Thc Canadian Champion. Taesday Septemter 14, 2004-17 Ch ampionIl&bm Classit'ied e estones PHONE: 878-2341 # FÀL- 905476-2364 CIASSFIEHOJM W au* 50 SOpu I .ilto c ianhmion I GEORGETOWN Osie hed- oo basnente apartmealn, ery dean dlose In Mail. 0700/mnonie plas tallias. Cali Sleoe ai 900-691-6T7 nonainga an dayomas 05- 877-0050. MILTON 2-Monm hasameel apaomtnot, neailahin ct. tnt. $i,000mor adihs in- lddl' Call Jndy or N/ch 000-875-4802. ROCKWOOD Laaaiy i Ondroo, Fine plaok Ono, ie" bh, 3a30 mool top pa- lin, 4 appliances Bright onsemvahion paie, Ocd id 519-856-4763 SHARES accommodation 1 -hedroo nuas, appen flor nf lieuse' Sncb, gas fiaepiaca, AC. Ail amenitns. OOsoimonh vAuilahie Nnuemhan/SAeamhan lis. Ralarencen. 019-853-0021. STEWAR1TOWN nîce 2- hedinnin apper linof ni- plex, lange 0e/bony, Oli in- cildd 0050/monih plas hydîn. 005-702-7647 lane message. 3-hlim hoase, lnîhed hasemn, garage. 4 ap- pliances, Donner Park, Acaîlahie Cci laiý $1300/mlh n alîlîtiîea hîrshiasi. Cal 900-75- 7004. EITN ew(01 [n memoriam W<~~dondtontoh 185 osuldo st . &Allendale Foundation MIon, ON1rM4M aretruy apprediated. 905784141 esUO M/o al pdg aun- dry etc. $11O/naab. Plnase rail 905-670-0062. MIL/TON 1 -0cm in Inien- hnoos studnt/pnlnnacnna, nan-tienke, lau r, nahie, 050/mie ialsive. Aal Ocd 1jet Cal 00-876-3053 - - NOTICE 0F MEETING The Hanse Operatad by: Haillon Renaaer Houe. Inn. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wndnesday, Nonember 3,2004 7:30 p.m. Hope Place Centre 77 Bronte Rond -Unit 203 Cala t e, Ontanio, LeL 3B7 CLEMENT: Edyttca (non Andersan) Saddanly, on Oatarday, Saptembar11 2004 Edythe Clmn inher 87th ya Lovingienof iee faesK. W. Sick) Clament Oodly o ooed hy hor daaghtans Jearetto, Margoae Anne (Tary) and Paoi Paedaceaoedby ha son Ricard. E yte s sarvrad by har 6grardcidden andh6great gran hiden. Frncids ail ha recenved a mhe J. Smo Early Fanera Home, 21 James S. Mlon, 9050878-2669 on Taesday Septeohe 14t rnm 2d4ond 7-9 A Fanra Service ailb hld oniednsday, Oapemho 1t aia 1 AM hrom i3raca Anglicon Church. As expresaina nf oym pathy, donatons may ha mode to tha Canadian National anttt ao nthae Bidn ornh Conadian Cancer CURRIE: David Saddanly, on Edmonton Daoid Camae in hos 30ie ynar, Pradoceased by his Innino parants Anld and Jan/ce Came. Sadiy misaed ho has sialer Vcdora Canin David miii olcoys ha iamemhaind Oy Cia maoiy franda. Fhrnda aill ha ieceîoed ai the J. Sott EaHly Fanera Home, 21 James Si., Mion, 905-878-26e9 on Taeaday, Saptemben 1dbh lion 10 AM anil mhe lime ci ihe service ai il AM innm the Fanera Homoe Chopai. As expressions of syinpalhy donaions to the Schizephnenia Society of Oloarie cold On appnnciolnd. sMILLER-COOK; Peutl (na iealpote> Peaceaiiy ai hon homm on Salai/top Sopromhni il, 2004 PnaO Miller-Cock in han 701h yean. Looîog aile o the laie OBi Cook. Piedocouand Oy hor laire hashand Harold Miller. Creally mianed Op Cor childnon Jady an/t Cnr hushanni Roc Coshan, Donna and han hoohanni Fred Caînsna, Lioda and han Caahand John Caihery, Orenda Stode and Michael Miller und Cia aile Keiry. Pead ciii ha fond10 nememhnred Oh her ntepchîldren Pelai aod hîs mile Eleanor and Maren Cook. Peari a sararaad hy 15 geaodchildreo and Il ginat grandchil- dran. Baioal aister ni Donner, Maqforin and Onace. Frinds aul ha nuuined fthme J. Ocet Earty Fanerai Home, 21 James Streei Milton 1900> 878-2660 on Taeoday, Saptambar 1dmh Iran 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A Faner- ai Service ciii ha hall lim St. George'a Anglican Chaidi ce iednnsday, Sapiemhar 1tm ai i PM. ln lieu id fonmem, donations tomte St. Gaege's Anghican Charch aMIl b ha nprnated by mhe lai/I MULLEN: Mentie "Dan" Pacelly, aI Rionesda Clan Narsino Home on Saplamber 10, 2004. Dan Malien ena in has ooh peai Reaideol ni Nanoagacapa Ion 30 yaaro. Mamber nf mne Royal Canadian Lagioni Adton hiaoch #107. Looiog hasoond or mhe laie oama lOnntoni Malien. ChaAissed lamher ol Boonie Malien und Jîn /OaiO/ Malien, Papa mill ha aadip miaaad Oy gianiichîildin Jaon, Adam, Noom, Cei and Chia. Aiao ioed Op gia graodaoo Jadon. Fiendsaond Fan/py cene receiaed ai thn J. Sos Ea4y Home, 21 Jamea Si., Milton, 905-878-2669 on Saodap Sepiamban 12, 2004. A Fanera Service cas field on Monday Seplembor 13, lio mhe Nasagaceya Frashyteron Chanch. Cmemaoion olomd. As exyres- nions of apmpaihy donatioos may ha made bo Nasaaeya Preshynenan Chaich ni a chaoly of ona's droice. A Dnaong Renie, Cherry- canal, double podesatt teble, 8 chitrsm baffet. halch, detai censîran- bn Ne st in boxnna Cost $11,000. Sacrifne $2,800. 905-567-9459 A King Pillnwtnp Manrena Set. Nec in plinc Cnsl $1600. sali fnn $400. 905-567-9459 BED, Amazîng hanrgain, qanan nAhnpeitc pillntp sel, nec on plastic. earany 010000067-4042 aul de- Bedraunt Cherrywond, OeA,' chant, dresser, 2 oighlsaado. Doelail Con- struction. Nanan npened Cool $0,000. Sacrifice $1.000._005-567-4042 CARPET i haveasnea 1,000 yrds. id nec Stain- mastan h 100% oyln car- pet. ieil dn iseongrnnm & haillfon $389. Iodadtes car- pet, pad & instalilion (20 yards> Slone, 005-630- Hot Tub: 2004 ail options, watertlî, Ozanatan, Rer- eaad cabinet, neaer anel, atiti la capper. Cst $9,990. Seil 15,000. 416-953-5197. PIANO'S gond selaclian ander 13K Oap and oif. Coli Slnne 00621-0200 hallon Cnservaloiy 3031 HW'r e5 9WWPIANOS.CA -Pie- ohoase Boolongion. 200 oec/asad Pianos and Crands, Yamaha, Caca:, Samîck, oîhern 90,5-h31 ieANTED . Ai China, Sd- car, Cipntl, Tea Caps Royal Soalico, Soaroonki, Diana, Jecoleny ci/t tops, coliedtihiea analtes Coul John/Tracy, 05-331-2477. [MOunWImhos Ialappances/2î ahAnaiies Cal Oal 6 8m0 647-223-9550. MILTON na (01)3 Mdm loanhoase, near doantn, kîtchan ap- pitances (slavn, raboigerator, doshnahn> AIS gerage, non-smok/ng, OCT 1/04: 01360/mt n aiities. Cail 905-878-5048. MILTON nely baud noaca- Onae 3-Mdm tomenasa, 1720 sq Il., S appiiancaa. 01600/mie + ai/Snis, calk îog distanme 100 GOsation, a/il ambra coenga, 2 1/2 hatin, no pals. Coul 05 500671. MIL/TON TA. anaîlalle Non 1/04. Irdales ail appli/aoc s, C/A, cen carpet, go- rage, tnnced yard, oea ktchan, oe bhe Cal[ Cardle 05-878-8101 MILTON anhonan, Lonaip 3-hlrm fon Non,8 01375/mie o atlltien. Hathorn Vi/lage. Femel pard & gerage. Col 005- 864-6274 har apposOmeot, OAKVILLE 2, 304 .004d conie toienhosses anaîlal imediatly mmaogh 0005b- et, d appliaces. Hopedala Mal ansa Lahenhain Man agemeffi 05-876-3336. 1991 Thandarîrd, an iv $1,000 non. Bagine, trams- mîss . n, oncy gol, reada ssem amie, Ian mîlege. 519-853-0354. 1993 Baidi Rea, iahaiB meono, an ae $2500.00 cait 905-873-8268 (hahen 6- Spml 1993 Honda Accord Ex, h speed, emîissîn nastal, oeil- m ia in t a in ad, 200,000/tons, $3000. Call 905-878-5747. LEASE laha anar 2004 Jet- ta TSI Sport. Redieiackin tenion, (roc hîgh parfor- manne>, 5sp. ioaIed Ian kn 005-077-6026 2000 03000 CohPlion, V6, M5 Haoly Eooom/, gren est./Drap ini AM/FIUO/CS Maichîog cap, Sua line, 107,000/con 010,900 519-853-5029 CLEANINO LADY iagnîiad eoerp Drd Thuialay ion Mîddietos Cnes. home. 070.00. Raeenman in- gainaI. PIsase cati 00 878-3006 NOUSE CLEANINO avali ahle, reasnaale ratas, Call Anne-Mana 905-693-1865 house, naibes indadeld, no phone, qa/et pen, non- smokar, FinCtlaie 0500mie. Caiid16Ei25d lsOhbehaee 6-OPM. LOSTISTOLEN 20" blk mongonse, O yr old boy aonys ac. Cali 905-876- 010 TAKEN. "o Exil" sîgo hanm 130 Roharts SI. Record ion ralaro or appreheonion 005-07800017. ST. STEPOIENS CHURCH, Hnmhy ai Sinaies and ieh Lino seeka Chrsian Masi- nions Ion a CHuîic Service nce a moolh ai Chanch. Monîciana: Casear and Boss Players. Eiedtnc and Accastc' Mani 1dli and Fîdle, Key- bonrdsaond Drummers Sîngein aiso. Flease co4the Roc. T/m005-076-0057 A yoaicnaio, mature & prfsionaaiy Cenîfiel ECE/Mootessos Teachen aieh home diassnoorn chilI- cane piogiain Fi id/CPR neOtihaie For moe uinrmatio or a prograi package Ion yoan chîld, please contadt Samaoiea ai 005-070-524. Semars and OSler Cams har Gaidian AngeO/SI. Penn.s Robart Balle/o and Chras Hadlieid nchnnis. Caner- aoe ton March/Chidtmas1 hreaks, Sommer Hdlidayn, Earty Sîsmîssel and PS Sapa. Renne caflSaodie 905-871X0325. RAINBOW Village Cayssre han alfec spaçan Inn childl- noni 31/2 in C years. 905- 070-7552, Omît an aI nair- Cnmiiiagenaycare. an 14 canai cndomr diamono solitairearig. apgaraîned aI $5,600. aii oeil fnn $7,200. 000. Cal 0056876-2095. n peed haoy saing Mmley aned, hrand non Oouoncy chair nanan nned, hiard oaa mondtons, OssMd oea mobleis, hanI pointaI midi- îng drain. CaI 416-829- 6395. DIAMOND rng 1.20 CTS, St -3, H, niaed ai $14,000. BEst offer oan 010,000. Cail /00510875-9500. OAKO vneei hedroom sel, inen oeza 5 pance, $70 060. Ca/i 005-693-1761. idt Tme Oupers -1001". Ci- oaocîng LocalaI in Con- bridge, 4C minutas lion Toronito. Detached homrea fon as ina as $500,00000 caî1 Shhua Suez 519-651-6731 or Uz Pain an 519-242-3133 Agenta CAPE ton lease, hard- enadmla finnr, lim pince. lin naîiîog, patin, aone lease halls, 019-056-4763 REASOIIABLE Industriel Sns loi nant Rap 25 & 401. 1,600 -3,200 sgýlt Loalnng locha & drie-mi Phnne 1-9000-277-9347 or i 005-275-6834 0-YR O 4.9%, macs egnitp mertgege pioni eard-e lana nI incarne on niadit. Ce/i CHOIS @ 1-800320- 7667 or vitosnobesn- 2-bd/rm nmalry npatcoac, neparatle antienne, non- nobes. no dogs 00-mie allibesna ed Aonilalln mmeibatly. Coul 005-004-2033 on 000f-- 1733 aBler 5pcr EIIECUTIVE contriy hoe 10Cminites lion 401 .Sun- op crne nediorn ayadtmaot Halton HiinMiion Aiea, New Oalhoom, ktchan, la- nazz: suite. Non-smoking piolesonoOlatdn. $00 ncladînir_ asilies, yaring. Cat 9-50870-1510 LARGIE 10bdm, paie sut- îing. i ndang No amnk- ens/pi"s, isOLant, $75C mie aSlibe inciadel. Bei, an Georgetown Mil, n. 0"70-1960. MIL/TON 2-Monm apariea, sCore asi/onae, celle iodaId- aI, avaciahla No lasI. Cail AI O 005-076-0002. MIL/TON 2-hdrm haisemnt ap. nely raoatad non- amnke/pals. Availatle îm- mediately. $000/mm tali - clasîna. Cail 005-026- 4047. MIL/TON, iumîshod base- ment aparmnit aOCh pîmce hathînuin and kiacO enette Aunilahie imme- lîalnly! $650imt, S50. a01l Caes NO SMCCINC/PETS Ca/i Maie aI 005-070-0016. SPACIOIIS contry 2 004- room apannaent 1mcai04 ocronaha Croof Courne. oppliancas. air conditonîog. satlite, partal lamiahed. Acaîlahin îmmediately. oto0ooimce ioclddo oiîi- huas 05-876-3766, Acton Apentecnts t & 2 bedoie aiantamnit analt nble Noie and Inn Maiue. Foldge & Sînue, iaaodey laoiaane, No loge 519-853- 4374 open 7 days/ceak anm day nppinsai. 009690099 MIL/TOI- Milinda Tannin 82 Mîllaide Ornve. 10&2 Ondroon Opta. Close no Sonnon Ban stop et Front Cour 005- 876-1249 - wreaistan.ce GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branla SImilit Sentit, Miltn meane mie accapting applications Inn t & 2 Bedienie Aparmets Por more Inlonmation "rda la mialte =pln- Ptaaae Cati 906-878-5375 Bulding Managera Lannurl & Penny MAYFAIR Opta. Millon 2- Morn apt anailahie Ou i1, 0025-mie ail imncie, adant tlour, o doge. Foi appoint- ment cail 005-600-1300. MILTON I & 2 Oadrom amilahie. 0040 . Cienr and ganet building. Cali Jack 905 612-0166 Amel- nble immadhaey MUL11-IEYEL stadîo hase- ment aparlmeot. Kihchan, bath, hydro. cahie. No peat s/ smio ki ng . $1000/nranie. 005-075- 2668 AClON 1 bèdmnnrn. avait- ala mmetaahly. Folge, sanne, otie indadeld. Na pets, licolant. relaemne raqiral. Coul 510-053- 3077 ACTON i Oadionmr, anail ahle îmmelîatly. Frilge, /oe, utilises incladaI Na pain, firsdoait, retarnocea raîtuinal. Cali 519-853- 3877 ACTON ncly deoralal 2- hndronm opt., Fîmtast > 0550/mnth plan idilionos. Immed/alely. 005-452-1734 ACTON rnoalal 2-hed- rocm, 2nd bloni apI nr quie b-asting, Non-smokanl pae. Odtoher Itt 0500/manie ondanian. Cali (905>-702- 3301 ERIN COUNTRY semdng, 2 hedinom, 2 anales, cerasan Oinr, nec cerpel. Prioate dooveaao pato, Non emali- an. 0550.00 OiOntis incuid- nI, 519-833-9823 GEORGETOWN i hed- mmen basement apaient, mcly remevatal cieh gas ireplace. 0705/manie plon anlOane Close bo shopping. Avaîlahie Saptemhar 17, no charge ontl Oct, i FînnO/Lani. No pela. Coul 905-077-7451. GEORGETOWN 1-hed- rocm, nalalble amngle, man leuni, separate notramae, OC, cahie, one-paring, lîrnO/lasi, neterennes no saîn/angipals, 0575-mie ail incluaive. Octoher ltl 10051073-3069 GEORGETOWN 2-hnd- rom iOrstant. 05o00nt aj indausiv. Anuilahie On- lober ltt Relarannen. Cait 905-073-3377 GEORGETOWN laenn Spaoa 1 & 2 Bedroien Opta, Acoîlobla Noie. No pals. Nor-nmoknm. Call: 905-495-130.