Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Aug 2004, p. 27

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tirseaccei enene iu o:HA.M. cighing 300 Brunie Sreet S.. MiIeu.. ON M9T M Fax: 905-878-3642 Only eensideeed upplicants wifl b. conhacted 0 OFIE CLMBKREQUIREDJoi *For friendiy tant paced ansiîomanî Pos ion o LaeNtok notudes coniomer service, cotlections and data "Herem Office Admin. Position oyuca Mature, multi-tasked and organized indsîduat, Must be brm a self starter & be able te work independentty. Candidates lt Must be proicient in MS Ofice (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), internet and emalling Position is tor 3 days (M-w-F)/ cold be F/t Loation. E. Oakille, SS Rd E. Resume te: Stonocroft.Partnsrs Inc! Fax: 905-842-7147 kcrWbn@stonecroftslutopj.ca In1991, The Lînalty(rouîp 'as er.ishhin(Canada to ,eaie and manage the AIR MIî-FS'ýRewa,.etPrgran, ich îrcla remains the crrrstonie o e îtîe.ine business. Takng he uccesst,, cnepdîorwrdig.,,,î,,îîîtIot'îaltnand fcusing one ae of uc, l i e Ll tt> reeîp and ftic AIR IMiLi 1' marketptace with aiunique and dynaînc custoimer reta ton-stop model. Tday, the AIR MILES' Reward Ptiigram e, s da most popular custonier iuyaty mîarketing prograni. Are you tip tic the chattenge- If ncu are a trami plaer, are responsibie and accouitabîe for yiiur wirk,thave respec.t lice yucr cowoekrs andtlike t ontnicnostvîrarn white haingfuno,,îiig thessay thisi.areerroppcrtunity coule! be fi,, yîott Part-time Cail Centre Customer Service Representatives Mississauga You wil service incoming customer catis by responding to generat inquiries and requests for information retating ro the AIR MILES" Reward Program, coitector accountis and sponsor's offers. Your responsihiliiies wit inctude np-settîng and cross-seing items in the AIR MIL ES' reward mites merchandîse portfotio, accessing and updating customer accounts and draiing with ad h oc changes an d dîffîcuîr querirs in a patient and profession ai manner. Anatyzing individuat prohtems and taking the appropriate action to ensure thai customrr nrrds arr met wiîi aiso br among your dutnes. As nue ideai candidate, you ibrîve in a niulti-facet cati crntre environnment and have the abiîty to rffrcti veiy proniote AIR MILES' products and services. Possessing excettent verbal communication skiîts, you have experience in a cati centre environnment and a srong customer orientation. A detait-oriented trama player, yon haee tht drmonstrated abîltiîs to tîseen, understand and respond appropriaey, compteenrnîd by a peoven record of superior work performance and deprndabîlty and srong PC skîlîs. Seiected applîcants wîtt h r requird to successfuiiy pass a com pueerîzed cati c entre simulation test. The firxihîlty to work different shifts wîehîn the cati centre operating houes is rrqnired, as is daytîmr araiiabiiey. The Loyairy Geoup offres a great benefîts package, wîth benefits starting ater six months. Wage rate: $14.50S pet houe, pins, as applicabte, a shft prrmium of $150 per houe ater 6 p.m. and a bitînguai premînm of $150 per houe. Piease nlote: hee are pare-rime positions that wilnue t etlet into fuiltime or evenîng/weekend positions. Training wii take approxîmateey fuer weeks of fu ime hecurs. Inuresred canddats shouid apply onlîne via the Carters/Carter Opportunities section of our Wnb ste an wwwvv.laya4t.com We rcattt raint res, ro eter,, rely ihoe e ete frtervie wsl be ctced Noephonerea ceoragnin pear wvvw.loyalty..com Ltyalty 4DA. llýl aeta uSetetniC enraie The Canadian Champion, Tuesday August 17, 2004-27 BILINGUAL HEALTIN CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATII/F L-i1U;JJ "1ýb -il 1! y eà ý L iLI i . ci ses-15business prntieg and imaginp solutions înclod- ing uquiprisnt, service and supplies acros Canada. Jueu te cetiuuedruwth wu are seeking a tuli-time bilingual Catm rvricu represetative that will bu basud inueur Oakillu head utice, The puition ut Custemer service rupreseutative wurks ie a CatI Centre suppertiugouer custumers acreus Canada tut their office prting and imaging service and supplies needs. Yeu wll bu repensîblu tut audling a high est- umu et in-buund survicu catIs, quies rugarding delîoury et pruduct, dualîng wth customer issueus and prucussing ordurs. Positin rmqlromet A minimum Qt 2 v uaroCotmer Serfice nir Cati Cntr xe/nc, *Ability te work with customurs in a friedly and proessional menuet *Work lu fat pacud team werk usoroumeut *Ability tei quickly larunuw systemu & proedurus *Faut and accuratu data entry oski *Moti-taskiug okilîs *Pust sucuudary uducatienis as assut Competibive remoseraties pkg înc/odisg beufito. Pease slnd pour resume to: rguest@Iasrntwoks.com pliliililoi yuUd SafetyCare Inc. loue international compauy wich pro- ducus and distributus its uwn range ut SafuiyTraiuing Viduofapus and Mauuals. Workiug eut utfeut Burlingion officu, viu proidu companies througheet Canada with quality aidu te bulp traie thuir staff in bualfh and safuty. The succussful applicants' ruspousibility will invootu working wîth eisfiug cliunt s as wuli as duolopiug nuw busi nuss eoclusiouly in thu Ouubec markut. AIl the sales acfioiiy is dune ovur ftbu phoneu Pruvieuis satus exeriuncu s oui a pruruquisite, but te applicaut mont bu suf-moti- oaiud and have tbu dusiru tu soccued in a cumpetifive sales envi ruument Wu oSfer a basic salary, plus commissions aud bealih ben- uf ifs If thîs position etuerusto peu pleasu cati Ed Aasman at SAFETYCARE INC. 905e31-6070 GALLNGERLINCGLNM Celebrates Ford Canada**s 100 ri Anniversary Discounts of 5%ý 15% or 25% off selected Ford Quality (are Or Fast tante Services. 10 entepi pdragsctielwe tie on the fg5 ieci,< Pfase aee te Serece teenage n Fasn asteManag m itd mosb lie. SCRATCH XNSAVE FROM 5% O 25% DISCOUNT ON SELECrFOP ARTS &SEIIICE Rlght now when you have your car aerviced you'Ii receive a Scratch 'n Save Card where every card is a winner. Voul itier gel 5%, 15% or 25% off on selected Ford Quaiity care or Fast Lne Auto Services. Every card aiso aliows you to enter a bonus draw for a chance ta win a die-cast 1: 18 scale model Ford GT.* So visit your Ford Quaiity Care or Fast Lane store ta save and ta help cetebrate aur Centenniai Event. lose aiesnteance3 r Front r Rea Brak Refpe Au nst 17htaro Augu,~ss.ii004,, ne gcoren4Pecnsiansie~trsnie TuneF-Up4 -~uaa$neounDFusîî t o tiak p larusce T ra nsn m is s ionis$50Csscc uln tiî sr ecesn icir inBns ie pa irSlSe rv ic eisiit n srn i igOnsin ucsd Coolant Serviceoeîru AuBgen i 04tiiurit t cnie4s nîry. enouin nove a gond knowledge of Exel and L-mi =5 Wedar Business Vîsions32 French s ai se an ave wifhin CF nne Fabrics Imc NO Grow Again" acurrently located he 401/Dixie area: aIs ui Jul dy !aI, rIUUwe 'Nl nove ta aur new home in Oakvitle located at Winston Churchill south of QEW. We have an immediate opening for a new position within our Credit Dept. for a BilIngual (French/English) JR. AIR CLERK. WiIl train, however, aur candidate must be energetic, with strong organizationat and communication skitis. Computer exposure is a must. If you are tooking to join a winning team, apply directty to: Kelly Cochrane via email i Please lecycIe Pape

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