The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 10, 2004-29 If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals"' c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street F. or Fax to: 878-4943 YJÔOMFI INTERIORS Mil ai Co "Where w. make you tee! at home"- T Paint oWallcoveringsE U ai~ k Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Towne Dental Group A Geraldine Heskeîh 845 Main St. E. Miiton 878-4280 Mark Cross Mlo al-5 nai t Wha C mr can ff r ouBSc.,DDOS. (905) 876-1188 Whether you be a ns-w home osoner or have an aiderip AIl of Milton wa shocks-d ast monis Liy tise ds-ath of Dr Dave Domenco. place we îhînk tisai you con benefit from a vîvît to our store. -',, t. ..... -. - Kseping up ta tise minute on choicesvcon be difficuit but sos csrtainly try & do wsll in irying ta accommodais-. Ws- have a greot showroom with tise lais-st in designs & colaur range ta suit your decor.% Wood floorn? Yes, sos have aak but have yau ses-n hickory avoulable in 4 colours, and up ta 4" side. Engineered isard- wood iv very reilient and it'v flot a laminate, it'n real hard- soood! There are lais of styles, s-vs-n disîresss-d rusti e b-sch- wood, and it iv great for tise basement. Moving on ta aur cesamies - ws- have bs-en tid sos have ans- of tise mosi extensive displays for mils-s asound. Porcelain - metallic or 24x24 floor rspresening lins-stone beautiful decors ta look ai also. We have a huge, yes hugo seleciion of romnanîs, s-very size fson 3 0 up ta 25' tao pruce up a roon. Bring along your colors. We valus- shai you have ta say and sous aur expertise in flooring shether it be carpet ta laminais- and sous aur design knowls-dge yau can be Camfîiaao. Paint no prablem sous a top noms- like Prott & Lambert 500+ soalîpaper books. Ws- îhiak i'soortis o visit. And the masi important asset only ans- stars- ta complets- masi of your dscoraing schenes siîh excellent instollers soho have bs-en daing it for o long tîme. Joc sili ho happy ta came aver, mesavre and give you o quais-. TIns Dcney 17 Wilson Dr. #12 Connie Francoz PHYSIO1'HERAPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main> 876-1515 Q. t sprained my ankie last year and 1 stili have ome discomforî sheni1 ron on even tround. Il keeps turni over easily as weiI. What are soute of tise possible reasons tisaI ibis is happening? A. The mosi commun type af lnio-y sisal causes an ankle sprain s aiveso lnjos-y" misss-s-tise foot aod ankie tao ovs-so tisaitishe oot'tds pai-th ie ankis- iv injosed. Thie tsni on tise outvîds- of tise toks- cao 5K, itjosed. A mîtd. mnodes-aie or sveres praîn may occos- asth litgament ivsires-vs- or tom. The most common ligament affects-O s tise anti-ts tatofihotar ligament. Thisligo- ment s-ans fsoas tisetaisrai ankie hans- ates-at matis-oins> l lisens-asestLons- ta tise floos-, tise totos. At ttmes, tise muscles aroottd tise caif, espeeîatty tisuse ai lise otsids- of lise eatf (ise pes-oneis con bLi njos-eOdvsws-. As wish any aises- type of vraîn or speain. a ligament injos-y wii s-o ibroos-is lie sos-mai phases of hiatng. Wiseo hlie ntis-on vfirssinjas-eO inflammatioo accusvotisai constant ankis- pain and ankie vweliîns- appeos- Dunsg ibis per- oO. Iiv simportant lv s-sdce aay aclinities tisai mis-hias-s-savais- y oa-injus-y. lîmît s-ants participaton and ask yaas- piysties-apisi os-pisyscian aboot an ankis- vsontas- brocs- Oves- lie ns- asov aLi-alasns-wissus- starts ta fana and lise tissus- gs-duaoy matures. Oves- iis pervod of ime ài important te ums-scvs- yous- ankie sans-e of motion, sens-li and balance. Sa. if yoo hans- chronie aniste pain and tamnsns-sve-", ibis con occas- Oas-taoas-o haane-oas lacis of sens-lb. Sisens-li training- iv essenliai ta ennore maximoum ankie patentiai and supos-s-an s-ctînîttes. Retraînîns- balance imps-ns somelins catisd-O kînestbeîîc amas-enes-s"aisa caiieO "prs-opsiceston". "Feopriocestian" iv tant missn tises-s-ces-tasvnthie ankis- are damas-s- durîng an outiles srata These spectat s-sceps-lsvendamesages ta tise Lraîn abautlise ps- ion of tise fot and antis-,, tle mss-u and tension of tise muscles and tise s-es- as-direction of mans-ment Enescisscan Le pers-os-ms-Otas-strain lise fonction of tisese recestors andO ms-sove butane. s- hips ta ims-sove awas-nsvs as-lise position as-tise foat andO ms-s-ve stabiîîy of tise foot doms- Oaciities tîke mun nîns-. su tisai"tomîns- oves-" and ankis- s-an ivs-sducs-O 95 155 Chesck mush a hs-iîtbers-o ns-laes- if yau have any lonsstandîns- s-sobus-ms lîke s-osrvsns-lisos- baance continbutins- la yaas- cisonic ankis- pain. Pleaoe contact Tino or Canitie as- the Hatton Community Rehabilitation Centre, 17 Wilson Ave., Milt-on, 905-876-1515 for questions about phyoiotlaerapy. 1 toght iiwouîo ns- appropriais- rta s-m-mO-rDr. Dave Doms-oea tiss monîb. i asks-d Dr Dave Jaisnson, misa worked sitis Dr. Dave Doms-oea, if he moutd write this mansis'v artices ine he had known hîm for va long. 1 have bs-sn asked ta offersorns- thougisson tise passing of a man 1 greaîly admirs-d; a man who was a fris-ad toalal who ms-t hin. On JuIy 18 th, in tise crisslest of ways, Dr. David Dumencu was viols-n from his family, his fris-ada, his patients and ail tise many others who loved him. Dave and 1 soorks-d together for ten ys-ars and we should have had anoîher îsoenty or va. We had a greai worksng relaîionship -- the kiad anyone migisi aspire to. Dave used ta say ta, me wiih a smils- "Go big or go home". Dave alsoays wenî big. Ho ment big wîîh golf, csriaiy siîh ds-ntistry but sohere he really sos-t big was with people. Ho coulc ns-ver ses-m ta do enaugis. Ho would iirels-ssly coach hockey, alsoays upheat and ns-vs- r enteal. [lo wauld arrive ai the office an Monday sith stories about his kidu and sohai ho had dans- with thon for weekend fan. People who kns-w hin atten renember mare ihan ans- occasion when he went unexpeeiedly oui of his way and did sameons- a kindaess. Dave gai a real kick oui of being kiad ta people; that mas his essence really. Daves wife Susan and sons Seatt, Bs-n and Wesley wers- cen- tral ta his kindass and 1 knaw iheir pain is huge. ise future holds tise appoetunity ta, remember Dave for tise wanderful mon ho was hut for naw it anly ses-ms a good fris-ad was stalea fram a great nony of us. XHalton His Speech Centre D, so,, . k MKa ,, M. , SprSeechLsngag ptn P0t5 ý , oassj a'tv "Our Caring Partners..." Northview Centre, 211 Guelph St., Suite 5, Georgetown (905) 873-8400- www.haitonspeech.corn Question: My 4 year oid son has extreme dfficulty making words. Wben he speaks, it sounds lhks he is only ustng vowels and we see him sts-ggling to do even that. We have heard about something called the PROMPT method. What is t and how does it work? Answer: The PROMPT (Prompts for Rests-cting Oral Phonetic Targets> method was first descnhbed by Oeborals <Chumpelik) Hayd-n in 1980 as a visual antd tac- tile therapy techniqae for childs-en with developmental aprassa. Apraxia, simply defined. is when an indîvidoal cao ose their oral muscles for tnvoluntary move- ments such as smiling, yawnsng or lcktng their lips, but canoot co-os-dînate them dus-tnp the complex and rapid movements needed for speech. The PROMPT meihod is based on a hies-aschy tnvolving different stages of control durîng the pro- duction of speech (ie. hreath conts-ol, jaw conts-ol, longue control. etc.). The cliti- ciao "prompts" the child hy placing their bonds in a specific fashton on the child's face to help the production of a sound. Each sound has its own specific prompt. The clinician works with rhe chîld using the prompts to firsi teach syllables, then words and finally progressing to the sentence and conversational level. Tle prompts are gradually faded out when the child bas mastered the sequencing of the sounds. This technique is now widely used with childeen who have sound difficulties, even if it s nos developmensal aprania. It bas heen found that the maou4l prompts gives some children the necessas-y feedback they need suo as- the correct placement of certain sounds. For childeen with ext-eme ditficuliy producing soundo, iis tech- nique helps orgonize their physical system during the production of sounds aod gives ihean the basis to work fromn when they are atsempting new words. To deterinine whether ibis technique is approgniate for your non, it would be nse- essary for him 50 have a speech and language evaluasion firui. For more informa- tion, please contact the Centre. Affliated wlth NF. Insurance Agency Ine. Trel: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 AMlmM, F R 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 Q: i arn69) Ibis year and i have to do somnething wsth my RRSPs. What are nsy ehoices? A: Tis is ims-ostant. If you. a friend, or parent are turning 69 ihis year. by the end os- the year you turm 69, uit RRSPs aod toeked-iu RRSPs matas-s. Tises-e are ihrs-s options avaiabie îo you. Option i. Do naîhias- and tierefore coilapse your RRSP. Yau miii pay ton an att the value in it. For most people, ibis is the leasi desirable choie and should be avolded. Tisere ar-e ater chaires that muwiao yoo ta detay aod redore tise amnouns ai tax taise s-aid. Tise otiser options are as foltaws: Option 2. Transfer yoor RRSF assets ta an annuiîy tison staris ta pay oot nom. White better thon Option t1- onnoîîy rates as-e very tam and thîs is a vs-sy "finat decision". In tise annoity, you tose yor flexi- hîlty in enchange for a rate goarante You shold detay dois- this ontit inters-st rates are ta your advuosage. Option 3. Conveet yoor RRSP ino a RRIF (Registered Retirement Income Fond> This option offers tise masi poientiat fleniiiity ond s tise boss chioce for masi ps-opte rigist 00W. Te RRIF chaire attows yau ta kees- masi of yoor assois tan sheltes-ed. RRI.Fs utsa have more flexibitity. This is ta yoortiens-fit. Yoo can smiîeh yaur RRtF ta an annoity later wisen toteresi rates are mare advanta- geos Canfuss-d? For solutions that are easy tao ndsrsîand, ptess-cantact Money Concepts ai 905-876-0940. %,àEGONO Doaler Services Canada mc. UD010 ieHwkini B. Sc., DVM HawIns Animal Hospita Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVMI Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza)~ Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 8565 SPA VINB AND NEUTERINCO0F OUR PET Tiss ss-sk i have lasi two vs-ry speetai patients. Tise first soas a dog sous prastatie dîsease and, tise second, a dog sous an infection in tise uts-rus cals-d pyans-îra. Tise sadns-ss this sos-skisas pranpîed me ta write about spaying and ns-utsring of pets. 1 sili sînpiify tisis and mention tise bs-nsfus and isaz- ards of nai doîng va. Witis regard ta fs-maie pets, it i bs-nsficial ta spay tisen becauve it praseets iisem fs-antise deveiapms-nî of avarian cancer, infections in tise uts-rus, breasi cancer and unsoanîed psegnaney. Ns-utsring of maie pets ps-svents unsoanted bs-isv- tours vucis as urine norking inthie house, runaing asoay from home on pursuitsof femnaies and maunting. In addition, it tends ta coin beisavias-. Fs-ma hieairis stand pains it protes-s fson prsaîic disease, issticular and anal cancer. Sans- clients isave îaid me that tisey fs-el tisai they muni alao tiseir pet ta have babies "bs-cause it soili make îhs-m a boîter pot". This iv sinply a fallacy. Otises clients fs-el tisai it sili ps-avide tiseir chiidren soutiste "birîising oxperionco". s Tisese are nos vulid reasans ta delay ns-utsring and spaying. Tises-e as-s- any mors- types of educatianai themes, soiicis are avoulable ta parents and schoals, soiicis addrs-ss tise ciild's need ta bas-a about birtising. Wo do nat need mars- pois in ihis soarid. Tise iumune soci- etess sit agros- tisai isousands and tisausanda of pes, soard- side, are eutisanizs-d ys-arly bs-cause of tise pot oves-popula- tion, and i find tisai hearibreaking. Thsis iv tise roason tisai nany SPCA arganizatians advacaîs- sasly spay and ns-utsring pragrans (ai 8 wsossk.) Wishing you al a happy and safe summer! 1