24-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday August 17, 2004 Ron Hachey Nov. 16, 1947 - Aug. 08, 2004 I wauld like ta thenk my family and frienda for their suppartinl the sudden death of Ran. Mast af ail Racci far his lave and quiet under- standing. Alsa DrIvan Hunier for hix dedjea- tion ta Ran and myseif Lest but flot !east Mlton Place, he wauid flot have came es fer tithaat ail af yu thank yau. Gnd ber wth yau Ran ln my hearit /rever Mary HALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCTION 1151 Bronte Rd, Gakyllie Saturday, August 21(Indoors) Vîewîng & Regsfrafios 83Oam-9 3Oarr ACTION STARTS 9:30 AM hefrvohmesis AvailaSîn Termsofo Papnîeni Cash vr Cheque cili ID PST IMI Os added Iu thv price 193 uvfir rcton, reufuen tcar -Une uîyunlJi 2 1993 Oodg-tie haom os ctr tiresecinfod- 10-86751933 1993mavalie, 2PW, P, d. TL.Eietcondition. ra tuetcr Museo. es54-oee. C 1999 onfîSa Munfai, rn0,g onditis, $W97,5.en fies6 enrpat ffne,o. $00. 10500-198t/2m Win'f irteecltcondi-f 199a humcuked.6 meau- Poracae 2A/cieun homeCD +5,0 por umiry cashed wSoU Pa99agePontiacieoanam +es pouryasing $dune0 *O FreeEst)ates-Formur Pnoackg p lea home05 +OaKING for oe eep- flerrtrecsreurd + ste guar fessg on ea * regstrat/s orne, ifrain eae raes.05 Rîck Sherry1@675-01 P~L IKxv E5C. Required for ocal P & D must bu able f0 drive a forklift, fuit and part time. 905-75-0708 Ext 203 OAVL Assistant Store Manager Oakvitte For our sew location in Oakviie, thîs is a great spportsnity for a positive, resuiis-focused indîbîd- oui mith prior high-uoiame grocery management nope rience and a strong desîre fo moue Up te Store Manager Appicants must know hsdgeting. roues- tory management, merchandising and other key f snctîo ns. Pieuse fax your resame fo 416-944-0700, Equai Opportunity Employer, No agencies, peuse. WHOLE FOUS5 MARKET www.whoefoodsmarket.com Counsellor Human Service Agency requires Counsellor with knowfedge of Crimi- nal Justice System and the Social Service Netwaork. Traning in the area of Social Learning Theory /Cog- nitive-Behavioural Interventions, a prerequisite. Positions avaifabie in Hallon, Brampton and Mississauga. Send Resume to: John Howard Society of Pool - Halton 100 Quoon Stroot West Bram ton, Ontario, L6X 1A4 E-mail: jhsklynch@rogoms.com Dead lino: August 25, 2004 Only thoon oeiecfed for an intereiew wii Se cuntacteri COME BE PART 0F OUR TEAM We are iookng to iff the toiiowing positions: " Wait-Staff " Bartenders " Lise Cooks " Morning Prep. Peuple Please Fax Resumne To: (905) 876-0496 Ï11 II W VC>rldi WPCI Bell Worfd Milton is iookîng for a profession- al Full Tîme Scles Asoclate. Candidates must hase exceflent customer service abîftes and the capacity f5 iearn sew technofegy on an ongo- ing basîs. Please drap aoff resame la persan ta 377 Main Street East In SUtan or via email ta, ,wpcimlltan@yahaa.ca. BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH s nom hinîng fulltisse and part ciime 4 piu - t2pm and 8-4 fuilt rie The successfui apptîcanrs rnusr be flexible, higbty-motisured and ablfe ru work the weekrnds. Your morivationat skilts could eam y:ru an average hourty wage of berween '10.00 and '1t600/hr wîrh a base pay of '8.00/hir. Please appti person at 40 Cbisholm Drive No phone calîs please Meritor Suspension Systems Company is a leading manufacturer of automotive suspension components with manufacturing facilities in Canada, the US. and Engiand. The fol iowing position is available in our Milton facility. General Accounting Supervisor. Appty your expertise in this opportunity f0 handle month-end reporting, accounts payable, accounts receivabie and houriy payroii responsibiiity. This miii invoive preparing journai entries, compietîng analysîs and reporting requirements, takîng on treaaury functions, performing account reconciliation actîvîties, reviewîng documentation and conducting year end audits. Your 4 to 5 years of fînanciai esperience, preferabiy in an automotîve manufacturing envîronment, are back by a post secondary education, and compietion of or enroilment in a CMA or CGA program. Profîcîency in MS Office, înciudîng Excel, Word and PowerPoint is essentrai, famiîarîty wîth AS400 and Mapîcs is preferrsd. lnterested applicants may send their resume t/o Human Resoureies, Mertor Suspension Systens Company, 150 Steelers Avenue, Milton, Ontario, L9T 2Y5 or email: hilary.lloyd@arvtnmerltor.com Career Opporlunilyf Prîmerîca Financiaf Services foc. reqLlîrv eSyPesouple iv epard Oppvrfunity fui advaocvrvent and ecel- leot ricume pteriîial Exyvirvuce sut rusces- bath Caîl Deteti 905- 681 5515 et 8 Fuil-time Receptionist 8am-4 3Opm Motîday-Thursday 8atn-S 30 Frîday $10/hr Computer & swtchhoard eopsiience an assef Arnply In persan wlth resume to reception: 2016 Plains Road E, Burîingfon Hpiindai workin Troto. estRa%&lots Phont 416t8-2) Customer Dniven. ProfessionaL. Resutts Ornented. Supportive. Team Player. If these words describe you, Iet's talk! W; bu m ocgloblb,i 'i b,'bbby lacis o) our cbbtbblvîs needs. Along the way. we ve learn(vd that Seing tra/y înoovative means that sur people have tu Se empuwered lu anticipale and respond tu those needs. Thals why we are cummitted tu creating a wurk envirunmenl thal uffers challenge, purpose, and growth wit hin a team based culture. La Cer -Pesoa[PrpetySeurtyLa Proactîve, oeff-mufîuated, and feara oiented, pse ciii provide optimal customer service by precenoing requsts for PPSA inourance tfirough the reuiew ot searches and the identification etf egaf fsses. Vou wiluflîze exceffent communication skiffs f0 prsvîde informatise f5 castsmero regurding insorance, underwrîfîng guidefines. couerage, rates, and procedures, assisf fegai coussef wîtt/ educafion and marketing presenfations, Snd desefop and maintaîn systemo and procedures. Yos hase ut feaot tise peurs' espenience cîfh PPSA searching încfîîding generaf knsciedge ot relafed commercial transactions and technicaf knsmiedge of ifs practîce. Highiy protessionaf, ssganîzed, and abfe f0 manage sur tast-paced essirosmeet, pou have a demonstrated independent worfi efhic and advanced stittsisn MS Word, PowerPoint, and Oaffosk. Law ler - Ral stae, oen o- ac Vos ciii 0e cuiied in troughsuf the peur as needed fo ussisf our commerciaf feam cith heasy csrkioadu. Your primary responsibiliîfes wiii inciode reoiew of tiffe opinions/searches fo identify fie issues, preparafion of registration documents, and acting as liaison for regstrations. Vos have uti eastf fue peurs' experience n commercial or resîdenfiai transactions, fechnîcai knowfedge of reai estate practices, and superior communication, organîzofîssai, and customner service sklis. A dependahie and proactive feam pfayer, pou are abie Io mor ino oui fusf-paced envîronment cîfh minimaf supervision utiliîzng MS Office. Vour ahiliiy f0 meef our as seedea hasis is essenfîil os appiy serf ne, pieuse vîsît our cebsîte ut www.irstcanadfantitte.com or yoîî cani appip on wrting to: HR Deparfimrent IIRST FtRST CANADIAN TITLE, 2235 Sherfdan Garden Dies, Oaksffte. ON 1JM M Fax: f9851 287-1008 wA IA tc (e .TCoLE mo" .i CLU3LI N( MORE GOLF ClubLink. owner and operator of some of the finest golf propert les in Ontario and Quebec, is currently seekîng foul staff. If pou are a hgh energy, service oriented indisîdual, we welcome pou to join us in one of these dynamîc seasonal ful tîme or part-time positions: Golf Oprations HsSPltalty fflu' Operaflons AI e aret u eugm Claie: cm PAUUEYSOICLIE (GAIVE) Y3TOFMGOLi <M ( gi) RATEUMM PM WIT G L C (MUONI) R HE wCIWG L UB (HAIFMMS) Km UP IIIIIIG3 G L UE ACTOF) Mw WCAaOIW O3G L CU(MMOF) EMUI -MC GOLU< O ) Please forward your resumne to-*gbs@çclublink.ca. or tas f0 905-841-7033. Please indicate yaur preferred club and departmirent For prsperty location information or bo appiy online, piesse olsît sur websife al: www.cubiink.ca JOB FAIR DATE: TUEaDAY, AurUST 1 7, 2004 TI ME: 3 P.,M. To 7 P. m. LOCATtON: HAMILTON CONVENTION CENTRE, WENTWORTH C, t SUMMERs LANE, HAMILTON Do you strive to be on the Ieading edge of wireless technology? Are you ready ta put your technical knowledge ta the test? BlackBerry® Desktop Support Representatives These positions are located in Waterloo, Ontario. We're cbrrenfly on the lookout for Oeskfop Support ffepresentatives mEsse technîcai know-how and cuoromer service oavvy are second v ovne If pou'te ap Io the task of reoolviîsg BlackBerry issues via phone or e-mail and fakîng complets ownershîp of soi usotomers' techoîcai probiems, thon Pob mont mant fa miss thîs opportunify f0 01 il Ms Oeoktop Support Teami What makes yvv an ideai candidate? oure a proven feam player, for ose, and yoa have great communication skiiis. os aiso have a Computer or Basiness dîploma and Ut feasf six montEs of esternal tech support esperience. Experience supporfîng Microsoft Outlook or Lofas Noteo ns prelerred. Above ail, youre eager f0 tackie new challenges in u 2417 cati centre envîroment, IlIM is an entrepreneurial, amvard-mînnîng company thaf foofers creativlfy and remards eocellence. Our stafe-sf-tEe-art envîronment o sot one of many perks m e as ofler an excellent compensoation and henefîfo package, a free BlackBerry and pieofy of fso-filedsoncial evenfo. As we wiII ha conducting on-the-spot interviews, pleasa bring vour résumé and throa suparvisory refarences witlî you. If you are attending the Job Fair, you must pre-register anfime at www.rim.com/caeears anmd apply for position # J0604-0496. 1 ý. m -9 L--z 1 1 m au,, - l Ommid we