Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Aug 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 31, 2004 *Commenut close for comfort Last Tuesday's early-morning home invasion in north Oakville is a cbilling reminder that our wonderful region can't escape big city crime. We can't even begin to imagine the sheer terror this family of four experienced as the masked intruders entered their home at -3:30 a.mn., robbing tbem of their belongings and, perhaps more crucial, their sense of security. For more than 90 minutes, a man, bis wilè and their two teens were corralled in a bedroom where banking information was obtained from them. Keep in mind the tbugs were armed with a sbotgun, basebali bat and golf club. While the police report no one was injured, we know the family must have been traumatized. The perpetrators gained entry to the home via an unlocked sliding glass door. Halton Regional Police are warning residents to be extra careful wben locking up for tbe nigbt. We may want to tbink twice about leav- ing windows open to en joy that summi-er breeze. What a shame that il bas come to this. *Our Readers Write Speedng has become big problem in Mîton Photo radar fundamentally fia wed system Dear Editor: up at Bishop Rediasg Secondary School, that won 't fîx problem of dangerous drîvîng I'm wniting mn response to Edward speeding is significantly reduced, but as- Lplu& cur auu ioai ram coe-"- tion, which appeared in thse August 24 Champion. I'd like to contradict Mr. Brook's coin- ment dma Milton drivers have nowhcre to spced us town. I sec tha he lives on a quiet street where speeding would be difficuit at thse best of times. 1, lsowevcr, lve in a house that fronts onto Main Street. Whcn we bought t h ouse, Main Street was a quiet two-Iane road, but has since heconse a four-lane raccway. On thc odd occasion that the police set soon as the police cars go away it's back to the nonmal 80 to 90 km/h. Even astishe best of tisnes thc average spccd is 60 km/h, even thougis Uic post- cd spccdlismît is 50 km/h. l'us sure that photo radar would go a long way toward maintaining the speed liniit. Photo radar works well in othercoun- tries. Let's get serious about this matter and make our roada safer for evcryone. Chria Shoilard Davis Lan. *The Canadian Champion Iiear Editor: I'm writing to comment on the front page article about photo radar that appeared in the August 17 Champion. Many believe photo radar is just a tax grab. While 1 share this view, 1 believe photo radar is flawed for two other reanions. First, it docsn't target the driver, only the vehicle owner. And sec- ond, 1 feel it's a method of law enforcement that discriminates against the poor. Consider an extreme example. In the world of photo radar, Microsoft's Bill Gates could move to Halton and drive at 2(00 km/h ail day. During his day of reckless driv- ing, he mighî accumulate $5.000 in photo radar fines. But what does he care? He probably makes $50,000 per day. In other words, drivers who can afford to speed can do so indeftnitely. My point is that photo radar is flawed in concept simply because it doesn 't apply to the entire popula- tion equally. Correct me if I 'm wrong, but did- n't highway car accidents actually go up during the photo radar days in Ontario? 1 have a tough time accepting that with photo radar rich people can speed. Everone should drive at a sale speed, not just those who can't afford to pay the fine. We have to get unsafe drivers off the road, and in my opinion taking pictures of cars and sending the owner a fine isn't going to, do it. On the bright side, it might be fun guessing someonc's annual income based on their driving habits. Next time 'm in the car with my kids 1 can say, "Look at how slow that person is driving. They must be really poor," or "Wow, that guy must be really rich. Did you sec how fast he was driving?" Again, Iet's get unsafe drivers off the road, not just slow down the less weaithy ones. Brion Macdonnel Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes letWte the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reed et- ters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the writer included. Letters con be e- mailed ta mitoned@hatonsearch.com, faxed ta (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease 1Mainl St. E. The Canadian Campion, pentislien evety Tuesttay arn! Enday at 191 t L9T 4N9 Main St E Milton, Ont.L9T!4N9 (Sox 248) s one il Thre Metnniand Pi ntng P hinng & Dstihtiing [trigonp nt subirtrannir pannes whncti inides Ajas Pickerng Nevis Art ertiner Siistnn Hi nid'iinei SBarrie -2 3 4 1 Arma ne Bolton nEntrprise. rn t iii LGuardiant Benlirretnn Es! Sirtngten Shopping Sews. City Parent, City ni Ynnk Snaran. Cliiiinnaenedni.asaSa 905-878-4943 ConnnctnnEast Yerk MinrrnnrouAdanîate/Cnnnntry Rutes. Etoimnke Geainian, FManlboroughn enew i naoevir nnn.iq Georgetoni 905-876-2364 inldepennanît Anrnn Een Press SaironrBusnresTrnes ýnitiria Business luntes. iidnAan Shrs WenE Maolnniin E rininst & Son Miand/Peretang- 905-875-3300 nshene Minier MtriolSli(iîntirrig Sevvs Mssîssaîga Bsnnes Trnes, Mississatina Nevis SapirieGuidenraassagaweya Nevis. Sennrarken/Aunera 905-878-5947 Ea-Barmn eNrthumnnberlandt SNps SNrthr Yrk Mi akniiie Braer, S knie Snopping Nenis Gaiqevnleiie a mm Sdtrnrers iHnckey Nevns, OCintra iïunisnerSToay Sstiawa/Wiitby (ian i ien i/ot E ryipts Weein etenIniinngh Tiis Wee k, Ecteir Ceinty Guidre. Ricnd intHiii'rThonnhilitningtiair LiSerai Scan ýlýi mc n/t Pnîi.ltî Seteenrgh Mimeor SteettenlireUxrnîge Tribanne 1dIfi e item rt EIntel Sdveitisinris aceptia ion trie canitinon mlat, ni tlire enenît ni a typo- nraphînai errer mlat portion ot tire tinertnsirrg spane riccnipientbSptne ente- MaiîngingIiffnte eus iteme tegetniereni treasernapin niienianrce nirssignatuire, uilnelt Se i/ic tn ien Iijsnt i irgre(l fniSînt tire tinarire omîthne udnenrserent voitiSe pard tnt at tireapplir i aSie rite tlire pubirsireirprsernes tire rîglit te catierrze adversemerîts et 1ire/tsil 'ienS ahi/n, detiien Ici/es mm Mesages Edtrar ana adetisng centent et The CanaiSari Chamepons prtected Py eopyrigPt.SnintPnizere its npnniiibitedi111 o//rn e Managet Tie Mitons Canadin eChaniorn s a Recpenaene Peodct W Box 248, 191 Milton, Ost (905) 878 Editorial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver A III lDavis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Ad i im Cutes Pl( (harlene Hli ).n 'lèri Casas

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