12-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 20, 2004 Cyclists gearing up Lîcal cyciists aie gearing up bo get down to Lîîronation Park September 19 Io heip the Lung Association help <abers breathe casier. The lithl annual Longs Are For Lite BikeTREK aimis to cosure that children continue to leanm about the effects <>1tobac- co and other harumlul substances. Funds raisel lroni RtkeTREK go tovard the assoc jatioris Longs Are For Lule pror gram, o hich is ollered free to teachers to educate studenîs. kindergarien to grade 12, about how Io inaintain heaiîhy Iungs and sîay smoke-lree. Equaily important to sup- porting the Lungs Are For Life program, BikeTREK raises awareness on the impor- tance of dlean air. Il also raises awareness of long disease, the prevention and conîrol of astbma, ebronie lung disease, lung cancer, tobacco use cessation and prevention, and well as promoîing air quality and its affects on long bealtb. Participants can travel along scenic 30, 60 or 1(K-kmn routes and ride at their own pace. BikeTREK isn't a race, but an oppor- tunity to test one's endurance. The trek ceases Oakville and wînds îhrougb Buringion to Milton and back again on an alternative ro)ute. Radio cli- W .~ 0 Wordinaied logîstîcal support and enîergencv medîcal support will bc available Io ensure the safeix of îrckkers. The 60 and I(X)-kni rides <iii base I a 4 Coptiîinal chaperuines ready to lead the w.av. The liOurisi class, or I(-km cyclisîs. les iX1ain.: the Easy Rollers. 60 km, à le~ave ati-) ar.. and the Le-isure Wheclcrs. l m as-e ai 10 ar. "Ensuriiîg the safety of ail participants is our top priuîritx. We bave taken ail meas- orsiialloss participants Io take on the challentge knoving our dedicated teain of' -olunicers and supporters are there to take care of thein. savs Susv Borges of the Liang Association.' "Oakville REACT. and H-lton EMS play an instrumental role in our event and bave F been very supportive over the years." Wearing a helmet will be mandatory for ail BikeTREK participants. Those who dont cycle can jog, blade or walk the 30-km mrute. Participants can take advantage of the early bird entry fees by August 27, of $25 per individual plus $ 100 in pledges or $50 for a famîily of two aduits and up to three children and $200 in pledges, and becomne eligible for a Louis Garneau custom jersey. Entry fées increase to $35 and $70 respec- ,1. tively aIter that date. There are alto prizes for pledges, a two- person weekend cycling Chantry Beezes luxury getaway to Southbampton for $3,000 in pledges; a Trek 1200 road bike for raising $2.000; Trek 4500 mountain .44.4 V&Otdt Experience Iuxury by design. bike for $1 ,500 in pledges; Sugoi jersey. La Borsa invites you ta vrsit ther newest Ir dtionno0w openrin r Srvlklýit, Pu,(ris r r il, ' <hrsanrhsst o 100 as handbags ana leather accessortes tram Hurla, Franci sou iaru(iirrIi i iinI ir Q K L E Traveler rear panniers, $750; Sugoi Viper Kplng, Braun Bossel and Mandarina Dock inr both classrc ïmd trenrd trirri; 5! < r- PiL A C E jacket, $500; Louis Garneau trunk trip bag, their beautiful new store and dot ine yoor style cîtn a lttie Ixixry Ali.-,(- now)peni i I ,ýi ,i irttr s rVI l s $300; and Beto Multi Tool Kit, $200. new store on the lacer evel near The Bay r Those who pre-register by August 27 with $250 will receive a Louis Garneau La Borsa wilI soon b. joined by these other new, exciting locations: customn jersey before the ride. Sponsors include Bochringer Ingelheim. fUeW MiihCyclepaîh. Wave 94.7, Tandet. Kennedy Ford, Oakvîlle Blueprinting. Ail Conneet., NI NE W EST r-E N SCRIFT ElS Caryl Baker FM atm hs Sobeys. MapleLeafand Longo's. CARRIERIE For fuîrther details on the BikeTREK. 0 E W & T R A F A L G A R R D W W W.OAKVIiL LE PL A C E r o M contac tie Lung Association ait(905 ' )47- 1033 or vs il the Web si1e t WWs.o.ling.ca.