[làîMesirtssr> fou olsts'Assss-tul Neptiee, tCounin, and (Grandson "G/ARN ET" Augstî 18, 2003 our Presens-e We Miss, oue Memtary Wr Treasître Lotiag oit A/ways Fnrgetting Yen Neyer Lovie Aunt Lucy, 1/odle Larry, BiIIy & Ritchir, Grantima, & Grandpa Hebrrt & Victor sesstish sassing..Anger /a mose rtifi issethe n'rng thaï atsud l. Mt' bpffstiarus a hîîsbsînd tsbis s hi/dhsssda ssset- ea,? Anne-, MIv brother unas a gin-at father tss Ma//heu' sand/An- drea My broter nuas the secosnd ssnIo t-a htvinstfn My brotber is Be/an Stockttsn taken from is Jane 17/C, 2004t and ive don't knssu' eh. Bt/T un- de eau' ive bave sa man), peopple in the u'ondrrfeil enminunty ýf Mlton Io thank tnne the many dlreetijlnvid t/uld not befair Oire fist u'outd neser end Ibe finsers, 1Cr carde, thr prayers, familles /hat didna even nu' aise family dropped tffmeaLs, berirages, prayers adted rn et! uords tnd u'/sh- es, but mati of ai the strangers istng tss bsp in a#n) n'a>') theyssî-antoerate the gr/es'/ng, 1Cr qîses- t/ens and pt/tn Matthrti' sandlAndrea bissejfiends thats an tint)' be descritird as snpreme be/cgasnd are a tr/bitte ta thrmsrh'es and thrirpars,nttIt mises tsîr lietl fret gtd fliat nee hase macs' greai and caig petc ph-/n th/isird Ths- tentI isppssrtfrnîsi e Mil- ton famies n'as and /s st/t! ta ni'erih/mng sic frhibtis n'as the sini>' te sso thank yaîsail sss sert' misch ln th/s dWYcltlitms- tfheaicg. It bats Cern ssgri-si csjsstfer ssssrfsnssl>t,, kcs, tha gatd sillpressiil On brhjalfoflBi/sc s's rfe Anne ansc hi/ren MIai- thets' tnd Andreas, Bîisîc's paresntslitefit>sni Jscsm fxbtrsc. t!W)' si/fr acs antd nisîrftim/iý, Goil Bless pots ail Cind! l/aik >'sîî Villon,î B /ais id lac beern .stnss'd nd jproîiL 1jm taebion Anges, COntario/ Brian Stocktitn mas a tevtng busband, ftster, andt ted, Trsstrally is fi/le ai tu t en ta an ustsri, end. le pot everytting lie bad intsî racb tling lie did, Ta g/e a perfect wurtd ta is w/te ted is kids, He unte us latads d eiandt atways haîd tise iglsitlingto ta y, He touchen thte bearts otnseny je sucb a etnpsssitnstc way, He ivent eaeb day as thaughi t was in Lst, Neyer lmowng tisat 1wwoutd tue "aen fron ur lises et tant Alter bearng thse news of a butbaisd snt hsdser gone, It was thse sbouddere eofeîsny dsst we serre left ta ery on. We were scarent and uncestain ot sisal we nshotntdo, But il sas tise tniyfiends and comsînnity tisat belpeit us pull tisrougb. t'ne carda, tise flowers, tihe Iasgter snd tears, Mante us believe se sere ont alo e d Ieipent un dispose o oUr tests. We teel et gete/tlsi, t ortseate snt blessent Ta bave sucb a troog eoennonity tbit belpeit us lay lovng Brise 10 test. Ah'eady Isa ntise itisout b/n bave past/ But thes upport, tise lave ant tise mennres tant. Desthis it ettragi, especisty wben it is etneoee yolave But al of you weoe tihe angrls sent ta us fan above, t in dit/lt bta fint osaetut tissek po et ucis, Ta enable us ta geltisrossgjstiis tine tisa was ever et tougli. Wr appreiate yen' kindness ted Attoe tihe tisngs yo would de. Sincerety from tise Stocktan famity a million Thank Yous! larttn es Amdrs', n Memoram donations 10 The Alondale ON aa n i 2M4 ni Foundafion vas88-14- s 1u5a are tru/y appreciated. Dccp inisur tîcartis You sut always stay t.osed & remrembered every day Foevrin isur heart.s GRANT SHELOON ROYCE November 3rd, 1939 - August 19th, 2003 FOREVER LOVED AND REMEMIEREO Sadin Mssci by Joyce Ch//tret Sheila, Kevin, Susan, She/don, Sheryl, John and grsndchildren. THANKS Vienie & Katie aest tagether wth Norman & John Charters wvsid lke ta scereip ihusk aut ut thase aho spmpathized wtub them durisg Suitr cent sud and sud- des iosuof a ie, mther and gradmuther ELîZA- BETH liiy) CHARTERS tNarifiern Ireiaadl. Speoiai thanks to Patar Dan Rsgge for cosiducting the inters- ment service, and iv the Tuesday itle Study ladies toi provsdîsg the retreshmests. Tvai vur rensawhv sent yards. famera, charitable donativns, caiis iv the housse and attended the service. many thasks for yvur love and suppor T/te Charters & Best Familles (Nrthera frefand and Milton) Thte Stocktoa l'ami/Y u'nnld like tsi thnnk site /'rendn, neighbetct and the enmmtnit, i fMilton i<r the laie, support and guidance psu'hnte gisen lis dtrîng this mn.,! difficul: ime. 1fr thnsk yen for ai aIthe cen,a. inert, donatios, andsiat ofn si/I fer eint there se/dis yen,- isiits and n suds ta Ce/p lns smis- gnin tcen e as-rsminisce about Brion. ltc eppreciate tee,- kindness and loer. I is, 1hthe ioiihufenss of nai! nfi nt h e/ps gise lis emttionnn/tcength and courage ie the ditvs. mes/hs and.veuscs head sil t /in of,sd misa Brion, yoa 1/ necer tua/k a/cnee Anne, Matthews and Andrea Stockton CUCUMBERS AND TOMAIQES Peau, Sugar Snap, Seans, Gurlic, Onians, Cabbagea, Dllt Herba, Zucchînî and Beetia "THE FARM' De Paoli Pick puar Oms Ready Picktd (peuse cati) 905-873-2050 905-877-7976 Mon-Sat 8-5 andi Sun-Bol. 8-12 Cati fut mtathtr/ansiiabilidy Tras/gar Rd. ru t5tir 5îderoad l5iewarttomn/ 1tkm West. lastFans an NorthirSde LAiS i al, ttmait, ginger sîsipel tats/y easing pur- p/e us/tar itmh arange mb. Ca/i 416-676-8994. CAREGIVER for chi/dren ages 11, S and 2 sn my home. Part-time/Puii-tîme durîng datehoues Nonsmoker. Siait Imme- dîateiy. Cati 905-702-1315. A passiosiate, mature& prafesuiosaiiy Certried ECE/Mastesavri Teucher mth home ciasurourn child- cure pragram. irat Aîl/CPR cerfîed. For more information ai a progra package for your cfid, pieaue contact Samasiha ut 905-878-6524. AYAE aasalt, Hamthorne Village, Fu/t- Timt, Part-Time, Before & Ahter Schoil Healthy Snacks, passed autour & ouldoor actieies, Cati 905- 875-0766. EXPEAIENCEO Teacher miii prusîde cure us my home. Mntessori strac- tutd play, fenceit yard, pay structure. Wi/ hold space toi teachera chidres fret of charge oser summer Cati Letasse e 905-878-5624. LOTS of fus, /earsssg, and oinsg cure. Ecellestrat/wr- escen. PitAd/CPR train- ing. Pouice/C.A.S. chedks. Home insapectivns by Healh/Fîre Deparimens. Recespin provnded. Chu/du Drive. Aasa/de Sept. 221h Pari-lime rFa 5:3Opm vr Pv/i ime 730 5:3Opm. Laurse 905-875-2262. Pom't Miss the Peadlinti 3i~/9)i/Moday PIllarm lurday do11a* ~ L'for Fia te lnvlng memory of aur Dear Parents: JACKSON, Margaret - June 27, 1997 JACKSON, Harold - August 2, 2003 Q NIEFHLEN5BACHER, Louis - Augtet 19, 2002 2072. SITTER îequîred Thnisday ngh010 e-1o:30 pm, Studevis meicome. Taisa2 yeara. Hawthorne Vi/age South. Ca/i 905-875-3809. STALIS fvrRes ,8h Lne Cal 905-702-194E 28" Fridge, gusti condîlsus, white, runsa el, rust freet $125. Cuit 905-878-6519. A Ding PRoe, Cherry- wooti, double petiestat table, 8 chairs, buSfet, hutch, dovttai construc- tin. Newstal in boues. Cosi 911,000 Sacrifice $28600 905-5e7-9459 A Kng Piiivtop Martes Set New n pastic Coat $160 905-567-9459 AS seen vsn TOn TheMDC Horizon PC for vs/y 9899cor 8t cerls.'day IOAC/ Fric Leîsuark 3 in t Poater. Frce Digital Camnera, Fiee CD Ruimer, Fiee Mcrosoft Word. Fiee 1T7'Samsuvg Mosnior Not/sir: doms, Ca/s Today' t 800-St/i-4042 liED, Arnuzuig bargauru urueuerui rthopeluc pioatip Set.Oa up n pastic, marraoi5u $150 905 567-4(j42 a/ic lieron Cherryaort vert cheat. dresser, ;) il,,544ad 'luv/ai Coa stivctici. tîveîrctc(rl"i t Sb 5000Sa41ru/ic $1.900 905 0674042 CARPET i nave 5evprai t,000 yrds of sua Staia mas/eu & t001 avnylncar pet Wiî do 'uuungrom & ha/i for 5389 incudea car- pet, Pao & installation 10 yards) S/ove 905-639- 2'902 FREEstumaies Cvi o o b/y chairs, tirtd iaahiaq mavd iissba"Felds Cas- rosa Wood Refiunshssg and Fursîture Repaîrs. 9-9. 905 632-9090. Hol Tub: 2004 ail options, waterlail, Ozanator, Rnti- sosti cabinet, neyer uneti, st/lt /e seapper. CastI$9,995. SalI $5000. 416-953-5197. SEAT Suie! Freahes up yvur dînette/dîsîngraom chair suais /sltcttij tub- sies ram 5$19.95/na. Seat cushionsa ua/ity foem re- pacement fromi $29.95/ta. Fieldts Fursîture and Fatu- secs, 99 dauty 905632- CAHpain foraniques and caiiech/dct, china, fig- arnses, temni/tin, tumiuare, cits, etc. 905878-3145 cell' 905-876-7950. 1991 Hvsda Accord EXR, 4-door, auto. susîvof. ti, cruîue, apvier, ps/pwiptu/pI, CD Immacutate. Certif el $3,600. 905-702- 188 1992 Ford Atîvutar, sea Ralsaivu, Alersatr, bai- tery, mater pump. Askusg $1250Oasîis. CR0 905873- 1141 1993 Cava/uer, 2 dovi, gool conditioo, greai a/adent car, drives lai/y untîl Jaiy 2004. Muai seit, best oSfer. Cuit 905-876-1056. LOVING mother ut 2 ha fulime & part-ime spacea avaiabie for ai/ agea, Fîrni Aio/C'R training, suiriivas 'ici'ls & vsackis catiti 1 1996 Nîssaus Atima, $7000.00u, t 30,000kms, standard, ivaded, ptus 4 inier tirea, evcellent condi- 'ah t/i//his.i/cv ics, ai/vu rima, jval leiaiiel, Muaist/i1 5!6,200 ov o. 0 877 2957ý 1999 Doge Caravas, t70,OOObms, 4dr, A/C, Autv, PS, PB, PL, PM, pua- er vensa, 33 6cyi certif ed, $5900. /905/873-0726 1999 Pontiac Mntana, 140,OOOkmas, PW, PL, key- enss etly, ashîvg S8,000. 080 (905)702982 1999 Tyta Camray Want no buy a fine one vaser car" lcyi ,88,OOkms, mel caîed fat, $13.000 Cali 905-877-2731 2000 Istrepud, gvid, 89,OOOkms, auiof, power eewyiiing, Certutîed, sem irakeu Regaiariy atricel. $10,500. Ca/i 905-877- 656. 2000 Mustang convertible, 5spit, PW, PL, aur, CD, sports package, keyies eniry, atm brakes & tires. 95,OOOkma, $11,000. Cati 905-877-2560 MSSC Meritor Suspension Systemns Company as a ieading manufacturer of automotîve suspension componenîs mth manufaclurîng facîlîies in Canada, the U.S. and Engiand. The fo/toaîng position iv avaîtabte in our Milton faciity. General Accounting Supervisor Appiy your expertise in thîs opporlunity 10 handie monlh-end rvporting, accounts payable, accounlo receivabte and houriy payroii responsîbî/ly. This miii invoive preparîng tournai entries, compietîng anatyuîu and reporlîng requiruments, takîng on lreasury funclionu, pertorming account reconcîliation actîvîtieu, revîewîng documentation and conductîng year end audits. Your 4 to 5 years of fînancial esperience, preferabty in an automotîve manufacturîng envîronment, are baîck by a post secondary education, and completion of or enroilment in a CMA or CGA program. Proficiency in MS Office, inciuding Excel, Word and PoweerPoint as essentiai; familiarity w/Ch AS4030 and Mapîcas preferred. Interested applicants may send their resume la Human Renou-ces, Merntor Suspension Systense Company, 150 Steeles Avenue, Miton, Ontario, L9T 2Y5 or emaili hllary.lloyd@arvlnmerttor.com JOSHUA CREEK FURNITURE Requ itou Warehouse/Service Manager Local farsiture retailer soekiag a motîvatel/ reli- able individuai that poasesses abililo lu hundie a variety of duties sn our Qakoille store. Daties: masaging marebouse, eaing dîrectiy aitb cuotomero regarding service issues, same local deliverîtu, in-store maintenance, etc. $13 /hr lu v/art abouoeo trîînîng provvded caîl 905-842-3739 or fax restons ta 905-U4-1744 STYIST/MANAGER Snartstyle Family Hair Salon Opening soon in Walmart, Milton 'Seckiig t cecictHirarvlist & Salon a niMager Niis an i/a ict i liti talth advcatsions, siecaSpplisa, nas rlita ,tir ip s ~ ~ ~ & more. Liz Mendol Cati 1-888-888-7778 x 1871 AZ/DZ DRIVERS REQUIRED Whoiesaie Produce Co. Fuilt-ime. Nem equîp. (5 ton Tandem Asie). Min. 2 yeara eup. clean abutract. Customer service ors- ented. Applîcantu muai bu able to maork f/tex- ible hours. înciudîng meekendu. CatI Ron @ (4161 255-0157 or Fax Resume & Abstract to Rau' (416) 255-9079 CANADA Company in * till-time (daî, and night/ and part-lime *must have 2 years' expenience Safturday, A ugust 2 1 sf, 9 a. m. fa 1 p. m. Ramada Inn t61 Chisholm Drive, Milton Hw 25 & 401 area near the th Wheel Truck Stop) We offer: great frînge benefits, weekly pay *driver bonus & safety awards *ciampany supplied uniforms weII maintained late modern equipment regular famiiy activities Hiring for Fafi Weekends (Mut be 18 yeaes of age) *Parking lot attendants *Cashiers *Information/Greeter Please apply in person St Farm 9528 Hwy 25, Milton, Ont. LOCAL MILTON BASED COMPANY Requiren Shunt Drivers tut night, aternoun and weekerd work. lnterested applcants Must huld a valid AZ lîcense. Pieuse cati Kyle ut 905-693-2253 or fax resumne and ourrant drivers abstract lu 519-853-4194 : The Canadian Champion, Friday, Auguat 20, 2004-23 Teoloig2FU.LL lI.ME 0"ýPOýR'T.UNITýIES J Th olwn position openings are for good people like you who are eaqer to i/nn Our nrodvcf/nn f;riliyvTF4A M/rFl n 5 n!jr; Five yeurs industrial uxperience in lroubteshouting and euecuting emergency and pruvenfative maintenance on a continsous fltuw procesu uine is requîred. A wurking krowtedge ut PLC's and variable speed drivers is an assai for carrying oui varvus prjecîs in ail aspects ut the industrial electrîcal tield. An Ontario In- dustrial Electrîcian Lcense is essential.1 PACKAGING OPERATOR Fait Time Packaging Operafors lu work 12 hour rotating shifts (10:00- 10:00) lu cuver or 24 hour operallun wîth every other weekend off. Yoa can average $48000 + per year wifh overtime and look forward lu heathcare, dental, pre- scription drug, le, short and long term disability insarance benetits, pension, company match RRSP, satety boot and clothing alottances, paid hotidays, per- tormance, satety and atendance incentives. Pieuse appty in person and coma prepared to coroplete an employment appli- cation and provîde three work references. tf applying lot the Licensed Electrician position pieuse include an earnings history: Monday Augusi 23rd to Friday September lOth, 2004 7:30 amn- 4:00 prn Guardian Fiberglass 300 Main Street Erin, Ontario NOB iTO (1/2 hout eaar ut Gue/ph ov Hghway e04/County Ruad 124»1 tL/coreepvune cail/s v/ase Ons tvoue aeiectert for an ntmesen e/be curracteu 1