6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday August 10, 2004 *Commient "uiiiesproinises As a whole, the voting public doesn'î ask much from the people wc put in office. We understand taxes will go UP. not down, and tbat buck-passing will usually take prece- dence over problem-solving. Some might suggest ibat is a cynical view, but iî's one that, more oten than flot. rings true. However, one tbing voters detesi is being blatantly lied to. We can bandle the truîb- sîreîcbing, faci-bending and litile white lies ibat seeru to be part and parcet of poliîics, but do not purpeîsely mislead. Ten months into is mandate, Premier Dalton McGuinty is discovering first-hand thte public's distaste for a politîcian wbo makes al] kinds of promises be bas no intention of keeping simply to get elected. On a mini-tour of the province lasi week, McGuinty acknowledged bis govemment bas bad a "rougb stan"- and thai he "made a promise and broke tl regarding the Liberals' lîealth prcmnium. McGuinty. bowever. stîll seems 10 be bas'îng a difficuli lime undersianding n by1 bis trail îf broken promises lias had sutb a long shelf lite. considering be\ ctosing ini on [lis irsi year n piiner. "Some people say. well maybe you made ioo iri.ny prolmises. McGuinîy. Well, maybe 1 did... but 'd r.iiber stand being accused of being ton amrbiiious lor Ontarians iban side siîh the cyiiics." We're flot sure il- we wiiudcl ait t eing "ixo aiibitiiius". Mi. Premier. As aIl new govemmenis have a habit of- doing. McGuint o intîîîs 1 Iote -imess" leli behind by the prevîllus administration and places much of the blame for bis promise- breakîng on the Tories. In the mid-'90s many Oniarians found Mike Harris' Tories refresbing simply because they l'olloAed tbrougb on cam- paign promises. In retrospeci. one can argue the Tories' promises deserved dloser scruîiny. but volers were impressed ibat a politiciain wîîuld acîoally do nvhat lie prom- isecl. ]'en oionibs icrIllie fact, McGuiniy is still lxaving ici deali lban eteciorate ibaî's lco uip wiîb piliîicians ssbo don't keep a proise. Whtainl he intrieruingis il' be Cali shakc itli' isisoite hy Illie lime the ne xi eleciion rocts arouiid. IOLYM9PIC MOTTOS "SWIFTER, HIGI4ER, STRONGER> *Our Readers Write l"SHADIER, £I.EAZIER,4 GREEIIER"# Bike stolen from E.C. Drury Hîgh School Town just askîng for trouble in waitîng very important to Young sngle mother te) nlit lin MIR. ~ a - i>ear Editor: Titis letter is in regards to a very dis- turbing incident that itappened recently in Milton. On August 3 one of my Englisit as a Second Language studenta at E.C. Drury Higb Scitool came back into te claas- I roomn to sadly announce titat ber bon- rowed bike itad been stolen. This young, single moîhen from Columbia itad fled from te violence and crme of her homneland 10 corne 10 a free fand safe country. Would the person who took tite bike from te Annex building bchind E.C. Dnury H-igit Scitool please retum iil? Please do so anytime bctween 9 arn. and mon Monday 10 Friday. Leave il inside te Annex building. This Young motiten is a dedicated stu- dent wbo's trying 10 le=rrthei language and is Iooking for a job 10 support ber son, as weII aiteîp iter motter. Tite stolen bike is ber only transportation. Lucy Hannant Childs Drive mc, ,. >,LGII imi'ygrs ar intersection I)ear l'ditor: I wsas butcly disgtlsied b read receîîîly in The C'hampioîn îb.iithe IcîssItl Milton vssill. ssaiî îîîîîît îes year hIoinstattirMit ic I igbi s ai tbe coîmer of* Derry Ruîad anid Santa Maria Boulevard/Coimtrtial inircetin Ier clesc prsoatîx' %vin ers c- s c t rie cant a i sse rv piflerse lion si-er recniyndile traipr t nîyur sai er-îgradagtr lngtîe skaing. ,tisi ut nte Story on scholarshîp winner greatly apprecîateéd example of' poor planning by thc l osii of Mi lion.%N hici buîlds a sig- niticai sPeOs Iýcompîce. and iben ssaits île insiail mucit needed iral ,fie ligbîs. 1)ear Editor: Tbank you lor pubtislîing te article and pboîograph ioI Padgeîî Business Services scbolarstîîp wiiner /.akiab Taba in tie July 16 Champioen. 1 tan tell you iliat the wniîneî 's moter n as absoluie- y ilîrîtled to sec ber daughier's picture iii the piper. /akiah dcserved sorne recognîitiuonîfor al lb ei liart wvork. Certainly ssinuîing a scbolarsbîp is a financially- rewarding bonus. but Io have your picînre in the paper is somelîîng that I don't tbink she'lI eser torget. We appreciate the support The Champion bas shossn Io tie liard ssorking youib in Milton. Letters welcome The Canadian Champion weicomes leffers to the editor. We reserve the right ta edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the writer included. Letters can be e-mailed fo miltoned@hattonsearch.corn, faxed to (905) 878-,49,43, or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease Box 248, 191 Ma Miltion, Ont. L9 (905)8 878-À Edîlorîdl Fax: 905- Adverîising Fax: Classilîed: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver A Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Aà Tim Cules Pr( Charlene Hall Dis' Teri Casas ýain Si. E, The Canadiaii Champion, Pubished euery uesriay and Fiday ai 191 ,9T 4N9 Main Si E -Mtn,ntOui L9T 4N9 (Box 248) is rire ouThOe Metroland Pfirt îg. Pubishiril i Osiibuii Ltd roup ot sut) juan comparies w55m 1x i1 cludes Aîax/Pckerinrr News Adveetiser Allistori Heralit Courier Barrie 2 3 1 Aduance Boier nterprse, Bramptoni Oxardiari BurlrigtoPost. Burinitor Shopping News, Cty Parent Cty uof0Yr Guardiai CoirbrrwoWasaga -878-4943 Currectrer Easrt0Yr Mrrue Erre Advrcate/Cuurtry Soutes Etobicoke Guardiar Flamtrorough Revrew, Forevc Young, Georetown -876-2364 inrepexoerrt/Sts r Fiee Press, HaltiîrSi ies, uries. Hsurra Busness Trmes, Lindsay This Week, Maririarri Ecorurrist & Sur, Mdara Peoerarg- 5-875-3 300(1 ursOn ri ror Mioir Shopping Sews Missisrariga Business rOrnes Mississauga Sexes. apaiee Guide Sassaga.ueya News, Sewirarket'Aerora 5-878-5947 Ea Banner Nohumbrterland Sews, Sortir rk iS îrrr akuilte Beaver. Oakile Shopping News, Odtrroers Hockey ews Oriira Today Publisher Oshawaihtbyodîarnîon/Puor.Perry Ohis Week, PeterborouighThirs Week, ad;/ere PrcoexCiuniy GuideBRchmond Bcih/Otornhiertauishan Lieral, Scarborough e Cite'Pbisii Mirie, Sixuitullersxbnrige TOIr ureý Peie-r 'rxf Auiertsrng ru accepied or, the condiion tsar, in the euenî ut a iypo- graphîcal erro.a, iorai jon oethe îduersrnqspace eccupied by rire erex- iuiigI-.' joe-nexas item, ixiether wth a reasonabîx alixcance ior signature, ciii xxi Se Pi.enq De cx', toi charged fx, bui the balance oftihe dertsemext ilwliSe pairtifon anihe applir cable rae.ieThe publisher rexemves the ight ix caiegorize aduersemeeîs xr eie-t Maiager decixe. ?uîioc Manager Edrienral anS xdxerisig coxntent ef Oie Caxailian Champronx s prxiecîed by cxpyright. lixauthxrzed use ix proxbinred 'fie Mainager Thre MixonCuxadiax Champione s a Recyciabie Prxduci 905 905 905 Mi de, 3ol,, istrb, 0 n *The Canadian Champion 1