Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 2004, p. 18

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1 T 8- 'hC-raip Te erm r 4 7O4 Froney Sepseriem t0, 2004. Lovlng Hodieans ef AUCUION SALE Jearna Rebinsant Losrng dadulbffiatw Md"and Satiq n- Somt. 18th @ 1i3Mc o n c Calilf Cireired see oI Margaea Robinson aed te bas~ lm On Tb Fmi off &M. Illilas ____ fate Russell Roinson. Brfirer et LymeRbre a u>U8147 tetaisPeler edalos Oreaftyriaaedby hubebober of oMiton (129lTeman Rd)Consisting o Reg Morgan 1 n the world oC advanced înagîng aolutions Cor business, Canon stands and sitorinfamand trfamiles. Bobeiedbere Mae ugsC5 os e to fum a menteroit~~~~~ ~~~~~ e-itt fiafedniitasade ahnrns ho qe and 'hoestera apart rors ail the others. Our succesa, vision and commitmenl toi puln tat bsew hin Foaenis wote receratit at te J. Saotns Il List only Coto'nd show al'd cmpeftoln bggy, the cuatomer firsI have lad 10 our expansion snto lire Niagara Region. ladty Fanen Home, 21 James Sft, Mtan, 905-878- miitreki 5e3bM'wgo Ooe e ofe e This expansion has crealed the need Cor acconplished salea proffesaronalo oeeoan SndaySeptmise rO 2ff4. AFuneaf ss nor p ratet a bulf a y sIa ho d double seat' i669 oe n oeday Septerier f3, 204 o ea Setrnodc et- a it0 n shattocne o 0jî u er sAcutEeuie ergreen emetery bu exprssion e syptr dn a- bor ese a 98 l otmo e 82 cilh 0 bosa 0 or~~~~~~~~ SeMlnisctostaFenaonThlmiy pvecb le s chpe pto 24 fubuo boy e tor, i orma Acco lant Ex ecu tvs tase are ue s o M iton D iOr HSe p ird.e 13,tf 20dm04(ar l foraget., g oo 1eetoo 1, - .eprcc r rv PusUie hrh nemn olwda fto E. S' rstirvid a anes Hnisehd dfml Itlf .gr 5gOf lyoae tnse 0 Offa "We kcuew Sob lnaie Mergarfitvlleand enjo>rIog e cheaaaberger in Peredise" soes,Jal Peacofufy wfth bis famify iry bis sida an Fdiday, Sep- tamiser 1tsth, 2004s rirte Milton Distric Hospitalortte age of 77. Jackr Sains, lovng Sasband of Peggy (Thoson) for 57 years. Oean fater of Fred (fIsabefle) Nancy, Paf (Bit tixoni and onna f(Rob Maybew). tif i bu mîssed by e grandcbîldren and 4 greaf grondcbiidren. Son of the rate Herbert and Wivnifred Safes. Suruived by 3 brothers and 2 uisters. Famîiy and trench isited uit he Mcesie-Kochtr Fusierai Home fr4 Man Sf., Mfron 90S 878-4452 os Sunday. Tire fusterai serice cas beid un Monday, Septemirer f 3tir 2004 in the funerai buse chapel. Intentent toi- lowed ai tht Milton totrgreer Ctmetery. Memoriaf de- rations cari bu mode orbhe Milon District Hospital Auxo iliary3. PHILIP "Pli MORLEY Mies mesa tite, bu ot ella long, And flot wilh yoor bert bowed tote. Rrmrmbrr the love Ibat Wr once sbied . mies me, botle tel sege. You wit ha la oui berts forever. Wr love yoo and mies you ne vrry much. Sois, Rabanea & Jannifer Aide & BiU Jlm, Rob & Jckle BLUE HERON WOODW0RKS FALL BLOW OUT SALE UlfM,1211 f'Îd., = 0 .geow, f1f12 lits M. of Maftil RdJllloa Dr., Géorpgtta Nec ready lx finis ftandosated tatodatre: Armoire, eardrobas, dressets, nîgirt tablas, Tif armoite, TIVCR cabinet, dressing vaniy, deacon banches, iroircases, desirs, sofa Isbaes, coffea & end fabes, hatuest Isbae, dry finir, hutch & buffef, chico cabi- nets, cutis cabinets, pantry, jas cupirsard, jet y cabinets, quil radks, plant stands. steran caines, TIVOlR stands. cash stand, magazine radis, mag- azine tables, and such, mach note. Brlng a TRUCK and tae it with you! Orders wolcome. LADY regairoi for healty meaf propsransors etc. o efdedty lady iv Milletn.Z ' Fi- toirhtk Cur a must Mmi Cuti 9esfl7e-re78. BLUEt BEACON TRUCK WASH evo shing fultrorad pars sot 4 pcn 12p- -dC 84e f.1se Th teil sO ppcvt mue bceiv ble. highly a, e n asbI t, b h _k J Sede cd air an 50 tIsea . 6/rhah ba p., "LOC/h. Ptease .pptV unpernxusat 40 Ci iretr Dri Ne phirese ai. lscn 10:3Qam Lunch booth on grounds, Terms: Cash or cheque dy of naie JIm McCartney Auction Service Watordown: 905-689-8778 EXPERIENCEDWORKERS EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMI DiscoverHIowTo: *dentifyyour key strengths and skills -Write effective resumrres and letters -Use the Internet and post your resmme -Promote yourself in an interview You Must Se: .45 years of age or older -Unemployed and seeking-work Located sf 460 Brant St Unt 12î in urlington 905-681-3356 ext 21 DtRIVES NEEDED FOR LOCAL MACHINERY MOVING COMPANY. Gol 1AY GOO HOUv HOI DAY OVLOIME lAI AN[D 5, OD BLNEF PCAG AVAII,50E CALL 905-875-1990 De Fax 905-875-1995. TRAIN NOW FOR SEPTEMBER FreeTraining Schosf Bus Driver's Wanled Cail 9054877-4448 L,îdre os an eqoul opporun.îî Coe'Paon SMilton area horse tarmn requires Nlghtatcalh persom. Foaling experience preferred. Fax resume toi: 905-878-713 Andrews Scenic Acres Students, Home-nakers, abift-worfeers, seniors part Urne positions - September and Oclober. Cashmere, Sciroot Tours (P/T dayat, Farmers Markets To start lmmdlately 906l-878-5807 Horse Farm in Campbelteifle - Prepping Yeatfîngs for sale sfarfitfg immedialey - Ocf 20. 50/tirs per ceek $9/hr. Horse esperience necessary. Opporfsnity for tuff-time empsymnen of ft he nghf persan. CaO: 90-544091 or Fax: 905-054-066 Do yoa escel as geoeang tes business aod eojoy building lest lastiot costuner relatiosips Yxar brackground vn solutixon selfin hCias tises you as aodeestaxdisg of iras. and siry, people and techology mast sork togetirer and. nrgaoizatixn tbar is îurally cuannîsted tu anaioîog ifs slamer ose positixon in tire mookeiptace, tiren coect sîtr Canoo. Ptease visit www.csno.ca and appt y oneise to escitiot xppsoritIies io tire Niagara Regixa. w w w . c a n o n . c a Our cumpaxy's image isas retixo of dia diserssiy of van peopte. Canloi -css Meritor Suspension Systems Company sa a leading manufacturer ot automotive suspension campontenta wlth manufacluring faciiitiea ln Canada, the U.S. and Engiand. The foliowing position ln aur Milton taciiy. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR We are Iooiring for an individual who has a proves track record as a Manufactoning Production Supervisor with a minimoum of 7 years eoperi- ence, preterably iv a uoiooized envîrooment. Yoar eeperience has gînen you exceptional communication, scseduling and employet management skiffs and the confidence f0 be proactive and taire initiative. You wilf be responsibte for meeting compavo yod customer standards ot safety, xluality and oatput in an efficient coof effective and team orienteted envirooment. lnterested applîcants may send their resume tu Haman Resources, Mentor Suspension Systems Company, f50 Steeles Ave. Milton, Ont. L9T 2Y5 or email: iiary.iloyd@arvinmentor.com INTERMEDIATE EDITORIAL POSITION Formula Media Croup, based in Oakville, Ont., iras an immediate openîng on a repîdly growisg regionaf consumer pulcto f or a well-rosnded editor witb exceptional organi- zational sius and vision. A minimume of 2 to 3 years expedience, prefersbly in a magazine environnent, os required. Fiase Soresard rasumae, including saiary expactations, ta jobseliburiingtonpot.com - - Fashion Home Furniahinge In Home Designers Wver'aeaninaxcr'i Hoe Deesign Sxrvieiv v. toei ourliigtoe anis me are loinf or roi- eniediPeopeixixivxn ur Design ieei Ifvu aeua mure gradise ho is lix oru a cnique xpxps raairv Io use vaur skiffs a falents la earan abo- eua ivuese thes vis may be tha lob fr vaný The accies aminte woeuinguilfi wish oc, clienssacindor SalesçCutantus bothm ou, show ,anrss avis in iclis homes s5ciuOisissOiexclnvafivcaion skiiis ra > ible esodiî,e. reiaioSit ranrtaion avis a dise tv If fo ac Sue hese cifibcies we cuvi se sear frus facioD De vaimrsvabutucsendinina resumecor lxftia ix hl ve- Jusf scii Chauia ai 905-568- 221f Esi 150 txooi ppy-7davua eak. Martin &Wrilht BROKER reqoîres a Personal linos RIBO Lie. CSR witb min.3yr. exp Please tan resumeý 90-02011-7049il or coîl 90-02-5544 1001 '7 Landscape Maintenance Laborers requied immediately for tal time positons for tafb/wînter worir. Saccessîsi appficants must be bard woniing and seff motivated that wrs weff in a teamt envirooment. Wages commensarable cit experience and affitade. Please Fax Resunse tan 905-875-3577 or Cati 905-875-0640 HIRRAL MAGIC liealth Cou»eala wanted, ratait setfing, must be avadlabte fis worir evenîngo and Safurdays. Aeptly ia perses sec 15 Mrda St. (Carrnage Sqar) or Entatti heelcahnagic"nellebotmalLeem NO. phse Whll plaie Is Iooking for a Tracor Drhmx for weekday wagon rides coin 9054584-8675 Ancd *8k For Jiennitr.---- Peel Lumber Milton Customer Service Order desk position, computer and organizational skills required. Fax: 905-693-9475 E-Mail: hr@peellumber.com L..OvÂii celebrafe an Anniversary? A Birlhdlay? A Graduation? A Birlh? Looking 10 sel your car? Looking 1a, buy a car? Want to, self any of those unwanled household items? Wanl 10 hire someone? Want to announce your engagement or narriage Ici the world? The sky is the limils with the Champion Cfassifiedsf Caîl us lodlay and pt your ad inI Phone 878-2341 Fax 876-2364 E-mail: ctaseifled@ mlitoncanadien charmplon.com Deadllines: Mondey eas em for Tueeday's papier Thuredeay @ liai- for Frtdae P«Pe DON'T miss i ;;eki Tarante. FRAT ES IAID.I Phnel 146785,51291 est.270 We am kmkiba Wc offer " Daytfmc Houes -Mon toi Fi * Paid teaining *Paid Mileage * Weciry pay *tOncSo5s avrIable cail Susanll (905)847-2210 93pm il SENERAL LABOURER wanted for buoy tire & flood reotoration compuoy in lurlîngon Must hae dlean drivers abotracl & worr bonts. Pleaox tan fesume to FuII/Part-time Day Shifts avoulable @Curlinoo local 1000 Apply @6 uory Burlînglon localtion or noîl Bren/ta 905-032-O07 Eat 22

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