Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Frday Auguat 27, 2004 *Commenit 4âowThe Canadian Chfampion Box 248, 191 Main i.îVt.. Miltont Ont.19T 4NI1 (905) 878-2341 EdtorîilFix: 905-878-41)43 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classitied: 905-875-330M Circulationt: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver A toiti îti'Pîéi/i.i/î Karen Smith tluj/Igi'itii btoli Tim Cotes PIi)aut tiMIîiî'- Charlene Hallf)tihiit 'îiîpr Teri Casas i/t/(i i Mantageri The Canadien Champion pibltstiî. tri eyTiittay inti rttay ait 15 Main St E Mitol rttti 9T 4N19 (BoxtIe 4t, s inle fi . ý,Meiolant Pr i ilîin tbuîsttîittig&tjt.tttiitnfiLt ti (I OHP 0 ,iLh lt iIl C o13titti t itttsîît) iii( tutt iît iîttî , i t ,tt it , î ii ( HCourie, irtI, A ilt, M t.,, Bol 'ton t t am tnGu r M "iiiitI nP stB rin ti Aotne tiwiist t ttit,1 ti, in il teti( uli iiti otifý, ti 'ik chrgeS si, iif Itýi f outin , I iiI,tiisi ne t 'I nîi e paî lii at l e yi PtnMto aaiorthanironTis a Rnvyciie PorICohth * Slow the way to go Speeding costs lives and il also cosîs motorists dearly. 'Maïs thse message Haiton Regionai Police and Halton Region are hoping to send to drivers who routineiy go over the posted speed limit. More than 15,000) speeding tickets are issued yearly in Haiton. and officiais want to put the brakes on tisat number. As part of its Safety Awareness For Everyone campaign. the police and Region are erecting anti-spceding signs across Haiton. In addition to the slogan -Road Safety - It Starns With )ou,'* tise sign includes the costs of bciiîg tieketed for speeding: 20 km eover the limit. $1 (10: 30 kmn over. $143; 401 km ever. $295. Having the cost of a ticket spelied out n black and white miay be jusl enougis for some drivers to îhink twice about cruising over thse limit. Even if tise nes- sage reaches just a few people, then the campaign is worth il. Motorists need to be reminded, 100. that flot only do they lose money if they speed. they can aiso lose up to six demerit points which eventually hits them through increased insurance rates. Young drivers, who are already paying through the nose for car insur- ance. may find themseives unable to pay the rates if they're caught speed- ing. We know drivers et' ail ages speed. but consider this news itemi if you will. On Monday. a 21 -year-înld Oakville resident was nailcd by police for driv- ing bis BMW 185 kmn/b in ais 80 kmi/b zone. What was be tbtnking? Obviously thse nuînber one reason to gel drivers to slow down is tise fact speeding is usually a primary factor in accidents tbat result in îrjury and deatis. Twe tsof tbe 10) fatal accidents iii Haiton tbis year arc direcîiy atnrbuta- bic lii speeding. I ast y'ear tisat nutuber Mas leOur oe' 1 ()lalalit ies. -Spceding exacts a huge 11)11 se we are deing everyîbiiîg VîC cati.' said Supt. Mlike Kingston. "A police ufilcer doing enfercernsetts uini part etf'tthe answer. Kingstons s riglit. Tise ceps cantt li on every cornter puliiîg twcî spccding motîsrists. We live in a last-paced socicîy and some people take tisat te an exîremne. Tbey're tise folks who are aiways in a perpetual burry and tbeir habits spili over tsi the roadways. We only boe these same drivers aren't going se fast that tisey dontt sec tise new road safety signs. * Our Readers Wri"te Town 's support during Milton Marauders.' league champîonshîp drive was amazîng l)ear Editor: On heltalf iofifle miltitî Mlriudcrs ilotihaI I cain. lýi ilit ihank ex cryotnteii its t for their tinuillitg smi p[nltilduritie isr 2(X)4 i Cisetreissels pleased s. tilthlie le\c of iiltssuplpotl sliixn tisrit Ille seusi iiiai ai l ofîouihioileme . and tistsireccntl s the 2(X)1 orse laits hSi lii ras eled tise shoti distance iii >akv liele owaîchIlite Narauders clinc t tieir lîrsi eser Nîîrtherîî Ciielerence Fithal I tille otser lie Oakviiîe Linngisirns S;îîurda-s ilîglis. We couidn'î have donc Ihis witis- tint you. Tise cheering yîsu provided made il leel like there were 1.100 laits iitit us. This is a great viciory lor tise Mat atders. but ans even greater sic- toiry tr tise tissu use1. 'Sut îîîîy dînes Miltoin nitsx dams a leagie fotbiallI eiampiuinsip. but lias Iseleitpirtuiiit\ o li eutpete fliia liationai tille nt Edinîtstie cter 'n>ue lîpe Ilit rng te saine ri- itetîce agait in N il lut. but hits tinte ai te ttaltitnal level. i xx îuld aisîn like tote iank tkiiihe wotiderl ul individuais working l'or tise Town of Milieu wiso assisîcd us \vitis field boitkîngs fur bots games and praclices, ais weii as ether cx enîs. Aiso, a special acknowiedgemenî gîtes osulte Mayor Gord Kraastz for his support during tise season. and for bis attendance at severai of our home games. Tisanks le our sponsors as weit for ilseir contnued suppoîrt. Fitsall\,. îbanks te our execulive membhers. piavers and tiseir famni- lies. Yisu hve ecîdurcd a loi tiss seaset antd id Iike te persenaily ihank eacis and evcry one of you l'or yiiur patience and understanding iisreuisîut tise year. We isîpe wc did you proud, and vvc bepc le bring home one more titie itn six weeks lime. Berry Emo, Head coach/GM Milton Marauders Proposed animal con frol bylaw is much improved Miton's preposed new animai cinntrîs byiaw -compared te tise current eut-el-date one - is mucis improved for people and pets. l'm as big an animai lover vs tisey ceme, se 've taken a certain interest in tise byiaw and wisat il stands for. Tise riginal newiy-proposed byiaw bas just been reviscîl foiiowing compiaints tisaItise rec- ommended amneedments were tee restrictive, Among tise highligbts is a mucis-needed icasis requirement for dogs and a stipulation tisat canines that have bilten or attacked a person or other domestie animal can be required to wear a muzzle. Su pet owners wise dots't keep liseir dogs eos leasises wiscn titey waik îisem isad hetter take note. Another regulation oniy aiiewing îhree cals and Iwo dogs in an urban borme ix reasenable, as is preiibiîing animais like bats, pythons and welves. il aisîs preveisîs people from isaving 10e maîly venomous soakes and izards. And tise byiaw ix reasonabie for current pet ewners since a grandfatisering provision bas heen put in place se people wen't be in a position te have te gel rid of their pets. Tise provision requining cals te wear collars editor's desk with the owner's namne and address is certainiy called for. 1 often seen cals in my neighourhood and 1 wender if ticy're lest. If 1 gel tee concemed, il wuud be nice Io be able te contact tise owner and check. Aîtd reducing tise cest of deg licences for sen- ior citizens is nice to sec. cspeciaiiy censidering our vging populatien. Pets suds vis degs caîs inake a big difference in tise lite ef a ioely sensier. Andi fer titese oni fixed incoîsses, lise savings weuid hclp. 'nise betîeni litte is municipal enfercement effi- cers have te ise anned witis a clear and concise hyivîw in order te preperiy deai witis prehienîs cencemning pet owîsership and i1lisink lhey new have il. Make sure you include your nâme, address and telephone number when submitting a letter to the editor for publication.

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