6 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday, August 6, 2004 *Commenit *The Canadian Champion 1 Main St. E., 1Te Canotian Champion, tutjlttttd n., tiet natat oeil ltt.ty ttfoi t [ttT 4N9 Mann St E Mntt t) Ot, 1 9 N Bon2, tic ire.tîtMttrtltttt n Ptttt ubisfltnt & Asttbutttttt1[d gicittp 't 'uulrhnt îtne t liies AdxPr.ttn , N eis Ant tttisu Aitttt t-ita4ltCourier dnii Att ce.Bontin t ttPtîn Bam t n tttttttt Bttl,îtntttn titrtmigt(,t 905-818-947 Ent antt ttttîand Stan JliRpIý, i) 1'.t', e r r,n nitiq ett Pu lse nttande ntýAtttonttîtttt ttPress Ht i, Wtt k dntnntttt.int jt , n t tntttît'Pt h//tn oi' Mtnrn r St tt lt o nttj Sl ta(ýfes ii tnttttt,,t 4, ntîsn'n ', ,t t t N w>, lIier ok,,, ,wsO-l PubiserOtt [lttt n t ,ttnnûnniiiPot Pnnn 'nlttt>n tAtntitk nttq pWe Are you listening? We're flot surte if the public is paying close attention. but they should. Durtng ibe past few y cars. miedical experts have repeatedly wvarned rcsi- dents about the dangers of We'st Nule virus. At first it seenied. aod wrongly so, the virus was only affeccing the bird population. Thien humans started to f aIl ill front the disease and some died froru it. That's when the general public took notice. Ini 2002 there weî'e 400 Ontario resi- dents infected witb West Nule resulîing in 18 deatbs. Last year, there were 9 human cases of the disease resulting in two deaîbs. Obviousiy the massive public education campaign carried oui by the province and bealth departments was paying off. Move ahead tu 2004. As of July 28, there were nu reported human virus sufferers in the country, accurding to Healtb Canada. But don'î be fuoled. Laie July and August are when human cases of the virus typically stan 10o appear. Tbat's mniily because Ille species ut iiiuscui- tocs that bite buili bit ds anid tumnts beconie more prcvaîlent. Thiis nastv vir-us bas not disappearcd, aiîd healtb utticials are once again beinu, vocal about the seriousncss oif' WestiNNue. But arc y ou lîsteiiing'? There's fcar that miany residents will becomne coruplacent and slip back iii the days vtben tbcy' didn't clirninate stainding water on their property. whîch attracts niosquities. or cuver theîîî- selves wîth repellent when the bugs are biting. 'Fhose pesky mosquitoes are gotng ti be with us until the first frosi and ibis virus - experts predict- isn't goiîîg ta disappear overnight. Ih is here and we're going to sec sua- son afier seasun of West Nile," says Dr. Mark Loeb of McMaster Uiniversity. Loch k duing lis part to kccp the public educated, but arc wc paying heed to bis wamning? For more information. visit www.region.hialton.on.ca/bcealtb. * Our Readers Write Letter about Canada 's down fa!! was rîght on licar Ediior: The Juls 23 lette t bs Allan it sk enli lIed 'Canada has lItsistoîeihitig alofici hestay nii enus iof gotseno Ment and i ther ii iiutitî,natIls cîncapsulales the quagrnirc ibrusi îîpîo('anadians bhy their lack tif tittesîglin lfilie i960s. 1 suspect ihai Mr. t îsk kntîws. as, 1 dot. exactlv ssbcrc. when, htiv and whly the cîunry's dittîculiies be-gan. We alsti know that a playbîty philtosophter whut diduit care oue bit foîr the c ulture and traditions uf the tiiiîîrit\ tof-Caîtatian, s f lie anssi er Iote ili' bht. t. tUt'otunately. riiimv topinion,. the grand esperiments tf' bilingualism and multîcu lturalism 'a ýere put int practice ,% ithout auy pre-.uialvsis, su ihey t-aîled and nons cannot be res erseil. Mr. t isk also excuses himsell'for beiîog negalive. W'hai a sad situation thai negaîîvîty is the last rernainlng recourse Iu placate the feelings of itîose iof us old enough Ioi remember and linm uotheuic îrerence bctvfeu then and nuis. In the absence ut a Northern Tea Party'. I believe the special interesi groups and gos emment interfer- eîtce thai Mr. Lisk cites are here to stay, and bound tu grow>, more dam- aging. Ron Bezant Harrison Road Thanks to those who made Cruisin ' event a success I)ear Editor: The Milton Cruise Club is sncb a wonderful gruup iii peuple thai i wîulîf be remîss for us nol lu say thauk yîîu for helping stage the Cruisin' On A Ht Suonî-ner Nigli eseut onl Jtly 23. A special thanks gues oui Iu Joanne Schilling and Karent Keir, as well as everyone else who participaied. We hope Ioi sec you aIl again nexi year. Grace Saunders Milton Downtown Business lmprovement Area Now 's the time to make afurryfour-leggedfriend Remenîber the pietures ini Tiesdlay s Chamnpiont tf the cage p;ictned fiait oi adotrable pifppies'î Or lo,.\ about te one of' tbe tine-dty tîlîtk iten beine boutle ted'? Tîtese tii- jusi Soule of tlle atiinals cal iti tu ()akvile and District tlum.ine Soîciety homtie tiglit iiîts. and I kntisi cntthe toughest totfîuenîtuîtî- ttbly lotîked ai these phtois aind their heais soit- eticd jusi a lutte bit. Most peuple probably read the story abotut boss the local shelter is packecd to the lîmit, wiîb nmore tbhtn 2(0) cats and 50 dogs. Stîme of ibose peuple probably tbuugbt, -1 wish i could do somnething for those pour ani- mals.t' Although many tbnk about doing sometbing te, belp, the numbers speak volumes that most just eh il an a thought and tumned the page. Unfortunately, animais ai the Humane Society get looked over ail the time, often because peuple si iint It t ga aputced ei uppy ikitt i tiiot t pet stre tr hiceder. Wlitle niisen-breed atitiliuastav mlii lsa1 s liave t[lie e aci phym sc aI trait',sostnie lpeople airc lootkino li-,tti.lke acecrtainty spe o it i t.tere tie sti mîaîts ntlîircîai litalities thte\, cdiii lii tg itit yîîîî lite Wlieii i1tmet inty lusbaiid. lie liait Itsi picked otu a (log frotniaint ganizatit i n iollieru (Ontarioî sînilar iii ibe ilumane Sotciety that opeî'aied oni tif someones hote. She's a btsky/terrier cross whbus pant blind because ici tîrevttuis tissîer left lier aîîd ber brothers anîd sisters iii a shied in -40) cegrees C weaîber ai birth. I get sncb a sense oit satisfaction jusi knowing that we've taken ber from i hose horrible condi- tions and given ber a beiser life. And, the love that she shows us conirmns (bat she's grateful as weli. The Oakville branch of the Humane Society is tacing onîe ot'i lsis îîst challengiîîg suininiers yet. Tbey hase cats in îteiî toffice, baîhrooms and hallways and statiai-e esen îakîîîg iieni home to boitte feed them throughouî the nighl. If you adopi, îbink of the good you'll be doing for both the animal and the Humane Society, a non-profit c haritable urganization. If you'd love uo help, but can't because you already have enough animaIs or live somewhere iliat animais ateit't pet nited. tîtet ilîcre are uther tloîîgs youu taî (Iu. Nake a iii illfry dontation. or s îutîteei vtui fne i the slielter. Il Ytiu'" s'e tsiyttr animtîal. chîeck tîeriiidically ish tIlle liirnaîe Soietts'Io sec i lis.ibere. Moîst ofti he sai stîtries ibai accunitxtnv tiese animais sas ttiey carnie i s su avs and 'A ere lieser claiirnec by tbeîr ussîers. Ail ou' these peis siere owîied by stîneone ait one point intimîe. You svouldîitî jusi let your child watk oui tbe door or cease theni on the side ofithe rodod anid f orget about ilien. A pet ks also a depeîî- dant thai relies on uts owner tu survive. If' you've already recycled your Tuesday Champion, check oui the Oakville Humane Suciety's Web site ai wwssoakvillehumaneca to sec more pictures of the animais waiîing for homes. You may jusi find the new member of your family that you've been looking for. - I Box 248, 191 Milton, Oni (905)87V Editorial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Iii Danis Karein Smih Vend% MeNah 'Fini ('nies Charlene Hall Di leri (Casas 1 -