Special education funding Cornes through for Halton The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 10, 2004-9 Chlidren 's languages classes starting soon QPWdcii iCi i nle Cainapion The Halton District School Board is breatbing a sign of relief that its 2004-05 budget wont be in the red, now that special education funding is flowmng fromn the provin- cial govemment. Education Minister Gerard Kennedy recently announced $100 million in new special education fundîng, as weil as measures to ensure that money is spent on the students who need it. 0f that, the Halton public board will receive $3 million for 2003-04 - that hadn't been allocated yet - and another $3 million for the upcomning sehool year. The money is for Intensive Support Allocation (ISA) dlaims submitted for stu- dents with acute and severe needs. Board chair Mary Chapin is relieved the money has finally arrived, helping the board avoid incurring a deficit budget. "This means our budget is, in iest ci l ie Sîîîiîier ssi) he aitîle less stressful" knowing the board will be in the black. Mr. Kennedy angered school boards when he decided earlier this year to retain some $ 100 million of special education funds. The money was already approved by ministry officiaIs, but Mr. Kennedy decided 10 hold il back because of rising cosîs and cnncemrs about the process. Between 2001-20104, Ontario sehool board dlaims for funding doubled, despite the fact enroîl- ment declined. In late June, the Halton public board passed a $329-million bal- anced budget, which included spending $44-million on special education, to serve a total of about 8,200 students. Had the $3 million money not corne down, it would have lefî the board with a deficit. Ms Chapin said ater the budget was passed that the $3 million was ing the rnînîsîry 10 is wcîî i. With the announcement, Mr. Kcnnedy indicated the ministry will replace the current ISA system and reduce red tape. Ms Chapin said boards will be consultcd on the change and she's looking for- ward to, providing input. She also supports Mr. Kennedy's plan to set up an Effectiveness and Efficiency Office, to ensure accountability thrnugh periodic audits. "l'm pleased with the opportuni- ty that Minister Kennedy has creat- cd 10 devise a new funding mode] for special education, including service standards and student out- cornes," said Dusty Papke, the Halton boards director of educa- tion and chair of the Counicil of Ontario Directors of Education. "The Effectiveness and Efficiency Office is a positive step in helping boards develop prograins and share best practices." Lli.llulllîly sîola c ulldrcn looking to expand their minds and vocabujaies will want to take part in the international languages program that starts next mionth. Students can lemr to speak Arabic, Castonese, German, Greek, Hebrew, Korean, Punjabi and Serbian tbrugh courses beginming the week of September 6. Illits as a continuous entry prograns held on weekends in Burlington and Oakville and is open to ail elemnentary school-aged children born in20M, up to and including grade 8 students. Courses are organized by the Halton District School Board. For more infor- mation, cail Doroîhy Whitely at (905) Radial Railway set to host work equipment day Sun. Ail aboard! The Halton Cnunty Radial Railway will host a work equipment day Sunday, com- plete with four-kilometre rides on a traek grinding train, overhead line car, railway snow sweeper and subway fiat car. 'he event wil mn from Il ar..10 4:30 p.m. and will also feature a truck mainte- nance equipment display, restoration shops and two display barns. Admission, which includes train rides, cost $950 for adulîs, $850 for seniors and $6.50 for youth aged four to 17. Children tbree and under and seniors over 90 gel in free. The railway grounds are located aI 13629 Guelph Line. 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