o0rts sîbtnc@haltonsearch.com Seniors flu short .of Ontario 'B' gold On the move Collapse in final puts damper on Red Sox' strong provincial run By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Senior Red Sox couldn't capitalize on a second chance, s0 they had to seule for second best at last weekend's Ontario 'B' cham- pionships in Courtwright. Witb provincial gold on te line in a rematch with host Corunna Sunday evening, Milton looked poîsed t0 deliver somte high-stakes payback and bring ils tille drive 10 fruition -lakmng a 3-0 lead int the second last inning. That. however, is nhen the Red Sox received a harsh remmnder of just how quickly lbîngs cao flu apart. A dîsasicous strelcb of shaky pilching and three errors opened the door 10 a nine-run uprtsing for the hometown favourites -who'd silence Milton the resl of the way for their fifih consecu- tive comeback win of the weekend. 1i think our youtb sbowed through in the end," said manager George Moore. "Ils pretty heaet- breaking. What cao I say, we jost imploded." The Red Sox struggled againsi seasoned soulh- paws in tournament play aIl season long and did so once again in the finals, with a Corunna lefty shut- ting them down from the fourth inning on. "The problem is we don't sec many good left handers in our league, and that hants as," Moore explained. Milton's tirsi clash with the eventual champs featured a rash of missed opportunities, as a dozen runners were lefI on base -including 10 in scor- ing position -in a 5-4 defeat Salurday mommng. The Red Sox had the bases loaded with just one out in boîh the sixîh and seventh, but just couldn'î cap îheîr rallies. As tough as iliese isso Corunna losses were, the silver medalisis took aI least sorte solace in improving on lasi year's 1-2 record ai the double- knockout toumamnent and staving off elimination tbcee straighî limes aller the initial seîback. The biggest of these tbree do-or-die wins was a 4-0 wbitewash of London's Lakesîde - who bad been a ibom in Milton's side for the past tbcee sea- Adam Abeam delivered a complete-game tbree- bit gemt for the shutout, wbîle reltable slugger Pal Mastro bighligbted the offensive side of tbings witb a bases-clearing triple in the second. Weekend standout Jeff MacLeod contribuled a pair of bits and wenl 13-21 overaîl. From there, the Red Sox outdistanced Ivey 10-6 -tbanks 10 somte solid relief work by Mike Grabauskas and Nathan Tami, plus key hinting by MacLeod, Kevin Comisky and Reese Davies. Millon would then book passage 10 the finals witb anotber potent performance -toppling Ambherstberg 9-5. A well-balanced atîack comple- menled a rock-solid effort by Iant Zentle. wbo picked up bis second win of the weekend. He also tumed back Kendall 6-2 last Friday eveming. gis îng up seven bits and enjoying plaie pop from Davies. MacLeod and Todd Devîjo. "The guys were pretty inconsolable afler comn ing so close in the finals, but nie really dîd bave a greal run," saîd Moore, wbose ieam went 26-21 overall ibis year. A coupie 0f cofnpetitora ta"id dh. cycilng portion of tae 108 annuel Wom.en's Triathlon Miton, whlch drew roughly 050 raeos to Kelso Conservation Area Sunday mnlng. Elisma .Whllman waa te top overail local finilher, placing elght In tae duathion wlt a tUme of 44:57. Fellow Millonlan Liea Brown end imu VIiIan were close behlnd In 131h and 141h ractv$.Nancy CoWe-Hrctw won;Ut top local finisher In tae sprInt triathon - cloolding In et 1:23.17 for 1»1 spot - whMl Suzanne Lapon was tae top local finisher lIn ta TlyATr, placlng 19UM wlt a 45:06 par- fonnance. Photos by BARRIE ERSKINE Ontario's new free vaccines will proteet kids 'Tli, gos'eraiiiîsit oif Onta.rio, s belptiisf kîds siays afe froit chieken pox anI meningucocrai meningitis. aid I olpting litili's hY atldiig thîs' free' vac'cintions tu the rotinett imntinizaîtin sîbeduit' llt-re's un, i( n urks: *Vaccineis fotr ebtekeit pi nd nuttiieiigos'ccal ietingitis ar risaailabie for one vear-oltI chilîleen in Ontario bom os or afier Septeiîber i. 2(113. *Starlîitg in Jaittary 210r, -,-yeax-t)lds wbo basenit liad chickeis po cas also gel the s acîunt'. as n cil as bîgb nisk people oif uiy agi' * Aso stau-iitg iii Janîiary 20105, 12-year-olds, 151- la il) year lds andti tgh-risk people of amsy age null l)e elîgibie for free itteningtteoecal nîeningiiis svaccintions. For liore infornîatio.n. ialk lto yonr doctur tir local puîblie beallth unit. Caîl 1-877-234-4343. TTY 1-800-387-5559. or vîsîl HeaithyOntario.com.