I LiCENSEO MECIIANIC REQUIRE O FOR IlS *TRUCK AND TRAILER REPAhR 5110F hN MILON. reqo vos 5 EARS PLUS EXPERIENCE AN ASSET.I Mtuepersns nfor Laaly Iio FAXYL îs uSRESUME'1F0 905-8Ï8-3520 & Afternoon O AL958800 Shifts _ OR_________905 ___87 __900 _ aFIT Midnight *iF/ AtronGAS TECHNICIAN shir fteror TRAINING/ LICENSING Wevtffer Benitî Now Available In Oakville and compeîîîîve Laulc a oeil career tartîng wagesi in as littie as a tew weeks 2355Trflgpe rM dîtI arri tn 'netal! service turnaces, treplaces Cah9 905-257-1294 and olher naturai jas and prvpane appliances Cali 05-25 -1294Cali tday, space in lnited 1-877-685-9393 toil free Nuianaxd Haltuî Skilted rades Acadei Fînancing acvailable C A C Security Technician F/r position Hamltv-based Eop. cilS vros secsrîty panels needed. DC knowledge is an assel. vebîcle and vools reqoîred ntetly AUn Hans Vailancvurt Ph: 905-974-1748 Fax: 905-481 -4023 hvailtancouri@ pasword.com wwwpasword.com Experienced Ophthaimic Assistant Reqoired Sp sphthaimot- ogy office in Oakvlie Appromaeey 3-4 dayslweek. Fax resume to 905-849-6990 PRODUCTON CONTROL CLERK A leadîng international manufacturer ut eogineered luîd handlîng equipment iecated in Buringlon Ontariv has an immediete vpenivg ot a prvduction costrol clerk Ouies include cemputerioed rder entry lme card entry tilt of material eniry and shîpmenî ol erders Experience cîth AS400 sotware & Microsoft Office would Se an assel, Sutmît resumes in strict cvnfidence te David Broce Unies Pumps (Canada). Lmted 4211 Maîocay. Burlngton, ON Lit 5NP or tue 905 335-8262, ABs Production Supervisor No teleplruve callu pleane AUTO PREP PERSON & TRAINEE Needed for Milton Auto Repair Shop, Cail 1-(905)875-3248 1 Fax resumne 1-(905)875-1157 Customer Service Rep Rapidty growîog, saui bus. seeku lodependeot individuel w/computer sklîs, and pleesunt phone mannors M-F 25-30 hrs/wk, casuel work envir. Fax: 905-875-4048 E-Mailt haIon@nrhandyman.com RECEPTHONISTISECREJTARY Needed îmmedîatety for local amai business. Hours 9:00- 3:00, Mondey - Frdey. Experience wth generet office tunctions required înctuding A/P A/R, Data Entry, etc. MUST be profîcient in Smmply Accounting. Phone: 905-875-0323 or Fax Resume To: 905-875-0324 PART-lIME MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Needed for busy medicel practice. MusIt e fexible. Pieuse fax resume lv 905-873-80941 The Canadien Champion, Friday, August 20, 2004-25 Administrative Assistant Required for a xmalt social service company locat -_____________________/____ ed le downtswn Burlington. Outies :rvceptivn. filîng, staff and Anenciate con- National Wîreivss, envet Bell Worlds leadîng part- Quaitictiuels.5 yrs 1îuîîîî ouperience wurkîrîg in a small cempany/ agency office eevîrenment, excel- lent verbal and writteni communicative skitîs, knowledge et Microsoft Office pregrams, ACCPAC and tbe ability te cemplete a variely of administra- tive tanks. This position is a t yr malernîty leane position wilb pessibility et becemîng FIT permanent. Salary range is $22,000-$29,000 per annum, Bartimaeus prevîdes qsality care support services te people wbo bave speciaI behavieural, cognitive, and emotienal neede, Pieuse subrait resaîre te. Bilt Carty BARTIMAEUS INC. 392 John St.,3rd Fioor,Burlhngton, L7R 2K4 Fax: 905-634-6682 or amai: biIicarty@harthnaeus.com CUSTOMER SERVICE/ PRODUCT MANAGER Merlan Scîertîfîc is e omail fat-peced csmpeny sero- îng the educatior market. We are curreotiy oeeking e wel-organized and computer sevvy individuel te manage customer relations and insîde sales for eur Cerolîne Biotogicai product fine, The ideai candidate wiii ho prohicient rn Excel, eoperi- eniced in troubiexhooting cutomer service issues and abe to ogile conistentty xifting prîoritîeo, Biîngualiîm or e science background ix or sesot. Repiy iv confidence te, Merlan Scientific Fax 905-77-0929 L Emaîl: dîenne@merien.c BOOKKEEPER]ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED Fuiltîme hîghly mtîvated BnvkkeeperAccvuntent re- qoîrea Sp a fest-paced medium oîzed fîrm et Chertered Accouvnro s n Georgetown Succestul candidate muer have at leesr 2 yeers experience en bvukkeeping. excellent enelyticai okitîs, aSe to matfi- taoN, and knowledge ot up-tu-dlate eccountîvg soft- ma re Forwerd resumne lu L Sterret & Sterrer, CA's Fao 905-873-1840 emaîl: oaxne@xtarretarxcttrret om Office Admin. Position Mature multi-tasked and organîzed individuel Musi te a soit starter & be able te coiN îndependenrly Candidates must be protîcient in MS Ofice (Word Excel PowerPoint). internet and emailing Position s sftr 3 days (M-W-F)/ could te F/t Locatio E Oakvlle, SS Rd E Resume lu StobeCroft.Parta.rs lac! Fax: 905-842-7147 kcirwen@tncroftolton.ca Forder ndyfatry/ cd elingual C t. s itie Anlue uccustnonaldsricecolu tironsadhe arta ical/.sulpductve a ookngtnr a e o en anda with a gvvdteedphu n ser al e lv ntac itecu lumers a small ottice grop and a sales furce in numer- vus capacities Manît urder eolry, urder desk and ther general sIice duties, Experience ilh M S Office essen- iai Sume kvuowledge vt ACCPAC helptul Guvd vral and wrîffen French skilîs necessary, Frward yvur resumne lv 5024 Sout Service Rvad, Buringlus, ON L7L 5Y7 Fao: 905-632-7938 The Olde Hide House Heu opportuxîies for enthnusiastic, customer orîented sales assistants for our Fait seeson. Can- didates must be able te work flexible hours including e weekend shift. Students avaitable te work bofh weekend daya). Please complete an application avaiteble et the: J Customer Service Desk at 49 Eastern Avenue, AMon Or tes pour resumne to Susen el 519853-3232 EXPERIENCED NEW and USED CAR ASSOCIATE REQUIRED Pleaoe fax your reoume te 905-873-8246 Or cati 905-873-1818 he successtul candidiate w/Il be intruduced te a high-eniergy sales enviroment, and witt be responsîble for sales support and custemer ser- vice fsr sur growing base et clients. SkiIIs reqaired: -Advanced computer skills including Microsoft 2000 suite et products -Conflict reselation -Above average tetephene masser -Previsus esperience within the celtutar phsne industry would be an asset. Please email ysur resumne ts careers@natcel.com We thank ail whs appty hswever snty those being censidered wîill te csntacted. Mate or Femate Sale Associetes wanTted for gaLarge Reteit Opticet Shewreom. Ideat ,candirdates witl have good communication skilts and a flair tor fashion. Training wiIl be provided, reteil sales experience an asset. Plase drop Off rem u u n ai h hakbu Optical 321Sp.m Rouiat lava ATTN: Iiil ..R...............uc 914 ET f itr emete WOUIdn't et be wonderfut ts oe hometo'I Package#e1 -Adean hsme + a ho ecooked meet. Packvagee#2 -Adceanhome Ie +yur ieundry mastned and e t 4ded. Package #3- A dlean home + your gardening done. . Free Costmates - Fer more int ehaon peasy cati 905- e7a-8ff4. GUI Ail LESaNS PFn- vae guitar tessons aveit adoe from an eopeienced, professionei instrudtor. No regotrahion fee, reexonable rates. Ride (905) 875-4601. ri Exponeecein the tfood indushry roquirod, startang mage $825firtraining Mpicld. Muet hoe vaievmerdx, tmnirng provded, qxpen once an eset, tat l ot meumd. Muet ho veajate meekende, traa-ng previd, must ho asaeie during day ancd et ngt. Euîponence ontise tfood imdustry requimed, trahg0p"^ar- Av* ydfracttywhth rimant tS malton Pizza Btut Pfme uPe iveCali KFC MILTON lu lookîng for Full Tigne Afternoon Shift SuM-rr,ir. Applîcant must be mature, roaponsbo, and have own transportation. Apply g0 Manager with reoume 276 Main St. SHIFT MMAGER We uffer a competîtive staning salary, bevetit package & nppvrtsnîty for advancemeni Email Resume ta: sboyce@twincorpinc.com ITALIN RESAURAT REQUIRES FuitlTurne/Part Tîme *Cooks *Cieunors *Divhmeshers *Sorvers Needed immodîatey Ptoase catt Mike @ 905-878-7934 ma'Career f air I, SePtember 15, 10 am- 6 Find the right people in a matter of hours.. " Recruit for job Opportunities; " Promote cereer training & skills upgrading progrems; e Roach thoso in noed orf caeor soarch assis- tance. You'iI get much more than just a booth... a The opportunity to tep into Helton Region's wllt-oduceted and skilled workforce; *Advertising cempaiyn in The Burtington Post, The Oakvitte Beavor, The Flamborough Review and The Milton Canadien Champion; *An Eshibitor advertisement in the Job& Career fair special feature appoaring in The Burlington Post and The Oakville Beaver on Sunday, Sept. 12, 2004. *Internet promotion on our website: wnnmvhaiton- search.com; a Exhibitor listing in newspaper pro-show advertising. For ikfo ao o.eWb3 yczpxy oerg c Dbu1aorKyarufmua 905«8,34 or Fax 90586"%64 or 1 a WELDERS IFITTERS We reqoîre certîlîed elders ilS voperience evrkîng on carton and staînieus steel p ping using SMA FAW and TIG welding Exp ilS semi-aulvmalîc rstating meid postioners ns requîred Please Irward yvur resume te [Sura Flow Eqipuent Imc. SA Rn Jue Lacrence A3179 Maîncay W Burlingion, ON L7M tA6 S'aie fRow or tex 905-335-2991 equpa lalc. NoJhIohht aIs uIanl NEEDED IMMEDIATELy Six Ful-Tîme Positions ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PR OCESSO RS MAGNA INFORMATICS is luukîrîg for lecronic Cucument Processurs, enu neveworkvg mwils tnchnvlu- gy are soIt mtîvated hignly selt dscîpiîîied, and are abIe lu work accurately cilS minimum supervision for tuOSher inormîation and hum lu apply lu: Sepse open- ings pieuse vîsît Oppurtunities sectioai wwwmagnainformatics.com Nu Agencies ur SlcitaSuons Pieuse Mau,