Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 2004, p. 12

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12-The Canadian Champion, Friday,,August 27, 2004 C i,>.ihjlh& 4i&~jwiui~s 1 love watching the Olympic Garnes. I draw tremendous inspiration from seeing the dedica- tion, the deîerniination and thse drive of world- class athietes committed in, excellence. Life les- sons abound. 1 think of Jesse Owens, winner of four gold medals ai the 1936 Berlin Olympics. who defeated tise notion of racial supremnacy of one group over another as triumphed over bis corn- petitors. People stili talk about lus contributions, today and is pa'isionate words echo in te hearts of many: -Ex'exs-boil'v i/hui/lhai-e' a dreaon. Exc'x-body shînld r n'.rxtOsi'axd.that dream. A4nd if viah beliexe hard enougît, wheher ih 6e inteeOlympie Games. or hbe in t/te business world, or t/te music wor/d or the educational wxorld, i ail cornes clown rooane thing... onle day, you can say. "Iarn a chamupi- on!" Men and women of every age were encour- aged by this unforgettable athlete t0 dreaca big drearns and ta pursue them with abandon. The Holy Bible reminds us God has a wonderful plan for each persans life. There are barriers tisat each of us can break: contributions to society that each of us con make. We simply must commit ourselves,10 being tise best that we can be! 1 think of Britain's Derek Redmond atie 1992 Barcelona Olympics. He provided one of track and fieid's most incredibie moments. Con you remember il? Al is life, Derek had drearned of winning a goid medal in the 400-metrerace. Now, his A Church for Your Heart, Mid & Spirit and YOU! Sunday Morning Service 10:00 - 11:3Oam Milton Senior Centre, 500 Chiids Drive (Near the Malil) www.thesanctuary.ca/mllton Snior Pastor Rev. Dan Rogue Ch Id ren Natelle Ragge AssistantiWorsilp Esther Kesa 1er Youth/Outreach Tlm Stevens 9 a.rm. - Early Worship Service .9:30 a. m. - SLnday School for ali ages 1045 a.m. Second Worship Service OLYMPIC MEMORIES 6:30u p. ml. - Evening Praî .se & Preach Supen'lsed Nursery & Dynamlc Cbldren's Prograrns available ail services! Day Camp Finalese Sunday, Augusi 29 C od'$ Thea 10:45 amn - noon 6:30 pm - 8 pm Wear nommtxr casuain or Performance Showcane & God'n Gym T-nhirtn Pizza Party - only $ilolicu Grat manic, npuciat prizun Bring your camuranl ' . NAR E . * CI I SO LVE dream was witisin sighî. As tise gun sounded in bis semifinal heat, Derek set out 10 mun tise race of his life. Ahead of thse pack, ise could sec the finish line os he rounded tise tum int the bock- stretcis. Things were going just os he had planned. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain go up tise bock of bis leg. Unexpectedly. he fell face firsî onto the îrack. He had tom bis rigist bon- string. "Sportîs lllustrated"tma.gazine recorded thse dranuatic 'vent, iof thaI niglitinh Spain: As the' medical attendants were approacising. Rednxond louglit 10 bis fet. Itwas animal instinct," le would say later. He set out hop- ping, in a crazed attempîta finish the race. When he reached tise strelcis, a large mon in o T-shirt came out of tise stands, hurled aside a security guard and ran to Redmond, embracing Omagh Preshyterian Church 2077 Britannia Road Locaîred helmeen Highsiav 25 and the'i hird Line Service at Il a.m. Rev. MARK CURTIS Canada s Singing Prîest Comu and unloy Reu Mark CurtIs faîth sharîng music and i', apli O lq message as nur gux.st preacher Ainntersar ' vunda', Septeinîer 12, 21M ai Om.sgh lrehylerian (hurch T him. It was Jim Redmond, Derek's father. "You don't have ho do this," he told bis weeping son. "Yen, 1 do," said Derek. "Weil, then," said Jim, "we're going to fin- ish this together." And they did. Fighîing off security mern, tise son's head sometimes huried in bts father's slioulder, îbey stayed in Derek's lane ail tise wOa 1tiste end, as tise crowd gosped, tisen rose and hîîwled and wept. l)erek didn't walk owoy wiîh tise gold medaf, but he wolked owoy with an incredible. memory of a father who, when he saw bis son in pain, lefi bis seat in the stands 10 iselp him finish tise race. BAHAI FAITH " Devotional gatherings " Study circles " Children's classes tnii -xii xx /()xnhixxî xxî]xax ntiuxx phease i al 905-878-2923 (local) 1-800-433-3284 w ww. ca.ba hai. org i i We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S L UNITED CHURCHk] 123 Main St. E., Milton ONE CONGREGATION ew TWO GREAT WORSHIP STYLES! - ~ Sun. August 29, 9:30 arn Carne jotfl us for worstnip supporied by music tram thse St. Pauls Worship Bond Naîsex j tor hattîns & tiiditiexs xx 91t ain Thues. Spt 27-9pmn- 'Pealse ln 1ThePark' wlh the St. Paui a Wae.hi~p Bnd - Camle ! Clark VilageaSquare (Tudeau DrOIV.1N. etDat'Rd) ,Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofsletler & Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org 'Mat's what God does for us whcn we place our trust in Himn. When we are experiencing pain and we're struggling to finish tise race, we con be confident that we have a loving Father wiso won'î force us to go tise distance alone. God left His place in iseaven to corne alongside us in tise person of His Son, Jesus Christ. "I arn with you always," soys Jesus 10 His fnllowers, "10 tise very end of tise age." Leam more about God's great love by visit- ing one of Multon's local churches this week. meel the Pastor. Commit yourself to a commu- niîy of faitis. You will be glad you did! Service limes and locations are pubiished in tise Religious Directory beiow. Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge Pastor of Milon's New Life Church ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 7051 Guelph Ln - Just N. of Derry Rd Parish Office: 905-878-1363 www.stgeorgeslowville.org SUMMER SERVICE TIMES Sunday, August 29, 2004 9:30 arn Mornîng Prayer Nursery Cote and Sunday School provided Riuluxi si i, e hîors ie.%uxxîe Sunda ' î Sepi 5, 2004 8 40t & 1() -0) aieinatiniMîîxxîxe1Ppa,eiand 1Il iC'nniuni'îx Parîsh Office: i6)5-X78-136 Wehîîte nein Or RIe%. Canon. harlie.Master.. Reelor lIes. Jerrv Salum A-ssis. Priest (hrts Joies keach ( ommurùfo Team Leader Milton Bible Chuuceh 200 Main 9troat 1. 10:20 AM Coffim & convmatîon 11:00 AM WorghIp qarvice CI-iIdtu1n',-çrogtam trnninig coneu-I-cnti!J A Nuew Church for a Njew Ceneration! www. Milton Ri blesCh u ch.eR 2850 Derry Rd E ILO O P LH L KNOX PRESBYTERIAN PO Box 332 MLO GO P LH L Milton On 1 T 4Y9 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 CHURCH uthside ..905878666WELCOMES YOU ',,,,,',, e, D" ýh ficeUsu uthsidenmitonurg 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 17(0 Main Si. E., Milton 905-878-6066 C AChrc o Te hrstanan isioar Alinc o Cnaa 11:45 arn. - Sunday School Minister - Rev. Joseph Gray 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Director of Music & Children's Ministries - Sunday Worship Wednesday 7:30 p.m Sonjo van de Hoef 1030 AM Service - Worship Service Prayer and Bible Study Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Burnng" "Fo theSonof an i cone umme SudayNursery "Keeping our Light Br g FrteSno mni oe Sme udyScisool Age 3-8 10:30 arn Pastor Brian Roe to seek and to save "'Growing together in the grace of Christ" that which was lost." : a Wheelchair access and washrooms provided s0 Luke 19.10 that ail may corne and worship. sr,cc, a mt.%x si. ~ GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH 4 M ILTON 9RCW Y'ATS HRH Clergy: 3*17 Main St. E W,)À VF N'H- DAY 1 03 Martmn Street Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the H/il e. A cu. 905-78-1629MeDerrnott 905-878-2411 ~GUC 905-878-1629 ~~~Rev. Carole L.anglotz À111 *,CUC Pstor Walter H. Isaak Father Mark CurtiS bPInie ou ntua weekly Sabbath usevices a 10:00 arn. - Sunday School ibuinaysS THugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton 11:00 a.m. -Morning Service e 1Oam Sat.99:0axn. Sabbath Schaiil 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Services Sac. 11:009 a xxxDivune Service FREE BIBLE SCHOOL ThrsaySun. 8:00 Holy Communion t)uîcouurxthe amazing Bible answers ta lifes petplexing questions, 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer co f e uhris oloe yandthe secret tu a hîappy life. For FREE BIBLE LESSONS, write. PO. Box 23012, Captain's Crew for Children Thurs. 10:00 Holy Communion followed 55 Ontario St., Milton, Ont., L9T '5B4. (ages 6-1 21 by Tea and Sharing On the INTERNET, htip://www.vop.com and 0 www.amazingfacts.org/bibleschool/choolmamn.asp "Yu'Ii aiways find a friend at Graceway" Wheelchair Access Through Parking PASTOR: A] Da(osta 519-835-8301 www.gracewaybaptist.org :::j l www.gracechurchmilton.corn Fot more information about OUr setvice and pmogram, pieuse cai. -1 l-ý- a

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