6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 24, 2004 *Commenut PI news in terminal fight Halton MP Gary Carr\s plan to start a petition opposing CN's intermodal terminal ks an example of' an elected represent itive serving bis community well. As reported elsewhere in tbis ncwspaper, Mr. Cari is spear- beading a drive against the controversial internmodal termninal pro- posed for south Milton. Starting next month, Mr. Carr's office will mail out petitions, whicb he plans to personally deliver to Parliament Hill. We tbink it's safe to say the majority of Miltonians are against tbis proposai, so any politician truly representing bis constituents would also take this stand. And we're pleased to see Mr. Carr is standing behind the view on the terminal he expressedi during bis campaign. Witb the backing of Mr. Carr, Milton may just he able to thwart this intrusive development, wbich contravenes the Official Plan, stands 10 muin the area as we know it and clearly bas no place in south Milton. *Our Readers Write August 6 cartoon with Statue of Liberty dressed up in protective gear flot amusing Dear Editor: 1 was somewhal miffed by the editori- a] cartoon in the Augusi 6 Champion showing the Statue of Liherty dressed up in armour and holding an auîornaîic weapon. Would your cartoonisi have preferred that an additional hi-jacked aircraft have eradicated the Statue of Liberty - as well as the twin towers and a portion of the Pentagon - thereby negating tie ne.ed ta have the statue depicted in pro- tective body arrnou? Or is lie or she merely incensed or inconvenienced hy the now very reai need to have very much increased defen- sive measures in place in North Amenica and te frec world? lias your cartoonisi heen educated in graphies only, or dues he or she possess an educational background in interna- tional or strategie studies as well? Regardless, lie or she is quite correct in stating ihat, "If's jusi not the saine since DI. Rchardson Ros*eath Crncont *The CanadianChampion Mlton 's traffîc problems getting out of hand I)rar Iditor: mti, icadinu mi i Temesax'ý Champ1rin, 'lhiù. h se im t dIo s'. îh iraI ic and cars, ihan ans- ihing 1ic.Idcscliipcd an exîrcînc niccd iio unleiad. lisis.VC uCeaîiiIy dîîii nccled phot>o radar in Miltoîn. W5ith ihow- sandi(s ofît ncw people nni tomoinaad nol onc ne'.'.main riiad. '.secian harly movc. lei aionc specd. Ai Icasi when Mississauga cm mits the moitai sin of urban '.prawi ihey huild the roads be-fore peoplc meive in. Why the heck have we nol cxpanded Steeies. Derry and Britannia 10 four lanes yeî? Where do oui poliiicians ihink aul ihese new people arc commuiing 10 when they wanî îo work or shop? Second, isn'î it great ihai we have aIl lilil l l I ili' . fiBlt 5. ilm cmcsai 8:.10 p m il dmîcni îakc a dcgreccniiscicncc Iomigmure>o11 litai il Militon Niai!clowcsaiS, ii ..,any~- One s.hi> V. urks therc îor shops,întiîl clummng s'. illiîll ha\ecIt akc a car. Brilliant i usi hrilliani. 'Uhird. parking continue,,iii bc a cmîîccnî .Wcll sn'i îhaî a surpnis. Wc lci thc devclopcrs huild large homes on smail lois.. Il you live in Milton. you have lu havc a car 10 gel around. The new roads are ail narrow and the cars are everywhere. Tlhere are some houses with tour cars and the owners park their vehicles on the road. Finaily, there's a proposed inter- modal terminal that's planned for the we'.i end of Milton. Again, just brilliant. Yes il wil gel trucks, off Hs'. 401 the-Isseen Windsorr anmd hcrc. but guess vsherc îhcsii h c gcning hack ion.? Ai Treînaine Roadjusi sihai mc nccd. ln casc no onc planning îhcsc ihiîogs lias noîîced. il's arîîund NIilion thai thc 401 easîheond hccomes a niglitnarc for com- muters. Ail we need is another couple îhousand trucks. geîîing on i Tremaine 10 make our lives really special. This. is ail jusi plain nuis. Oui politîcians ai ever level have taied us in this regard. I'm not againsi growth or progress, but what they're doing to us is destroying our quality of life. Edward Brooks Hayward Crescent Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adveriising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver An .», cPuhlislier jlli D)avis Fdiiiri ' lii Karen Smith Alîm.>.mcîiii Fdit'i Wendy McNab Ad'>tb D,' Tim Cules Pn)iu>dm MilltlMa>,>:> Charlene Hall Diii, îimis Wii e>, Teri Casas (fiiu1,maag, er The Caniadien Champion, publisti e ery Tuesday and Friday ai 191 Main St. E. Milon, Ont, L9T 4N9 (Box 248), s one of The Meiioianid Printing, Publishinig & tistribttuing Lia oîoup oi suburban comnparues whicti includes AaxPckering News Adaeriser, AllisonoHraldCourierr Barrie Advance, Bolon Enterprise, Brampton Guardian, BuringlinePost, Burlingion Shopping News, City Parent. City nofloirk Guardian, Clingwood/i5asaga Conniection, East York. Mrrnr. Eion Advncate/Coiîniry Rnoutes, Etnbîcnke Guaidan, Faînbnrnigli Revins. Foreuer Ynuno. Geurgetown Iidependent/Acinn Fee Press HPloiiBîsmîess Times, Huilia Business limes, Lindsay lhis We. Markhiaini F connînîist & Sîn, Midlanld/Penetang- uistîene Mrîni MinîShopping News Mississauqa Business Ties Mississauga News, tapanee Guie Nassagaweya News, NewmailietiAuorra ira-Banner, Notumriland News. North York Mrni lakoilie Beaveî. lakuiie Shopping Newîs lîaîigeville tanine> lidtinîis Hock'ey News, Irillia loday OshawaiM5iitby/Clariiigton/Port Peîry Thiîs Week, Peterbonrough This Week, PîctiiCeulîto Guide ihOmond Put Ttrornhiîiifdaughan Liberai Sct biiîOugh Mrror Stoîituîlle iibriige Tribune Adderlisiii tis aceteit on hec ionitiotii tini i ee îîit i of ityp UriîiîtîîL.îI err, ItiiptoîrtonîîoftItue ,îiteitisi il spce oCt,,iei tho tir, toujsititgefie ii a ii usiiiiie llîîeîaîîceor isonigîiîi.iii li t t, Oiargil t oi, uit ihe baanceofit he ,uuip tseli cuint vi li e paid loi l nie aiiîiii cuit) lrate The piiblistue reri'oes lie riglit Otr aeborie ,idoertisemnits or (eliii,' ldutoriai aid aduertîsîîîg conitenit oit[lie Caîîadîan Chamnpion is troiei lei 'ho iciopyriht dîîaîthnrîard îoe s pîiîîteîti The Mitoni Canadian Champion ir a Reeyeiabie Prooluctie* Letters welcome The Champion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reject letters. Leters must be sgned and the address and telephone number of the writer included. Letters con be e- maited to miltoned@hatonsearch.com, faxed to (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease 1 V, ý