2-The Canadlian Champion, Frday Auguat 20, 2004 2004Toyta Crai. Sprt -C om pany 200 Toota Coell Sprt 0'PkU., 15,172km $21.995 $100.77 7f)14 Tvna na 14658k! il? qq t' 1ï 11] -'i- I Mçi dd ýt , mî Il. li 1"ii*býb $42.9 Z0a~ 02 iiuic.k Gionury Custom, 44,34lkrn $16.996 $142.95 2004 Toyota Corol la CE, 29,0171krm $10,995 e42-95 1900 Olea Laaahrm Limtait, 127,542k1m m $11 2004 Toye901c .000à ke 0»QM l 7.0 lm00" Sali Soi 1200371. am#< ** Zffl iX , 147Mil 00 .5 *3 $1101 q u# a" ~5 »Pu à 017 0. 0.100 $144 un fined $150, 00 28st01b" 2M lump TJ0,4,50m $W.76 u 01M . U00 2MTYR uw 0018fl ü.7 2 Jau Ii~4.7u0,00m,1Vime St. Lawrence Cernent nt. owner of M3 MM u Of C v0 Pk«.0107h M1 38711 2M0 W&q Cbd U 79»lki, lm $M0." Dufferin Aggregates, which operatesa 20S TN$his UUOIUAUII PS3luk 3000 1111111 M CIbUIO tom 41 4100011 M05 $133.84 local lîmestone quanry was fined August m*0 380$b soins laua muu,~a *o Cm711 *330 -M 12 for vîolaîîng the Occupational l-ealth 1' to05 000. XLP V0.ol1 87000 m ». and Safety Act, resulting in serlous injuries 2M wa 2 auno C 44, i fl $." It was an unfortunate situation that 90V V.1.3=7M Cu» m ~i II we ve corrected. We want in move for- 170 rsdn fSt arneCret %mi 1 kenward, said Paul Ostrander, senior vice- "0 lffoRW11Nb§W 0471M .77 Ontario. 0M0. 87AMu U-37 .u fi WS îca M 7l" $M J"Proctdural changes have been put in tu0u -ff 00003 3005 eu, Fuas«inm. E1.m s$.î place to make sure it doesnit happen 2$M* 's,9.m0,40 $U.37 2M0 P«#r* W1. 914801000 $7.13 again. 300 1uOs00 Oisea 11401U 07km* OM-0 M303 3001 Fg0 8uss. 453. 1 OS 0101. un0 lO shmisa LE, n'sa $11K $110? 301 ffl FuuusM. 7042111 11 OS 01.97 The toce was imposed by Justice oft the 2M0 SOu issas. 700331. $101 . 0071 2M0 ffl Fum Wqu st 3.3Slâ $13.40 $117.98 Ptac Jtrry Woloschuk of the Ontario 300 - yat u Suti 9L VI, U04@N1m $141 OS01571 3001 Ful Fuas WqusW 11.010781m .400 $117.M Cut00lstc n itn lm1 Tspuos Caiar CE MO 107.0P2km 01 O 3. 18.22 0 Fui W hssX-C. 00A0MB 0,%$, ooIJutcenMitn n00 u.i RAV Am, Ulioha $13.0M 40 30 Fgord 1sor,0V JWM. 6U M a13.8 On May 27, 2()2. an employce was 10 10111 10511 XC5h 4114.13,0001 $17.M0 hm 2w arris îng in a personal van for an carîy- un% eohew imout luipb0.07e 1 110*a1 $3. j 1. morning ssork shif t at the Dublin Line -- -~~~~ quarry sshen ihere was a'head o olso lew: ' ssiîh a fue! dclivcry truck hcadtng dossnhill »"Wsg1 MkLl, S.3141WR. 2M1ÏMi teopoie iecin 2M 4515 C.O,7403. 7.41M1k inWThe \sorkcer suffered a sesercly lracturcd bb Ir~~S00II à= 1 .71.47M~ as nîîse and the bonc around thc rîght 2»=~U isauu.0.01 01 ng a broken heel and multiple bruises to 800V 4%4.n V ta*04m th0I.4.0k.~e ls a upperîet sodIyasha j ~ ~ I1HIStephen Mason, Crown counsel forth M04 Cka.~30k 571.legal siervices branch of the Ministry of 304 laba0.1.11.nu. . ~ j~o f~ Labour, said the company didn't gel off ,U01 01.0kmeasy. *10.000 3133.70s a scry substantial fine for an injury unssd LX.-Mm 0»1-1. Am*.0 11* ______ L24. lm fuft lx 10 31km -1111 ccie MAMM70 as opposed Io a death. The purpose is t j ~ , send a message 10 other companies." Mr. 2*4. MC731 Sm e000001 1. He saîd the fine should act as a warning jZ 10m 411"00 0' other companies, particularly to gravel .o 8%W S M800 pits and open pit mines, "10 obey the regu- ~. in. 18% tom5~ 4~*143 lattons set out for mines." 4»4.ft»"MitAith ti ime of the incident, 39 gravel I ua. 8. .s4aIp *ý #OM7.0MSV hsgsIss 11.7 10 haulage trcks were parked on the curved »C7IIE&i I; m 077300Z ' E . Z .~~ ! roadway waitn in linelto pick up thetr @@@mm M 1@ Ouft M UT0010. 0341km$.71 rduethtelofvwfrdiesgin Som" 44 Z02.9,1111181m m IOAS li m on opd ahe ht n mb a the toa frrey.c rp 2M am »YfW l.m2m 111118 M , . 2.U m $3.M $15.4 fondthe io parked tu sao grith trucksv ers standtng on the roadway outside their trucks, also reduced the available space for veicles Io pass each other. 2002 Chsv Trailbiazar IS, 4x4. 2001 GMC Siarra SIT X-Calu, 2000 Toyota Echo, 2dr 2004 Toyoa Slaaaa CE, 2001 Ford Focus SE, 4dr Poior Io the incident, maintenance depart- Ory1S0o ll' Slap SidaofV6 ', ~ 9 TOCHOSE Fif FSa h a Balýý 01 ûn 500 V auo n 5WP 0y8200ho"ýFu1 B odenluing IpOlern1eo n !ý ýLa,ý Toot 3,0 00k TooaWàvr & 5y 100 Anca WP M kves,!,ment employees had raised conceems about 503777li-WetyPqyM*.45$OO 19995, .027438wi Pqe rft$lm.U.77$21995 ,wa6 $89 stimoq.î 5995 s .uo02 B ny4n.aSîî $99951 the hazard of passing the mie of parked A >oymsiton 00000 dowrça"r. oroau~ »WÀoe trtir In Mo~sn LUnuaiataOC . trucks in the momting, staîed a press release U4W asOaIesMlOO0dSm.9.45% fora&U veNdaauasp t7OtO<ti =W. "AM=.51 24 SlOSVtCiaaoa tssued by the Mintstry of Labour. Management had directed îhemn t0 use an Pl% 'q'altenateroule and took measures 10 For m e pam eWyv "ý improve the road's access. However, some ~ * employees, including the injured worker, W*'Ve imil« USIU5<lMSIYl, Ç.hISd t continued to drive toto work on Uic quar- ry s main haulage road and weren'î direcîed wfthout ail of that MseIling" nonsense. to do otherwise, the release read. St. Lawrence Cemnent Ine. pleaded guilîy, as an employer, t0 failing bo ensure wam- GORRUD'S 410 STEELES"AVENUE, IN4 MILTON ing measures such as flashing lighîs, flares, reflectors, lamps or a worker direcîing traf- fie were present, as required by Section A U O9054875m2277 106n Planofts.Rgltos o ie n .0u (2)in ofUl egaainsfotins.n Iaddition 10 thc fmre, the court imposed *~~-~-c~jtvjcq.qe iVi1char~