14-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 13, 2004 I HOT SVINGSON COL VEICLE JUST IN TIME FOR CAREFREE SUMMER CRUISING. 1I'kEbI'b £NAE FINAWN BONUS CAM ON MMS NEW IN-STOCANDilOP TO '2000 MM04 & 2005 FOCUS PURCHASE OR LEASE PUR"IISEFIANMCES AS YOU'LLTHRS REALLY ~--~ MORE POETO LIKE $ ~'LIKE 2004 Ford Mustng V Coupem es MuSeld5U Lsis ~2f fl ar ilofUmt 2004 Ford Freestar Base 2004 Ford Explere XLT $299 nuiswMthNo Boundne gvsco»rmml199LoaseP Fo f iY 3 o a m oi or< S,. *.12 , - $3L5 9o l ilq- II,.IAC-14-19 PtI M 1, ,,9 5 oO i* e, *his p- M. , s n1 Q.sý . ONLY AT VYOUR FORD STORE "ýMasters at work rlogarth (Qeft)) nes up wth visiting Okinawa iflstrLlctors Nashiro Seikichi (centre) - a karate weapons master - and Toyama Zenehu Hanshl, a ninth degre. blackbefttln GO-JU-Ryu karate. The Instructors visfle for two weeks, helplng Senael Hogarth put on varlous demnonatratlorus for hle many students. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ~Milton HOG hosts annual charity ride Bîkers trom across southerni Ontario will take to local roads for a go(>d cause August 22. That's when thc Milton Harley Owners Group - in conjuniction with sponsor Jacox Harley Davidson -is hosting the third annu- ai Erinoak Charity Ride. The ride, designed as a two-stop poker run, starts in Mississauga at 28(15 Argentina Rd. and ends at the Mohawk Inn, located at Guelph Line and Fiwy. 401!. The f-irst stop will be Christie Conservation Area and the second al Waterdown. Money raîsed %vil go to Erinoak. a non-profit organization ded- icated Io supporting children and youh with physical. develop- mental and communication disabilities. -We antiipace the Erin(ruk Charity Ride xiii bc one of the pre- mier rides of the 2(X(14 seaison and 55e .vill be hosting H()G cbap- ters, Irim ail oser southern OIntario tir support this n ert1hwhtle uu,s. aid Jicurs larley Dus tdsîon ner Pal Jacox. "Ilssill be a erett tinile or all andt ss looik toi ssrdte a gurod trmout.' i,, tr t ronlîmi 1 ) aj.oil te utisw. s tthe flrrst ides lcas mg betss en 1i a.te ind i1:1 5 ar i,,b usts 2(per person or 51(0 of Juir e acesAlirer the ride. thure ssii] he a barbecue ulthte \telîassk hIn Loiiîphients of'tbe Mîlîcîn Hlarie\ On ,ners Group. PicdgehCistoi thces C nt are a\s tîalhe ai usss s.mtltonhog.ca. MS bike tour set for next weekend Cxr lssare gearing Up for a 175-km uhurîty bike tour that ssill pass throîîgh Milton nexi neekend. More thaiinX6( 1 yclîsts are expected te rake to the road August 21i and 22 durîng the annual RONA Multiple Selerosis Society o! Canadu's Brampton to Guelph Bike Tour and raise about $250)(9)(. Stuning ut the Brampton Fuir Grounds, the tour's path enfers Milton heading north on Fifth Lîne, before tuming west on No. 15 Sideroud. Rîders wil! lease town heading north on First Lirte. Alter un es'enîng of'rest in Guelph, participants svill double back the lulowtng day- once again passing through Milton. The retum (trip n iii rake C) elists suruth on First Line. tumning east on No. 25 Sideroad. CORRECIONNOIC Tues., Aug. 1IOth edition of The Canadian Champion. the Youngy Driver's of Canada advertisment, incorrectly stated the course hours. The September 2004 course should have read, starting at 6pm flot 6am We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 4>YOUNG DRIVERS"of anada OYour licence to survive.