Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Aug 2004, p. 21

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,,Alilovic helps Ontario Under-15 cagers to national championship By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion AI Aiilovic had corne tbrough in the clich before, but neyer with the stakes quite so bigh. With Under- 15 national goid on the fine in Halifax August 7, Milton's 6'5" power forward scored a doLen points - inciuding a  pair of' free throws with just three-and-a-haif minutes remaining that put Ontario abead for the firsîtlime against feiiow powerhouse British Columbia. Aiiovic and company wouid bang tough and prevail 69-65 punctuating an undefeated carnpaign and justifying their number one ranking. "I'm usually pretîy good froin the fine, but those shoîs were about as big as i've ever made," said the Bishop Reding Secondary School student, whose overail tournament efforts eamed him second-tearn ail-star status. "It was a great gaine." Wbiie bis foui shots provided tbe spark Ontario needed to ciinch the national titie, il was Aiiiovic's consistent rebounding that was most impressive. He averaged a dozen rebounds per gaine, includ- ing a 78-63 semnifinai decision over bost Nova Scotia in wbicb be made tbree steais and bit 13 points for MVP bonours. Said the local cager, -Overali I thoughtî my perfonmance was pretty good. but rny rebounding specifically was amnazing." Ontario ran rougbshod over its round-robin competition, witb Aliiovic draining 15 points in a 115-46 tournament-opening anni- hilation of Newfoundiand. Frorn theri. a 93-46 spanking of Saskatchewan and 98-73 win over Manitoba put the eventual champs n the final four Thunderbirds set to begin '05 tryouts T Il*,s tryout ime f'or the Canadman Thunderbîrds. - Potential players between 14 and 19 years oflage- as of August 1 lomkng Io join tbe edîme traveling basebali prograrn's 2(X)5 T - ranks c - bgin audtîoning tonighti in Harnilton. -' -other ryoum sessions wli be held over tbe nexi wo weeks, - ~ - T. ncludmng one ai Maplehurst Bail Park August 25 from 1(0 ar..10 - T,~ . . .. 3 p.rn. Anl administration lèe of $ 10 wili bc charged bo help defer ~ ~ ~'tbe cosm of' park rentais. Omber nearby tryouts are slated lfor ibis ~T~4Ç~ ,~. Y Thursday imt fakville's Glenn Abbey Park ftrom 101 a.m. 10 3 pin.. zU; August 29 ai Oakvilie's River Oaks Park frrn 10 arn 10o 3 p.m. File photo by GRAHAM PAINE and September 2 at Brampton Sports Centre frorn 5 mn 9 p.m. AI Alilovuc stood tali for Team Ontario recently, helping For more information about the Tbundcrbmrds, cail (905) 574- deliver a national champuonship win in Halifax. 1173 or e-mail thunderbirds@quickclic.net. Gl1eed bvpasses Habs camp 'for studies By JON KUIPERIJ The Champion Joon Gleed stili aspires to '2-venually forge a career in the NHL. For now, however, pursuing an education il the 20-year-old Miltonian's top priority. A sevent-rounti pick by the Montreal Canadiens ai this summers NHL Entry Draft, te recentiy declined an invitation to the Habs' rookie camp in order 10 continue surnier studies at Comneli University. "My plan before the summnmer even start- ed was to take a ciass and ighten rny loati den for ibis fail," said te 6'2", 200 lbs. defencemnan, Milton 's first NHL draftee br mt since Darren Haydar in 1999 and the first b » local blueliner selected in recent memory. b -I "Il was a six-week class that i tad already ' paid for, and i couidn't reaily miss a week." tt ý Gleed made plans to, take the art istory course before te was drafted by Montreai - something that caugitt him cornpietely gaines as a frestrnan. "Wen il happeneti finishing second in tbe NCAA's ivy off guard. In fact, be wasn't even aware be ibis year, il was prelty unexpected." League ranks before failing 10 Clarkson in tati been selected in the draft until bis Gieed - who won a Provincial Junior A the playoffs. This year's Comneil squad, 10 motter, Jili, calied him anti suggested te ctarnpionship with te Brampton Capitats be captaineti by former Georgetown brust up on his French language skilîs. three years ago - was a mucit more ie Raitiers Winger Mike Knoepl is expected "Last year was my officiai draft year, gral part of last year's Comeil squad, main- to challenge for a berth 10 lthe Frozen Four. being (barri in 1984), but i ditin't play taining regular ice ime and collecting six "We've only lost one defenceman, anti muet (at Comeil) my first year," noteti points in 28 garines. we brought inisaonte reaily gooti players," Gleeti, wto hati trouble cracking ttc Big The Big Red, wtich approacheti last sea- (ileed saiti. "This year stouid not be calleti Red's veteran ineup anti playet Ioly 12 son as a rebuilding year, surprised many by a rebuiltiing year." The Canadman Cbampion, Tuesday, August 17, 2004-21 Milton defense cornes through the second play with a lower body injury. Derek Aibertini had a gooti gainte, with six tacides, two for losses; David Josepht had bis usuai steilar performance, as did Kojo Millingtots; andi Jay MacPhail also matie bis presence feu. Mike Bartello had an aggressîve gainte in the defensive back- fildt, and Kirby Gints entiet Tri-City's fmal tireat with an interception. Linebacker Brentit Barrett, who has made big pisys ail sea- son long, had more in titis gante, including a sack and anme monster bits. *"You can't replace Sliwinski," said te Western University student. "But we were pumnpeti up to maire sure it didn't have as mucit of an impact. It was anotiter testament 10 the deplt of dite Milton defense. And just what is il, besides depth, tat makes terntan gond? "It's iteart, attitude and we're extrensely aggressive," accord- ing to Barrett. "We're a close-irait group. We know wit eacit otiter is going to do." On the Marauders' first possession, titey got dite seven points back. Mike Mailot, subbisg for regular quarterbacir Domenic Camasiro, who il out with an upper bodiy injury, pulled a bootieg piay and took il in fronthlie five-yard uine. On Miiton's next drive, Maliot compieted passes to Jamie Radway and former Bisitop Reding student Craig Hudak before Nedeijirovic ran it in froindite nine-yard lie. The otiter points came on a Len Watkins field goal, and a safety. Qairvilie beat Northt Bay 17-0 in the otiter semnifinal, set- ing up te NFC championsbip gainte in Oairville Saturday ai 6 p.m. at Bronte Field, witithtie winner going bo Edmonton to play for lise national charnpionsbip. Miton beat Oairviile by four points earlier in lise season, anti bat by titree in te return engagement. "1 can'î say enougit about lte fan support we've receiveti," said Emo. "Bronte Field ïs only 15 minutes away anti we'd love for as ntany people as possible to cornte down anti ielp us out." Milton Aduit Hockey League Women's Division Registration Friday, August 2lth - Milton Sports Centre 6:OOpm - 8:3Opm Ramangs inMilto tdts Tye A:Bes Ags+5t,5Op MeidgtAAn e gins Agus lth,8:Op Juveni e : i ns Smeptmet,9Op A w.il tounad atthyege Mlo n prs ete forum re a iseormionta torstyusfrag u stui g te a fr egîrinl msyri.Ia -u OR@ l 905-330-5815.

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