12-ThA Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 7, 2004 AnoSIn,7 or a salT 0 wone u neno oul Guaranteed Weight Loss Program and proof we can reduce pour risk of heart disease, stroke, diabees and cancer! 5ee haw good you couIa 100K IRl just 10 minutes withi the Vsual Fitness Planner! The Visual Fitness Planner.. s Sa scientitically bas;ed software program halets yoo tee tthe impact of a healthier lifestyle right on tereeri. * will show you how, with exercise and proper nutrition, you Cao reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and lower your cholesterol. *provîdes you with diet and meal plat solutions and a journal toilg your progress. *produces a detailed report Chat protides a comprehensive lifestyle program with targets and timeitnes for yoo Cx reach ynur desired results! Ask these questions ta make sure that your fitness club is equipped ta help you achieve the resuits you want. 1 . ls there etough equipmett tn tht club so ynu cari have a quick and efficient workout without having 10 wait in lite? 2. Is tht Visual Fttess Planter available so ynu cat develnp a comprehlensive, nesuits orienled schedule betore you hegit your exorcise program? 3. Is a child minding prograre available Cor your children while you wtrk out? 4. Is there an orientation program Chat takes the mystery nue ot tittess and makes yoo teel righl at home when you loit? 5. I-as your ittess club been in business tot al least 25 years, providing a level of credibility, slability and neliability 6. Does your titness club otter you onu membership but access t over 80 clubs acrnss Canada? 7. Are there exclusive grop etercise programs available Chat otter a wide rangentf classes Car people at any ftness level? 8. Are the ftntess instroctors at yor club certified? _____________ tifqLL I UURII 1 (905) 876-3483 (905) 876-3488 () .À .C 409 Mats St., Women Only 855 Steeles Avt. E., Go-Ed M~ 0 u .I or visil us at www.goodlitetîtneos.com Nme w lb Mksi a Da telinle from DATELINE on page 10 Thursday Sept. 9 'he Burlington chapter of the Schizophrenia Society Of Ontario meets at 7 p.m. in the library of Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Dr., in Burlingion. For more information, cal! (905) 634-6797. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a cer- tified lactation consultant from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information or to make art appointment, call Jean Galien at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Canadian Federation of University Women, Milton and District, holds a wine and cheese welcomne meeting at 7:30 p.m. ai Patty Wilcox's home. For more information. eall (905) 876- 4524 or (905) 878-2421. Registruation ts held for Kilbride Beavers, Sparks, Cubs. Brownies, Scouts and Guides at Kilbride Public School tn the Community Roomn fromt 7 to 9 p.m. The Fine Arts Society of Multon's Evening Group of Artists meets fromt 7 to 10 p.m. at the Milton MaIl, upper level. The infor- mai environment provides artists with an opportunity to exereise their drawing skills. For more information, call (905) 854-5753. Halton Hands In Motion Knitting and Crocheting Guild holds its ftrst meeting of the season fromt 7 to 9 p.m. at the GJeorgetown Seniors' Centre, 3 18 Guelph St. (rear entrance). New and retttming members are welcome. Membership costs $25 per season, and is free for the first visit. For more information, call Diane at (905) 877-1521. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childu Dr., holds its free Walking Club, which meets at the centre at 10 a.m. and car- pools to its chosen destination. People of aIl filness levels are wel- come. It holds contract bridge aI 1:30 p.m. The cost is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Bld euchre games take place at 1:30 p.m. New players are welcome. The centre holds a foot care clinic in the aftemoon, performed by a VON nurse. by appointment only. The cost is $22. Il also holds its Seniors' Cinemnas aI 1:30 p.m. featuring the action/drama Hidalgo. The cost is $2, which includes refreshments. For more information on these activities, or to book an appointment for the foot care clinie, calI (905) 875-1681. Time For An Adjustmenpt?'- ic we focus on total tise and mneýy, and mosi importanttp, how te get aid Mg ie extremiy adj 'offer the opponaonity te stap welt. He cen.staiîtly sives te impreve and update atietes of aItltevels use of pour problent his knowledge in Cie field of Chiropractie and relted Who can benefit sets, us apaii is how me studies hp attendîng post graduate seminars. His love of Millions of people 'e earty meoiog and Chimopractic and genuine conero for ottiers are two quW - Chiropractie cuîe. S waii ornes. eniergency ities thut impreus ihose who know hiro mdl. Ciai have expenienc Came and faînily and senior citizen paymeni plans. We encourage yeu te stop bp fer a vsiît. Dur child frienily and open environint promnotes heutth. wettoess and healing. Dr. John Kim Usin ie mosi advanced technotogy. iesearch-based terhniques anid post graduate training in tie United tates, Dr. John Kim*s mission is te serse aisd niacate tie cons munîtp on hem Che body works, hua te sase - ~ e5a Adv'anced 'lYilnlng Dr. John Kim bus receivni advancni training in pniiaoric cane through twe different Amierican organizatiens. He is certîfini in die Wehsier's In-Utero Constraini Technique for pregnani moihers. whîrh has hnen featured on 'fe Leaniing Channel's hit series 'A Baby Sior'. as weI us in Moîhern Magazine and Midavfers Toaus. He aise uses a specifie table Ciui hus speciat mniicutions tee tie pregnant figure.Dr. Kim has also receisni udvaned train- i .nju ri es, seîatica, p sinus probtenis. bre fis and immune pro A spinul check up i we. ut Kinm Fuiiy uting and hus worked wiih benefit oegutarly frum :uccess stories include peuple nibuock pain, neck pain, 'ehicte injuries. sports aur posture, euT infections, uihing diffiiuliies. CONdS. the s the oty wuy te find eut if Chiropractie. cari help yen' mentaay conudkein. Cai laday to seheduai paaeiftwng a Jour appwintmeIL ie adj- --mea t Kîi Famnity Chiropraet Ahealih and wett heing. Vi find and eliminate the ca withoui drugs and surgery. Wtsat accomedate our patient:. We ' as à, à à à ý À"