1Mangîv n s x-mo th aîlThe Canadian Champion, Friday, August 13, 2004-7j sentences for recent theft O R ADR WIT 'Time Capsules' are gems of info)rmationa extracted [rom past issue s of Thte Jilton Kfrnr'ome, f ffra,#q--.;<.i: -~ k L platoitns (cmt 1i s5 Si>iitinie. Pro<- vided to place the stuationî ini contesi. September 1903 In Mayors Court J. A. was tried for steal- ing chiekens and a rug from i.S. McCannelI. He was found guilîy and sen- tenced lu six monîhs in the Central Prison on eacb conviction. the two termns 10 run consecutively. S. J., a widow aged 93, sent 10 jail as a pauper from Acton four years ago, and kept there ever since, died on Saîurday. The la w requires an inquest. The verdict was deatb fromn natural causes. Four of' Mis. J.'s daughîers and three of ber sons are living. Thougb lbey allowed ber to go to jail for wmît of support lhey claimed ber body on Salurday and had il buried aI tbeir own expense. Counîy Judges Criminal Court. By request of Judge Gorham, Judge McGibbon, of Peel, carne here on Saîurday to Iry Chief Constable Bradley on the charge of assaultmng W. W. and slriking hlm with a loaded "billy" wbile arresting bim. 'Me evidence was pracîically the same as that given at the examination, which was fully reporled. Jailer Van Allen swore that he saw the assault ai the jadl door and that W. was not resisting wben il was made. Chartes MeNair pantly corrobo- raled Mr. Van Allens evidence, but he was oulside of the court bouse door at the lime of the alleged assault and did nol sec il, tbough he swore Ibat he beard the blows struck and afterwards saw their effecîs. The chief constable and Chartes Downie swore that W. was resisîing and cboking Bradley when be was struck. 'Me Judge found the prisoner nol guilîy on the ground that the evidence was, contradictory and f that the weigbt of il was in favour ofth dees.W. was not aI the trial as be was still at the Wesern Hospital Toronto, where bis rigbl ami was ampulated after being mmngled by a CPR, train at Slreetsville Junction on the 2nd inst. His deposition, however, was put in and bis slory of the assault at the court bouse corroborated those of Messrs. Van Allen and MeNair. Judge Gorbam bas inslructed Counîy Attorney Maîheson nol 10 retum Chief Constable Bradley bis "billy." The judge says tbat the billy is not a fit weapon for a Capsules constable, and that Chief Bradley should, if he wants a weapon, procure an ordinary baton. The Forest City Paving Co. finished a section of the new pavement yesterday, f'romu the corner of Brown St. to the McGibbon House. Il looks well. if favoured with fine weather the contraclors will complete their work within about 10 days. Alex Willmott entertained about 40 young people of Milton and ils vicinity at his farm on Monday evening, and treated theru to a com roast. The guests gathered corn in a field and took it to the woods, where large fires had been lighted, over which they roasted it. They relished it greaîly and afserwards spent several hours very pleasanîly at Mr. Willmotn's house. Complaint is made that flowers and shrubs planîed on graves by owners of lots in Evergreen cemeîery have recently beeri dug up and stolen. The managers of the cemetery should look intothis matter. Edward McCann announces that when the new elevator at the G.T.R. (CN> station (on Bronte St.> has been completed, which tt will be wiîhin a few days, he will bc pre- pared 10 buy any quanîity of grain or hay at the elevator. There was a ltvely football match, Association rules, yesîerday aftemnoon between the 1Isiand 2nd and 3rd and 4th concessions of Esquesing. The tirst named team won by 2 goals 10 0. It was captained by a crack Englisb player. who bas recent- Iy come Io Canada, and bas taughî bis play-i ers a good deal about the fine points of the game. Art Stark played paricularly weil for the losers. A very strong teamn could bc picked froru the two. This material is assemhled on behaifof' thte Milton Historwcal Societ.v bs' Jim Dilis, who can be reached bv e-mail ai jdills@aidirec-t.tom. Dear Editor: Recenîly my friend and I decided on a last-minule hike on the Niagara Escarpment, along a sec- tion of the Bruce Trail Ibaî's about 15 km long. We wenî ouI loîally unprepared, sometbing neither of us usually do, s5) you know wbaî that mneant- Murpby's Law was in effect. About balfway lbrougb tbe trail, 1 sprained my ankle. This was the same ankle that bad just bealed from a sprain one monîh carlier. My friend ran up ahead Io check the direction ot the trail wbile 1 dragged myself imbc the shade. 1 was debydraîed, lrying to lake some deep breaîhs because my leg was sbaking so badly froru the pain. 1 was wisbing that 1 bad taken my backpack and was wondering bow we were going 10, gel oui of our predicament, wben ai that moment a group of female bikers came out of nowhere. Il was just like in the movies, wbere belp arrives in the nick of lime. These biking angels supplied me wilb a tenser bandage for my ankle, as well as waler, food and pain medication. Tbey even offered 10 split up their group and belp carry me (>u1. 1 declined the ride, feeling that 1 would be able to manage with a walking stick. They wouldn'î Development doesnl' belon g on town's west side except our tbanks, saying maybe we could return the favour by offering our help 10 someone else who mighî need assistance in the future. Both my friend and 1 were grale- fuI, nol only for the belp, but also because during our previous careers in law enforcement we bad seen people do terrible lhings 10 eacb other. So il was a wonderful remmnder that there's stili mucb kindness in the world. So Ibis is a beartfelt thmnk you 10 my anonymous hiker angels who gave me much more than îhey thougbî. Sandy Serwatuk Dear Editor: So the ime bas corne for the developers 10 starn lear- ing up the countryside wesî of Milton. Can anyone tel me wby some of the best farmnland in souîbem Ontario is being used for housing develop- ments? Why, wben lhere's already horrendous conges- tion on the igbways and side roads leading into Mississauga and Brampton, do our politicians allow Ibousands more homes 10 be builî on the wesî sîde of lown? This will add Ibousands of additional vebicles to roads Ibat weren'l built to bandle the current volume of traffie. 0f course these samne politicians don'î have lu commute 10 work, so Ibey probably donît think about Ibis. Rush hour in Milton was unbeard of until the last couple of years. If you tbink il's bad now, jusî wail. Can someone tell me whaî happens 10 al Ibe dis- placed crinters Ibat cali Ibese fields and woodlots home? Doesn'î anyone care? Yes, l'in upset about Ibis developmenî, as are many other people I speak lu. Why is Ibis happening? Why can't Ibe developmenî remain on Ibe easî side of îown and leave the wesî side of town - nestled aI Ibe base of Ibe escarpmenl - alone. Ah, but 1 forgot, silly me - il's always about the money. S. Hewltt Nîne-year-oîd boy's trust Iost wîth recent theft of bike Dear Edibor: On August 3. somnebody stole my sons bicycle, wbîcb wa.s a irIbday present, from our front lawn and ikely tossed il over Ibe bridge int Sixteen Mile Creek. How do I know Ibis? - because a tew cbildren in the area have said Ibey saw bis bike in the creek. This child ba.s had bis best loy and birlbday present - nol lu men- tion bis mode of transport lu sehool - taken away from him. First il was darnaged a while back by anoIber child, requiring repair, and now Ibis. There's no money for anoIber bike for biru and Ibis bas caused us many tears - my son mnd 1 boIb. Wbat kind of an acî is Ibrowing a child's bike over a bridge going 10 score you on Ibe cool metre? I hope Ibat Ibe person who did Letters welcome The Canadian Champion weicomnes Ietters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit revise and reject lefters. Letters must be signed and the addoess and telephone number of the writer included. Letters con be e-moiled ta miitoned@haltonsearch.com, faxed ta (905) 878-,4943, or dropped off at 191 Moin St. E1 stands that not only is Ibefi wrong, it's also unkind. However, I fear that you will neyer truly under- stand whaî yuu've done. You crushed a nine-year-old boy's ife. 1 pity anyone Ibat bas 10 deal wiIb Ibe piliful likes of you, mnd may you cower in Ibe despair, loneliness mnd disappointment Ibat will certainly be your desliny. JMIlJohnson ZOO ZOOM ZOOMZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM 7<)QM 351 ImieSi.S, 1M 519@853mO200 if@aCmuksuzd.ca Ou Oaelnhtp is uit th Bîçqet Ou quNI is tu be tM e SWL! AI~New2OO '"'oDWM3AT ACHILLESMMA The A14I 04Mazda6 Spoutindudes: gPowerftl2.3L 4 Cylinder Engîne vTracton Control ie cp V Power Windows V Power Lodks V Power Healul Mrrors V Cruise Controi g Ar Conton g KtylmssEntry V Engint immobilizer g AMIFM CD Stereo g Fog Ughts g 1662L of Cargo Capacity g/ ABS Brakts The Ail New 2004 Mazda16 Spod For 48 mos, V6PlusSpIiîRMorea Very Weil Equpped ot only $25,495* e Obfr us vad on di 2004 Mozdos Uwmh t31, 2004