M43 MvASTER CAMv A MUST Microsoft Word, Excel, Internetit-mail req'd. holuma. EstélSI i07 Spe a'Rad Min. 5 yrs. of cienicai/adminixlraixe experience ilk .Dn Il UiK SS4 ~ 905-456-3286 reqoîred.Sbi euewtsaryxpctonil " .« lic IE 84 uEml reomeailt xiaryexp Oloto Cmli 905-844-2903 Glen air-'il lubby September 17th Golt Course Mechante Appreetice Ate ain: ele iret-Cît enr ho Re~~~~ipair & maixtevance ni gasolive & dieseliavlePrntCidCnr à usat 1powered geai course maintenance eqaipmenl. Ontarte Ecrty Yearn Centra Assitan vipeiene rh sesati enclines axnecessity. Famîtiar 1337 Kerr Street Modicai Office ittraci wvith reed mower set xp un assel Oabeitie, ON FULL-TIME V.P. Fitance 'f2 peurs reiatod tope-j Send resumes attention Cor L5K 387 POSITION r reluted cullee diplo- 1Daug or Fax: Fix: 905-825-2611 RNSIL eritttn communication 905-693-9135 gniy those considered it bri cottd. 2P pat-iLi experienco working inx attin o vironmttet. share possible r resumre by ta: TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST li Fax nomme 90- sodexhoca.con 1 SHOPPERS DRUG MART® SCHEDULE CO-ORIiATOR 639-W02 (Part-lime 20-25 1t per axek) roquîrod tor busy Axedu Salon, Spa il Beaiqut. e Carers PARMAC IECN ICIAN The ouccesotot candidate must posss the tolîsa Ie e yCertitird Foek Lift ing: ury placements. Fii eExcellent phono & orgunicee enel si ls boots and Appiy in wiriting Attn: Bill McNi *Ahitity te organise in a ainît tasked 050 renrmentA be cetfid SDN WATERDOWN -Able to asrk uccuosioau oxoningo/ceekendo 905-32-793 Himlto St.RO.Box cco Fax resume and cuvoring tetter lx Jeunette @ ctimru ii.OCU Watcrdown, ON LOR 2H0 2025 Lakeshoe Rd, Buti ngton, ON U7R 1A2o b .ens a I ton or fax to: 05i-U9-7031 Phono: 905-681-7171 Fax: 905-681-1621 tanIn saitable candidates witli bt cantacted) CUSTOE Tuk servr INSIDE SALES OAKVLLESOBYS ERVCE akeourtolephone ordero f rom sur national mu a- okingfor fun andl energeileo5 who RECEPTIONIST osto adxertlslng tor our seniors treulth produ.. -meang of caiaomer serewe excelfrnc us. eitthound cottldin . Trainling provide t bat 1 uifrranM tg ihuve abiît anti desire o teoxcol anti he premoteet. e ~ ~ ~ ~ op arMii g h fr greeat Tae positions uxustuble fult-lime Mon.- FrI. Part- areftlttnt i tUme eveningo anti weekends frete home or colt tppefttir aI phsone. Gond telephone veico undt Engtish and de"artm ents! CtstOtW Se memnorj okitîs a must. PC Uftorato. Base sutery andi KRc i.ui genersas commisnst lat te the uboxe average ayou must e o movatire. creusse, and ablte sut eeoettUte eamîngs. Forreard resame anti letter toi: riment as thss is a 7-day-a-week operation. SIrwtrîE HEALTH PRODUCTS, aviromnl where carrer acivancement anti tbounti plus cempeoseive compensasion and aid jetett 3-154-3350 Fariere, Beringten, ON LiN 3L5 Ihc out ue ppl a on ofth folowgFia restinfe to: In buasiness oince 1980, wa re tise lurgesl alteratio buti- r se apty toneet ee fonsene Stery 905336-428 nets in Canada. Our location in tiurirglon Matli s look- a a a ita tilt tise Isluaing posifions:C a~ I~ f tineUp isMddleid. -e- g .9 utbu Servlice flop om n ai sustabte seit ho contacted for an itervirew se (Ml trai SecI 1501 PPOioî5 veroexMusl be utile le cork leu. heurs roctoding Son7day. or viait uss on ~l Appty vn persun to: Karein Lindet ¶n1 _ the webt Stmtoa - Itiigtm aMl _ __ 77 Guelpis Lite, trlinglot ON NEW & USED SAMI AGENTS Are you an expettencati oales agent lol ng to mals a moue? et un individuai ioolîtg for a career chaunge? Wu ant ysu to tors our lette ax a top periormet. Wî alleïr you: *Strong Poy Plan *RRSP Fon *Bfenefits *Demunntrator/Car Aitowance *Supportive Management Team *Estaslisbed Customer Base Contct et te see abat the fture holdnt Subismt pour resumre tu: David Nourse ENnDY poum Phoene 905-845-1646 Pas 905-845-9588 dnourae@kenneiyfard.ce Saies Persoe RequIred Must have experience in construction/ door & seindove renovation. Sales leads tor ontranco door manutacturers/asoemblers an assot. Pleesue fax résumé ta (BO5) 878-9211 or mii or dhrap off ta: Eltan Manufîcturlng 359 Wheeimbratar Wîy Milton L9T 3Ci eqi r me Must have koscletige of musical instruments. Fa eun o90"-73-7367 Or apply in persor with resumne to. PINE ONEMSICJ 360 Guelpht Street (aI Deltas SYSTEM 55 GREAT OPPORTUND foR BON 11CENCE0 & MICINCE0 -J