The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, August 17, 2004-7 At loft, flmffflgtmrsRoy Knuuly (loft) und FrouerLocldiuut cool Up msoe f #milr flrflhtsb ckdraft chii <uring SatwidaYs fouivites ut tho etmon Fuir Grounds. Below Wut fircfght.r B"rt Kory utanduettthe ruudy wth a fioeextln- guisher as felow ffighter Ryan Fraser- wearlng a Haz-mat sut - prepares to deliver the judges a sample of their chili. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE FOR SALE Chili Festival hot, hot, hot By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Local fiery-food loyers put their tastebuds ta the test ai the second annual Chili Festival beld at the Milton Fair Grounds Saturday. The event, hosted by the Rotary Club of Milton, drew just under 1,000 people looking ta sample the interesting varieties of chili prepared by 10 compeîing ieams, ranging from vegetanian ta ostrich meai. "The chilis were faniasîîc - ail differeni.- said les- tisaI comimitice member Barb Saxby. who also entered a chili ssith lier tcaru. the Red [lot Chili Peppers. ht wcni sery \wc ll. Ih was jusi lots of fun." The chilis were so popular. some par- ticipants were faced with the same dileru- nia as lasi ye a-.. running oui of chili before the cvent was over. "The Halton Regional Police ran oui first. They were very pleased," said festival commitîe member Carolyn Keyworth. "We al jusi about ran oui by the end of the eveni." The Rotary Club reported nearly $4,000 was raised for local charitable projects, but the money hasn't been designated yet. "Most of the win- ners donated their money back ta Rotary," said Ms Saxby. The chili cookers were judged in a variety of cate- gonies by Mayor Gord Krantz, Loblaws Manager Mark Richards, and Wayne and Gail Williams from the Wheelchair Foundation and Burlmngton Rotary Club. "They measured not only the taste, but also the spice balance, heartiness and texture of the chili ta arrive ai their conclusions," said Ms Keyworih. The Milton Fire Department reigned as champions again ibis year, taking firsi place in the besi chili, on- site preparation caiegory. Second place went ta Julie Hall of Milton. Tom and Shirley Dusmet ai BMO Neshit Bums came in frsi in the besi chili, off-site preparation com- mercial section, wiîb Bryden's Pub of Milton placing second. Bannie and Bruce Ross of Acton earned the besi non-iraditional chili titie wiih their ostrich meai chili. wiîh the speciai ingredieni caming lrom the local White Rock Osîrich Farrn. The Canadiaîn Eh! tearu <ol Rick Saxby and Siese Pres ast taak home assards lor besi booth/shass ian- ship and peopies.ý choice, an site preparatian. Niatits Rib tluse ai M diii asalso iarisd-la r.s .iniitheilpi.ople',,cliaice ass ari.i. <u-site prepa- ratioun tor ilis i.ncîc- i litn. Ani addition ta the ltstie iis y car was the cai shii\% and shine. whîch had a tumnout aif 50 ciassic and performn- ance cars. 'Me vehicles were S judged by the public and a Rotary Club - ~ commitiee, with ira- phies presented by Ries Bocrs of Biil's ~' Auto Body and Dale Devlin of Halton Automotive. Miltonian AI Kiemnan won the people's eboice award wiib bis 1930 Nash, while Tenry Weber of Cambridge took the judge's choice and over- alI besi in show tiles for bis 1947 Ford Coupe. "We were absoluîely delighîed with the car show. We'll defiiely be repeatmng ibis event," sald Ms Keyworth. Music for Chilifesi was provided by Dan and John Borrelli and ibeir group, along wiib dise jockey Greg Parsons. I addition ta ibe Rotary Club, the event was spont- sored by Milton Loblaws, TMe Canadian Champion and Proforma of Toronto. The Halion Region Healib Department also atended Chiifesita ensure safety ai ibe eveni. Melanie Hennessey can be reaclîed at mhen- 2000 1500 Chevy EXt. Cab 4x4 le Rust free western truck e 5.3 V8 e3DR Ext. Cab Other trucks availlable ROAD CLOEVINNOTIFICATIO A temporary road closure of Thompson Road for a period of 7 days s required to accommodate road improvements to benefit existing and future residences. This road closure 18 planned for AUGUST 23 THROUGH AUGUST 29, 2004. Traffic will be detoured around the closure via Derry Road, Britannia Road, Fourth Lino and Ontario Street. Residents with direct residen- tial frontage onto Thompson Road within the road closure area will have access maintained at ail times during construction. Through traffic wiii not be accommodated. Mattamy Homes Limited contact John Sennema for questions at 905-829-2424. [.1 Corporation of the Town of Milton I l contact Heide Schiegi for questions at [~Oj 905-878-7252 ext. 2506 àa-1[aM1 i 3