A Tho' (.nnrlin (Ch mi Titýiý qensos r 7 90Ufl Hîalioi geLs anothter AAA credit rating Halton Region has once again received the top credit ratîng available ta any issu.cr of long-term debt in North America. 'Me Region was givra an AAA credit rating by Standard and Poor's Rating Services after the agency's annual rcvtew. This is the second high rating Hahton has received this ycac Moody's Investor Service aninounced in Match that it wauld continue ta rate the Region as AAA. 'Standard and Poor's rating is further confurmation of Hatton Region's sound financial position," said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. "It's satisfying ta know that two outstde agencies have now affinned that wc are on the righs track fmtancially. This very high credit rating wilI help us ta address future challenges and continue ta ensure the health and safcty of Halton residents." Standard and Poor attihutes Halton's top ratmng ta "very strong and consistent budg- etary performance, vety strong ecanomnie fundamentals and a tradition of fmnancial prudence." The agency reported that althaugh the Region plant ta increase ita dcbt in thc coming years ta help fund large capital expenditure projecta, it expecta Halton ta retain tts srrong financial position. "Maintaining aur AAA credit rating allows Uic Regian ta continue ta invest responsihly and efficiently in aur infra- structure ta ensure residents have safe roads, aur police are properly equipped ta protect aur community, aur water meets or excerds provincial standards and we are able ta use the latest technologies ta treat aur sewage," said Halton Chief Admintstrative Oflicer Brent Marshall. "It also allows aur local gavemment partuers opportunîttes ta make investments in their respective municipalities. This credit rating is great ncws for ail of us." Standard and Pour said that despite slow- tng in the Canadian and U.S. econamies in recent years, Haltan has consistently shown hcalthy grawth and that "the Region's economie advantages and per- formance are solid 'and prospects for Uic future laok very good." "To a great extent, aur AAA credit rating is thc result of Uic long-termi perspective Halton takes in its financial planning," sald Director of Financial Poticy and Internal Audit Dave Birkett. "Mbs stratcgy allows us ta proactively deal with financial pres- sures and challenges." Chair elected to the AMO Haltan Chair Joyce Savoline has beca "AMO, and Ontario's municipal sectel elected ta Uic Association of Municipalities will bcncftt front Uic expertise and dedica of Ontario (AMO) board of directors. tian Uiat people like Joyce will bring ta ou A press relcase from AMO said Ms Savoline will hclp set association policies and serve as a key municipal leader in Uic nrovmnce. board," said AMO President Rager Anderson. Ms Savoline was clected ta Uic position at thc annual AMO conférence Iast week. 547 Main St. E. r r