Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 2004, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 27, 2004-7 Man loses both hîs house*OU RDE SW IT and barn in evenîng blaze*OR E" fl (JT 'T/ni' Capsule.s' ae (Y*. i îiî,auî Evp1ianatisY ' iý(,Ill('li ., 5ilh<tinies' pro- îided ta place t/te situation in context. October 1903 On Tuesday a fire broke out in a shed built against the new kilns at D. Robersson and Sons' lime works on the C.P.R., three miles west of Milton. Naîting could be done ta chteck te ire and tite shed, the wooden roadway fromt the side of the bluff ta the top of lte kiln and a quantity of wood were destroyed. The cause of the tire is unknown, but it is supposed that it orig- inatcd from a spark fromn a passing railway engine. Mrs. S.G. Wood of Toronto addressed a large meeting, held in the interest of Humane Society work in the Town Hall last Tuesday afiemoan. The sehalars of the public scitool, with their teachers, were present in full farce and many of the par- ents and athers interested in the arganized efforts of the Humane Society and Bands of Mercy ta teach ciildren ta be kind ta the lower animais. it is hoped that a branch of the Humane Society will soan be stanted. Building, Commerce - Thas. Parsons bas purchased the lot and brick cottage in rear of his premises on which he wili build a stable and a building ta bouse iowls. Owing ta increased business he bas been abliged ta engage a practîcal butcher in the persan of Alex Shirkey. fate af Largo, Scotland. Mr. Parsans sbop ( 188 Main St.) wili be open at ail haurs during tite day. The Milton Pressed Brick Ca. have instailed an electnic lighî plant ai their works near tawn, whîch wili lîghî up ta advantage their buildings and yards being a vast impravement on the aid system. A car-load ai Westemn horses were sold here on Monday. bringîng very good prices. There was lots of fun durîng the evening when the animais were heing las- soed and taken assay hy ibeir uîssners. A football match ssill hc played on Saîurday afiemoon ai 3 o'cluick in R. Joyce's field, Mansew<îîd. betsveen Acîiîn and Scotch Block clubs. The ahcîve clubs played a tic game at Actîîn a week agui 357 Oison S., Acton 51948534O2OO inIo@achillesnz.ca ou Nalerliship is nul th Biqgese Ou goal stf.kbth Bst" lWiltnn li m eW~ ~~ vv i~ I eIp~ 1 IfIdIl aii iua Capsues Gofing4 Cancer tourney another success Capsules n iir-. - Saturday. sa a lively game may be iooked for. Thos. Hunter, of the 81h lune, Trafalgar, near Drumquin, lost his house, barns and contents by ire on Tuesday night. How the fire started is flot known but il commenced in the straw stack and the wind being in te direction of the buildings, everytiting went. Mr. Hunter threshed on Saturday, and his entre summers crop was lost. He is the younger brother of John Hunter, Milton. Messrs. Winn & Co. gave titeir travelers an outfit of ncw samples last week, and a Champion reporter itad thte privilege of examining titem. They are misses', boys' and children's shoes of the most up-to-date styles. The panemrs were originated in the factory. The fine fines are beautifully fin- ished. and a strong point with the tacîory is that the heavier shoes are as neat in design and workmansitip as the finer ones. The following hunters bave lefi for Muskoka for the deer season. which com- mences oin Monday next: Gea. Houston and Bamcy Hilson of Terra Coita; Chas. L-ewis, JJO. McGihiton, J.W. Buck, John Henderson, C.1. Cunningham, Geo. Patterson. Hy. E. Wllmoîî and Wm. Panton, Milton; ('io. Gastle. Nelson: John Pirie and E. Saunders, Drumquin: W.A. Clark and C.E. Buck. Toronto; Neil Patterson. Acîîîn; Roht. Moore, Camphellvillc; Ant Bradley, Georgeiown: S. Cook. Phil and Jake Metzgar. Wm. Harvey and Dr. McCienahan., Waterdown. November 1903 A Basket Bail Club bas been formed ity some of the young ladies of the iown. They play in the drill hall. Mr. Burling wenstIo the General Hospital, Guelph. on the laie train last nighî and was operated on alintiidnight f'or appeniicitiis by Dr. Stutart. T/h. isiaterit af îsen."ilî'd onIii /k'ia/I (il the Mi/toîî lu îtî,îîî,il Souîet v b houin Dilii. iho aiilui 'b/î'ial IiiI.(ài/i- 1leit. i m Thte Goifing 4 Cancer Cammittee would like ta express its thanks ta, the people who gave generously af their time ta assist with lte îaumamient titat was held on July 12 at Hamby Glen Golf Course. This important event provides much-needed funds ta enable us ta provide transportation for patients needing trealment for cancer at area hospitals. The success of titis taumament is dependent on the volunteers wto give generously of their time and energy. The cammitîce is always bumhied and appreciative of the iteanifeit efforts oif these volunteers, who'vc made titis taumament the success titat it bas been for lte past ilyears. A golf toumanient is aiso only as goad as thte sponsors wito step up ta the tee ta, assist witit haie spon- sorsitips, golf carts and prizes for te golfers. flhc committee would like ta express its titanks ta, these sponsors. We'd also lie ta thank Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snow for allawing us ta use titeir farm for.tite festivities. Also Don Colling provided itis services as auctianeer - and as ai ways did a wanderful job - witile Peter Stemman and'bis staff from tite Meat Termninal provided US with an excellent meal. Meanwhiie, cammittce members Comments on proposed bîke path were mîsleadincq Murray Graitam, Cliffe Bell, Bob Hazen, Dan Joyce, Don Fritzley, Hino Martins, Donna Couiter and lte Kinsmen Club have been thte backbone of titis toumamnent over tite years. On beitaif af al lte cancer patients and titeir famijiies titat titis toamnent itas assisted, may we say titank you ta tite golfers, witose participation heiped us raise $46,285.91 titis year - for an 11 - year total af $427,49 1.91. Without yau, nône of titis would have been possible. T'Me committce wouid alto like ta, titank Champion pitotograpiter Grahami Paine for covering lte event. Dear Editor: Titis letter is in response ta Rory McLeod's letter about thte praposed Maitamy bike pati t tat appeared in thte Augusi 17 Champion. Peritaps Ms McLceod would feci differcnsly if thte prapuised bike pat compromised her ciidren's safety. Tite bicycle pat is an issue for lte nortit side as well as te soutit sîde ofi the Hawthomne Village subdivision. Resîdenîs sitouid have a f ull understanding of te impact and safety cancems beLfore making blanket siatemenîs about thte bike patit being a parking issue. For titose of us titat didn*t have prior knowiedge of the bike patit. the proposai came as a sitock. Thte residents ai' Waldie Avenue look thte tîme Io investîgate and researci thte pruiposed design of tic bîke pat. Lîterature supports aur stance liata Uibke pat is a potentiai hazard f or drivers. pedestrians and cyclîsts. Accordiiig ta a 1993 report by Zeitnpfenning, Cramer and MacL-ennan, while strecîs witit iike patits carry oniy 15 per cent ai a city's bicycle traffie, those saine streets itosted 70 per cent of thte reportcd bicy- cle/motor veiticle accidents. Titis information was sitared with town counicil last faîl in bot an ouldoor community meeting and at a town counicil meeting. After sitaring aur cancems and researcht, il was unanimously agreed titat furtiter mnvestigation wouid be necessary ta determîne thte appropriaîeness of Uie location of the bike path. 1 agree with Ms McLeod that Uic proposcd coioured pathway extension ta Uice sidewalks is ridiculous, as we wauld continue ta have Uic sanie safety concerns. Itis current proposai would also entail Uic removai of te Irees titat werc planted on Uic boulevard. i wauld bc more than htappy ta sitare lthe extensive literature and researcIt ve acquircd over Uic past year with Ms McLceod and any interestcd parties. i titink thte iiabilîîy of Uic proposed bike path far out- weigits any perccived benefits. Teri Gordon Caring fîrst-aid help at Rotary Park much apprecîated Dear Editor: and ite was back jumping in Uic spiasit zone in no lime. Lasi Tucsday was il ice day. so 1 deccded ta takec my A wiie laier anc of te ladies came out and checkcd isso boys tate Rotary Park spiasit pad. up on my son ta make sure he was okay. Wbile we were titere My yîuigest son banged bis Il's litie titings like titis titat make you feel good- head oiithettcp<yground equipimeni and stanted hi ei- knowing peoplc can care s0 mucit. even if uls titeir job. ing. lits especiaiiy nice ta sec witcn u's your own kid. i tlook fiii tothe f îrsî-aiîîloffi ic hyteîîpool ai e:îand Thanks again. îtrec nîce ladies tuook really good care oa'im.n. aking D. Tostîk stire fie didrit nreed any sttches. l-îuiaiely fie didai., Bronte Street E-mail ail your letters to the editor to miltoned@&haltonsearch.com. zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom MMKE OUR MOVE EVENTIIENOW ON A T ACHILLES MAZDA The AI-New 2004 Mazda6 Sport Includes: V Powerful 2.3L 4 Cylinder Engine4O n eAP V Tracios Conîrol wV Power Windows V Power Lcs V Power Healed Mirrors V Crise Control V 17T'Aoy Wheels V Air Condition V Keyless Entry V Engine immobilizer V AM/FM CD Slereo V Fog Lighls s/ 1662L of Cargo Capacityor 48 Most . V ABS Brakes The Ail New 2004 Mazda6 Sport v' 60/40 Split Rear Seals V elEuipedci ol $5.95 i V Plus Much More vr eIE r tol ~ 1y Ofeisdnl 204aza6 Doi 'tdey!! THE CANADIAN CHAMPION di

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