Easy and deliciousTOT ways to boost OT your calcium a The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 10, 2004-13 mA 2004s essental fotr the developtnctt l bealtby teeth and strong boncs. The gond news is there are many fun and delicjous ways t0 add calciutm Io your diet.. mmmn, even wiîh ice cream! Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurî atnd tee creatn are great choices to help adcl calcium 10 your dit. Other calcium sources include hroccctlj, spinach and even almonds, whtch c:an easily be added to a variety of meals. Altbough mosi dairy products are a good source of calcium, they dont al contain equal amnunîts of calcium Canadas Food Guide 10 Healthy Eating recommendh adults gel 2-4 hervings of milk products every day. The following chart featureh foods equivalent 10 one serving of milk produets from the Food Guide. I serving of milk produets 125 ml <1/2 cup) icc creamý 175 mi (3/4 cup) yogurt' 250 ml (1 cup) milk' 50 g cheese' Despite the common knowledge that calcium is gond for your bndy, here are snme mnre interesîing tacts about calci- um: " The body does flot produce calcium, which means that you must gel if from ynur daily diet. " A healîhy diet with adequate calcium and vitamin D, and regular physical acîivity. help 10 achieve strong bories. " Everyone requres a calcium-rjch diet fnr healîby growth. dex'elopment and maintenance, but children wiîh grow- ing bories, pregnant and breastèeding women in particular require greater amnunîs of calcium "Marty dairy products are good sources nf calcium. including treats like ice cream," said Vanessa Andrews, Nestlé Canada Dietitian. "AIl foods can fit as part of a bealîby balanced lifestyle. A calcium-rich diet can be fun and deli- cinus." So the next ime youre snacking on almonds or having a bnwl of Nesîlé Real Dairy ice cream, remember that youre not just having a tasty treat, but one rich in calcium that helps keep your body strong and healîhy. For more information about Nestié Real Dairy, visit www.nestle.ca. To ask a dietitian a question about calcium, click on Contact Us and select "dietitian" in the Topic section. 'Section 6.3, The 200-3 Guide 10 Fond Labelling and Advertising 2Canadas Food Guide to Healîhy Eaîing - News Canada With these ratest, they won'ft last long! GOING GOING GOING mw 2004 Highlander V6 20 AV 2004 4Runner V8 Sport 2004 Sienna CE 5 UcAE 4~ PURCHASE 4 % PURCHASE PRHS JFINANCING" FINANCINS'FINANCIN61n 2. FPURCASE - 3L B, Pur . C' o r7dt 'p :groilacitune l<lop A i rdt(r, at,e p ý.1[ ' "c ta V on l i, " Lo - A'Syco 'I iips . S 'lr .iit'i1en Porm rw>ok nduurr -A.sPwe vJspî~, . P O, m Am®dt, ý!q a I" s',o /ut e 4i5ACD 'oslr, ,iArmr' /,, c' ii c CP , cas- 'ko'îo CD os '3e 'o5 ICwl.Atand. F"o te e U K,,y,î0 y cJqo , 1, A ny S 5 * ' Mp. 'eel FnoieoCp .ussa/ uals lcrgdm.é70M e O)TOYOTw ( he ýcIll.ý lic Ccl.1, 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 jý#" le,1ý. Fnancng pans rom Toyota Fnancial Services, O AC y c o m aido 00 arr à $24.800/$36900/$26400/45345/$350,00 Finance example: $20000 aet 9~/ per annam entuas $57.1$57.8$507 pe mot fo B6 $ 96$ 8/$ 6 $__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20,59 .96/$20,591. 28/$20,906.64. 1 % no lm it purchase înancing for p 36 m onths aaia e on the 2004 C m y . % n i i u c a e fn n i g f u t o 3 mo t s a il b e n th 2 04 Hi h a d r RAV / Ru n r 29% non lmt prchase inancng tar OR ta 36 months aoailabJe on the 2004 Sienna. These are lmited tme ofe latt se orpriiag T oyt elro cmpe dtis Deae ma sel o i m [MILTONCt ; 14"- 4wggv %#y que