20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 17, 2004 S steblanc@&haltonsearch.com Marauders reach league champinshi Collision course Maad'7ý mt dy i ith Longhorins City utas,ôd set for Saturiday w t Mliton cà*Agh j By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to Thie Champion mlie Batie oft [liton is Labout to becomie Worild llise \ iiauders still face c he crcliiial tîtcl otefaksil le Loîîgbtirs oi- the Fooii l tbtall ('ot lc ui chami- ( >îîlas 1410 Q iihîrdî\a)tcîîuîîuîîu ai Mliltonu District Hfigh Schuiol. JUIrit 15seataint ago. ftie Marauders uslai ss ini a game. anti ast scasit ibcy an increrlible feeling,-týain bcarl co ach Barrn Emai. 1cati it ýas cîîîîîgl about ihese guys. li's a testaiment tai cvery sîngcle one ot ibm. esen tbe unes nît play- tng today. Tbey work bard evcry day itn practice, and tlîcv makc the players in fruont of îbem ibat muchbebtter. Theres tri nîuch talent and dcptb. dilferent guys Stcp it up eacb week. -Afier Sudbury (the second lossu the playcrs started to comte ttgetber and bux--a family andri bcaîne coainmitied t in i- ning. - Saturday's game rcscnîblcd a ionsh-tip derby. Es'ery ninnittg hack on bruttîrles paid beavîly for the nut-se-simple art of' rusbing the ball. Lasi sseek. tl was Stevc Lubins carryitîg the mail tor the Maratirlers. thîs sseck it \vas ion Nedejkovîc. anîd svbîle le accumulatcd 75 yards, there steren't many tacklcs thai you coulisi fel frotmthe sidelines. Tbe Outlaws lcaîîîrc lcague-lcading rusher Ricbarrd Messam. and be sbowed wby early in tbe contesi after Tri-City recovered a fumbled punt on tbe Milton 31 -yard-uine. and on the nexi play took it ail the way for the toucbdown. That was the end tof ibat as far as the Marauders were concemed. Emo said tbey made an adjusiment, and Messarn was only able to gel 16 yards on 1l canico the rest of the way. The Outlaws are anoîber team that bas leamed you jusi cant mn againsi the Milton defense. Event more impressively, the Marauders did il wiîhouî linebacker Wayne Sliwinski. wbo lefi tbe game afier esee MILTON on page 21 Who Does ItL Dermo. returns to Jr. IceHawks' fold Strong and Battah put-sue opportun ites out west By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The lceHawks bav-c selcoinerl back sa prîîmttîcn esecutive member and bid faressell tIo th titeir captain and an assistant coîach. Reîuming to tbe fold is Davtd Denno, %sbo leli lasi September due tI futîraental differences wtîh lîead coac/general manager George Dupont in ternis if vision for the Jr. A club. However, the twvo stanied seeing cye to eyc and mending fences as the season wore ron. and offi- cially came to ternis for Dermnos second go- around in Mfilton - nrîw as the lceHawks' direc- tor of operations and marketing ibtis pasi week- end. lIm exîremely bappy wiîb tbe conditions under wbicb l'in coming back,-said Dermo Stinday atemoon. Addcnl Dupont,. Dave always had value in this Professionai bog G7rooming 0 9O5-875-TiI (82-45) Ob 438 Kngsleigh crt.Milton leaguc ant Io ibas ca NMilton guy vsshtbhie coînnec- tionîtss il rllitiîtclv benclit the club.- The mnose is no drîubî a surprise to many Prosvincial Jr. A Lecague lollossers. cuînsidering Dermo s\vas quickly snaîcbed up bs the neigbbour- ing Streeîsville Derbys last faîl and most recenîly hclped ibcm secure tbe Rroyal Bank Cup bid for 2006. But Dermo said be wasn't inieresîed in tie fuîl- trne c mmitment promnoîing and organiziîîg the national cbampionsbip icumnament will require river the nexî îwo years - and ibat despite a pro- ductive stint in Streetsville. bis beari bas always been in Milton. Gaine day operations will comprise a major por- tion of bis responsibilities ibis season, wbile be'll alsrî resumnesvork wiîb the IceHawks' scbolarsbip prograin. Denno's reîum contes on tbe beels of tbe depar- PUBLIC SPAKN Effective Speaking Consultants Motvtional Semnars and Workshops- We choose how une une. pu bhicSpeakingWorkshops Public Speaking one on one outh video taping option - or snall and large functions. (Delinen a great speech on that important day). Check out our web site at www.effectivespeakngconsultants.com Tel: 905-875-4091 or 905-691-2223 email us t gerardk@effecdivespeakjngconsuftanus.com turc osf both captain Dean Strong and assistant coach icîf Baitah b oth tif wbom are heading wesî tbis season. Witb bclp lrom hts uncle. u ho bas a number ol contacts in the British Columbia Jr. A League. Strong has booked Up wtl Vemon. Somewhat disheatened about flot landing a scholarship ibis past spring. the workhorse centre requested a change of scenéry and was given bis release carli- er this montb. "Basically Dean feit be could gel more exposure in another league and we respeeted bis decision.- said Dupont. Meanwbile. Batiabh has accepted a goalîending coach position with Leibbridge, Alta. afier îwo seasons as an assistant witb Milton. 'Me lceHawks staried training camp lasi nigbt and begtn exhibition play Friday ai 7:30 p.m. ai Milton Sports Centre againsi the Burlingion Cotîgars. sauo hosi game two of the bome-and- borne weekend series Sunday afiemoon ai Central Arena. e Pet Sit t Sdtîqce , o kiSrue Lcl AvalahI.7ap A Wuk Gle Beck (905) 876-4304 SeNngMlon and Gapblvle www.ruffnpwr.co, I