Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 2004, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Auguat 27, 2004 siebI anc@&h atoflsearch. com Lisa Brown, 16, proudly dlsplays the gold medal she earned with the Central West Ontario women's field hock- ey team at the Ontario Summer Games in London. A left inner (midfielder) - and third youngest member of the team - Lisa helped the Central West squad go undefeated and clinch top honours with a 3-2 comeback win over Ottawa in Sunday's finals. This follows the Halton Field Hockey League championship she secured earlier this month with Miltons Express Vourseif Caffe-sponsored team. ,No Olympic medal for Hili1 Cail it a double denial for Shawn [iliiand bis Canadian Olympic basebal icamniaies. who had bopes for boib gold and bronz.e squashced wilimi a hicartbrcaking I 5-bour span. li til ss as a Iaiec oi lapse' Tucsdaxy afiemnithai spoiled a solid six-irunîng performance hy uIll 23-ycar aid Bishiop Rcding gradu- ale and Cosi Caniada an 8-5 ioss to Cuha ii the seni finals. Hllii ssorkcd lis e shutiout inflings aller uts îng Up tsi' runs iii the firsi --ailtisi- inîg jisi lotir bits lu total ss oh an 86-pitch eflor n - and li o oh ibe t anadiarîs abcad 3-2. i-ui tic bulipen "soîîld seil desiructi n tic ciphltît. sîrreuderitîg sixruns. ( atuadian Kes n Nicholson carne %w oh tî a es let ofIiii- iiglîng,, up iii tbetiutb. but bis bard lier Io li ss as srîaggcd ai lec top iof tbe w ail h anîbîîîlldcr Shawn Hill l-rcdcrîcb f epeda tii end Canada's ralsy -and gîîidiedai bîd. Sba\ssn Hillgave thc Canadians six sirong tnuîugs, Ilicu the 'peu just couidu*t do the job:" said Vie Rauier, %sbîî sas callitng te game for TSN. Hli ssas vîrtuaily unhîtiabie aller a somewhai shaky siari and mîgbî ba% e goîîe a 1tuile lonîger had the Muntreal Expos nol put an X5-piîeb limiî on lîîm belore the Oiympics. Jusi 12 bours laier Canada ssould gel trouniced i1-2 by Japan in the brîînzc-medal clasb --lalling behind early and neyer recuver- îng. Wbîle nul exaeily lasuured to win guld in Aibeus. Canada's f'ourtb-place f-inish lîad Io be eonsîdered a disappoinîmeni afier gcîîîng oui 10 a 4-0l record and smoking eventual sîlver-medalisi Ausiralia 1l1il Suuday in is round-rîîbîn finale. Cuba %sent ou(inIbeai Ausiralia 6-2 Wedncsdav for tbe gold. -Macdonald's aggressive finish costly at nationals By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Paul Maedonald is a go-for-bruke type cumpetitur- and ibai's noî always a good ibing. Case in point was lasi weckend in Muitireal, wbere a cunservalive finish tuthie Canadian Barefuoot Water-skiîng Cbarnpiuiisbips wuuld nu doubi lhave resulted in a successful tille defense. Enjuying a bealiby lead over second- place Gurdie Croteau ul Sudbury wiîh unly the jump-uff remaining Salurday aftemuun, the 28-year-old Milîuîîiaîî knew be cuuld bave pulled (tut the overaîl viciury by simpiy playing it safe. Rcfusing lu lake the eautious appruacb, be instead delivcrcd tbrcc motîster 75 tu 80-lfoui juinps- but cituidu'tisîck the landing on ans tif ihcsc perstiîal bcst-shalteieîîg 1caps. itîs pusiing a bîg dont itr the event anîd surrendering the al arttud lcid. "I guess l'ut au all-îir-notiiîg ssatcr- skier" saîd Macdonald, who cariier tits year finisbed filili ai the uvorIci chanpioiîships for Canada's besi-es e piacîug întematiîîually. "l suppose 1 couid bave jusi jumped 201 tr 301 feci and siayed ahead. butî Id raiber wîu siib guod scoires itîi jusi sncak one oui.- Thte local eompetiior pul t imrsell' ii position for a ihird nationial ltle ss lb a persunal besi 16 erussiugs in the openu- ing ssake slalom leg lasi Fridaiy anîd then haîîdily upstaged es'erytiucin bis bread-and-bolier iricks cvent Saiuîday morning- posting a scoîretif' 6,000,t s. icl i asdouble [liai of- Crtiteau. 'llie us ralilîîoss narked a reversai oi' lotriicoser ai iisutnier. silien Macdona~ld f iishedl strîînglv to eclîpse lits norilicrn ads ersars'. The Miltoîn ssater-skier \vtiuld. boss- cet. exact a measure of- reseîîge Sîîiidav takiîg îtop bonours in ilie lil Ioll-I ike flimtiCaîiadian Opent. 'llitoîp cigbt maies advanced Iu the sseekeiid-cltîsing sbtiwduwn. wîtb Macdoniald making no misiakes in tbe jump-ofl 'this lime irtiund -executiig a 65-fooi lap Io soltdity a raiber con- s itîig victîîry over Crotcau and coin- pany. He'd miatch iils uake sialointi otal fIrotît twîî days cariier and rack up rougbly 5,0(X) points dui'ing bis iciks rotine. Water-skier Paul Macdonald shows off his successful form. The end of summer doesn 't mean the end of mosquitoes. W/e lhink of Labour Day as the end of si iîîier. 13B iol iloecan pose a Ilireat i tll Sepletîther. So ifs irnportant Io 0 rofect yourseif anîd your childrert as we ail re(stte tionuai work and schooi sehieduies. Many doctors' offices, clinics, puharmacies and <grocery stores haive panmphiets expliniitg steps y0ou('ail lake Io protect yoturseif aotd your eilidren. Youl cail aiso cati 1-877-234-4343 (TTY 1-800-387-5559) or visit HeaithyOntario.com. n'MM IqghttheBite! @5 Ontario

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