CrmeStpprsofHaro Car punched during /Cash stoiten from Main rodrg0icdn I i ae nidn ___dd h i5y ,,iki,-ge th,- -d hg ihidî, Vscltsd c i ig ini thecres tif Pcrry Road and Eighth Lîne. Just belore 7 p.m., police said a dispute erupted beîween a -3<)year old Mississauga motorist and a 44-year-old Milton resident about their driving methods. The îwîî men got * out oft their vehîcles and the argument escalaîed. The vehicle belonging to the Mississauga driver was punched. resulting in a dent min the left-side Halton Regional Police are investigai- voilIntav, he eligîh/ejor amairerd ing a break-in at a local business. Yotm ms/it eter haie tii gte Vani' liante Ovemight July 27, the glass door was mot te.stfr ti court. Crime Stojîper.s af smashed out at The Laundry Factory Ha/toit does iîot suh.mrîhe ta ca/I dis- located ai 781 Main St. and $1,.7(X) cash p/avy. Please ca/I 1-80<) 222 T/PS (J- was stolen. 800-222-8477) or tcteck out Crinme If vou haie anîîv inflrmation that /ead.s Stoppers' Weh site ai wwwt./îa/ton- ta, an att-est in thils or aiîs' <huer itatteî, minteýistomppei-. tont. 1lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 13, 2004 Police Blotter door. The owner of the damaged car received an apology and compensation for the dent, and when police arrived, a caution was given but no charges were laid. Cash stolen during break-in Video games and cash were among the items stolen fromn a No. 14 Sideroad home during a break-in Monday using a siolen vebîcle. Sometinie between 5 and 8:30) p.m., unknown suspects torced open thc west side patio door to gain enîry and ran- sacked the home. A Sony PlayStation and 20 games, plus passporis and a large quantity of cash were stolen. The stolen vehîcle used during the break-in was later recovered by police in Hamilton. Police arent disclosing the value of the stolen property. Home broken into Re.sidents away on vacation had their Jars c Court home hrokcn into somcttmce beisseen \iondav and W'dnecday Police said nctglhhours rcported secing a grey pick-up truck pull ttp tii the housc and people loading propcrt\ nto thc truck. Siolcfl propcrt\ ncludcd a Nhytag stain- Ics stqeci rctrigcrator. a DVI) player. a comtputer. a camcera and s artous other housemmld itrsý. A s ,lue for the stolen propcny bîsot i eco dctcrmtncmi. Cash stolen A c<uanmtmîl\î oh n .15 st" "olci rom lthe Y\ICA Da,,\ Caotp ont Kelso Romd. Sonlctinue heIîss eco ast Frid:ms and \londasý. mnkI Ion n 'uspecI' cltocred ihc da\ 1111ougo.îic ttacîýh,î iîne nu iii dou ntîd procccded ni take thlic jt 1îi t c 1dîi. ulsinLte lic uritnofîtca.,ltolen. 2-4 pmn, 629 Woodward Ave., $164,900 Alexandra Bakker Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pmn, 1026 Barclay Circle Amy & Darryl Flowers Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pmn, 36 Mary St. Diane Mavnard Royal LePage 905-878-8101 1-4 pmn 70 Wilson Dr.. $31 4, 900 Carole D. Budwortb Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pmi, 1026 Barclay Circle Amy & Darryl Floviers Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pmi, 57 Wilson Dr., $355.000 Bet[y logle. Re/Max Blue Springs 878-7777 2-4 pmi, 729 Hutchinson, $338.000 Richard Hierman, Re/Max Blue Springs 878-7777 2-4 pmn, 1317 Roper Dr., $329,000 Karen Cumby Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pmi, 63 Brewster PI., $429.900 Liz Ormerod Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pm, 290 Randali Cres., $444.800 Royal LePage 905-878-8101