-ialton COP godâiý'*àing Lite distanice in support of Crime Stoppers Sgt. Bruce will cover 300 km in three days By TIM WHITNELL Special to The Champion The wheels of justice may tumr slowly for somte but police officer Ray Bruce intends on spinning themn ai a quicker clip. The Halton cop, the regional ser- vice's Crime Stoppers co-ordinator, is taking 10 a bicycle for a fundrais- ing and awareness tour. lt's flot the Tour de Halton but the Ride Against Crime Everywhere (RACE) cycling event will see the sergeant, a 19-year poticing veteran of Halton and Toronto, pedal 300 km over three days around the region. The purpose is 10 raise public awareness of the Halton Crime Stoppers programn within Halton. A secondary purpose is 10 rase funds for Halton Crime Stoppers, a regis- tered charity and non-profit corpo- ration. Crime Stoppers operates an anonymous phone tip -une that directs information fromn the public about unsolved crimes 10 Halton police. Ils volunteer board of directors also approves cash rewards 10 indi- viduals for lips leading t0 arresîs. Sgt. Bruce, 39, will ride 100 km per day over a three-day period (September 24 10 26) and travel a route that will encompasu ai thc policing districts that comprise Halton. His training consisîs of riding mbt work Uhre 10 fiye days a week. The round trip from bis Misuissauga home 10 police head- quartera in Oakviile is 50 km. He also does weekend rides. Sgt. Bruce cycled froro Oshawa 10 Montreal in late June 10 tune up for the Hallon RACE. He averaged 150 km per day over four days but knows traversing somnetimet hilly Halton is not the same thing. -Going bo Montreal Uic road was nice, Uic ter-ain fiat and Uie prevail- ing winds were front wesî t0 cast. Halton will be a challenge with Uic hilîs (aid chaiging winds). ltIi defmitely be a lot tougher," he said. While Uic Halton tour was sup- posed lo be a solo effort, Bruce said a member of Uie Crime Stoppers board of directora bas shown ai Photo by ASHLEY CAMARA Halton Regional Police Sergeant and Crime Stoppera co-ordi- nator Ray Bruce la ready for the Ride Againat Crime Everywhere <RACE) tour. intereul in joining hiro. James Spalding, a producer wiUi Cogeco cable TV in Burlinglon, may ride wiUi bim. for part or ai of Uic 300 km. As for funding, Sgt. Bruce indi- cated il bas been like Halton Hilis' terrain aI times - a slow, uphill climb. "To thit point we have no corpo- rate sponsorship. Some pledgeu from smaller businesses are in Uic worku. We gave ourselves a goal of raiuiog $3,000 to $5,000.', Sgt. Bruce'u tentative itinerary for Uic RACE event is as follows: Day 1: Cycling begins from Ares Restaurant in Georgetown. Tickets will be available for guesîs 10 have breakfast aid show support for Uic event. He wili cycle Uirough maiy areas of Halton Hills aid mbt Milton. Day 2: The ride will pick up somewhere in Milton aid likely move into Oakville. Sgt. Bruce will arrive aI Halton Regional Police headquarters around noon. Between 10 arn. aid 2 p.m., Uic Safcty Village will ha opcned aid, in keeping wiUi Uic cycling themne, thc public wii ha invited 10 bring Uieir childrcn 10 go Uirough Uic bicycle safety program. Day 3: Sgt. Bruce will ride Uiruugh Burlington. A finale will ha held aI Paradiso Restaurait. Tickets aI $55 each will ha sold for a lobster dinner 10 ha held aI Uic restaurant. Haiton Crime Stoppera volun- teers wifl teck plcdges from Uic public 10 support Uic RACE event or 10 purchase tickets aid attend the breakfast or lobster dinner. To make a pledge, purchase a ticket or gel more details, rail the Halon Crime Stoppers office at (905) 634-183 1, ext. 5139. Milton Seniors'Activity Centre set to celebrate lOth anniversary Lose 2-6 Ibslweek ORVYOUR MONEY BACK* The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 7, 2004-7 AMUMà* am1* Thiestar fer Wom»n Fltness and Nutrition Contera now offer a total healt programt for fast and Iastlng resuits. 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Kitchen Baid, Tai Chi and the drama club. The tormal ceremotty stîli start ai 12:30 pot. otith tIse Saper Cheer Sucorpions cheerleaders. tollossed hthe Song Spintier-. Chorus singtttg the national anthetîs and speeches Iront the centre's past and prisent mem- bers and local digitat ts. Visitors cai take part in a game of shuffleboard. btl- liards or cards. Centre tours aid pmogramn demonstra- tions will ha held throughout Uie day, aid theretIl also ha live entertammtrent by members of the Memory Lane Orchestra. For kids. thercîIl ha a variety of activities. like crafts aid games, aid Bamey the Magîctan will ha showcas- ing bis tricks. Coffee. tea and muffins wîll ha sersed in the asor- in-, follossed by a frec barbetcue iii the afternoon. There'il tiso ha a 50/50 dra%% atnd a specia iiniversary da.hecentre is litcated ai 5(X) Ctsîldsý Dr. For msore infoirmation, rail (905) 875-168 1. ext. 2753. 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