20-The Canadjan Champion, FridayAugust 6, 2004 in 0 *w r * The risk incroases with age. The Ontario reast Screonîng Program provides will dev *lo broasf eoaminafion and a mammogram at no (0sf f0 womoen who are 50 yoars of ago or over. For the centre nenresi yen cati: <. /<e t9l$ e 4 1-_80 0-668-9304 C ~OSSWINDS. F &(. NIR i LI kNOW OPENI ~ Executive 9 Hole Par 3 Adults Par 3 Golf Rates $15.00 Juniors (16 or under) $12.00 A greal f1 a vto shape;i xour '>loit (g(l11 Fuiiit t i h .andfîm/e.. Cali infor mmeinfomAtu « tolbook a tSMm Eleýgant Banquet Hall forWedi g or ('rporaîe Et ent' 6621 Guelph Line (1km South of Derry Rd) 905-319-5991 toli free: 1-866-319-5991 www.crosswindsgolf.com i * i p * i. iti ml i *Ië.ll ."Magic girls shine at tourney Now tbat's more tike if. Unfortunatety, Milton coutdn't Johnston settmng ber up wbit e uticis Kitchenei 't ournanicof, Milton's Under-t 7 girts rep soccer squad came within a heartbeat of winning the whot e shebang scoring tbree victories f0 reacb the finats, and once there tosing by the narrowest of margins. Tbat 2-t championsbip defeat came againsi Sautt Ste. Marie Monday. Eager fo crush the Soo's psycho- logicat edge, secured after a 4-0 round-ibree decision, tbe Magie came ouf sirong and grahhect the lead just but ore liaIftfime on a goal by spcedy Nicole Shielly. surrendering the upper hand mid- way tbrough the second bat f and tben fatting bebind witb just t wo minutes remaining. Heaiber Reis gave a standout performance in ibe tiffe mafcb, as did Caittin O'Connor -wbo fitted in nicety up front despite ptaying witb an injured wrist. Milton kicked off the foumnament witb back-to-back wins and fben secured a bertb to tbe finats witb a t-Il nail-biter over London-based Forest Sunday. Sara Mancini scored in tbe dyrng minutes of' play -- ifli Shannon Cassandra Bergbammer. Jenna Dowbaniuk, Kim Carre, Julie lantomo and Teia Ctcment offered spirited efforts as wet 1. Mitton's otber vicfims were Stratford and LaSatte - wbo were beaten t-0 and 2-1 respccfivety wbite tbe focal tadies persevered fbrougb a sbort bencb Safurday. Mancini, Jobnston and Fiona Sinanan did tbe scoring in tbese viefories, wbite suffocafing oppos- ing forwards in the Oirsi win were Maduri and Attison Cteat. Earning tbe sbutout was Cassandra Berghammer. Bantam Mavs suifer early exit t xant csatltheficseason finale ftic b:miam t-n o\ îng ifst air share of riometit tint aleic uincbing fthc Zotne 8 t tstille lilsi cigt tdays cearîtur. Milton vz no s o uiibiIîpiiîg or --.ad perliaps us un uspeci- ing- a lctigtliy cunti aiast n cekenuts (Ontartio'C ctatut isin Guelph. tfii a sthortf hncti and an unftitatu t irst-riîund utra c omhined tofît quasfIi liosu pl:ir, ns. .mt cssntialy c isi the Nias ci c ksan uartv exiit rîinîi tuuble- kîîîc kîîîîîpriso\ .îs ta toî ip sccd andt us ni ual chbampioin ri Il ta ast Frita\ ii ir iiiig. flic hoca.l lads, delix crccta hight\v itiîrssscucIiut tart butitre bcing cclipsccf 7-fi n us urlirnu. TtioiigtiiisisRran Vsuliams, and Jcrrmy trîcc. \llun kupt pace theîtu iiire n cý and inanageut a stitin-tis cît cad t n lbitidu(r cightniiiîtus ,rcmaîntng un Sc ut St sur s s-econdîctgotalI iiiiie gaine t îe u.(rillia niiîld ansner back just a fený moîments tater and finatly dîspuîscdoftifhli Mavericks 7:06 toto flic extra session. Duîug Kay bit flic crossbar in i)vcrtime ater sinkîng flîrec in regutatin. Johln Grant s sulite cage wuîrk anît a ciscîplinect effoirt lielped kecp flic serdict in coubi cîntil flic bitter eînd. Milton bact lîtile lufin tbe tank afier fliai and was duîubted up 8-4 Friday attemocin by top medat con- tender Claringtiin, Witli far tuner players. flic Mas erîcks fuît behind early ancd neser reatly lookect capable uitstas ing oit etîminatîîîn- exuept for a bncie s,;ian nlicn t3rad Ma/Lîiuatii anc thlan O*Connor .scoire(] 52 seconds apan fui dran Miltoun nitbin one. Ctarington nuîulct rcspuîîd n îtb lotir straigbi gcoats to put îbîngs oui uit reach. O(uintor fiîîisbct garnu twuo itb fire points înCtUdtîîg a last-ininutc goat n'white Stover cbipped iin n ifli a pair uitassists. Kav put flic Mas cricks cn tbe scuircboarct carIs in tfelcodcuin c lo tse oiuthie vear n iîb a tcarn luacitti 49 goials. 2003 JSWdG VO e oeI.Efn vh Mc sc /t> lcrie & t po his i ,ý2,27K bim L i mu loyearfiy sramg y l mu lwjýblak o in ýT t 239A A - MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDINGS AS 0F 26-JULY-04 TEAMS G w L T PTS 1 KNOX 14 13 0 1 27 2 ST. GEORGES 16 13 3 0 26 3 BOSTON 17 il 6 0 2 4 MILTON BIBLE 17 9 8 0 18 5 NEW LIFE "A"I 16 8 8 0 16 6 HOLY ROSARY 16 7 8 1 15 7 ST.PAULS 18 7 il 0 14 8 SOUTH SIDE 13 6 7 0 12 9 NEW LIFE "B" 15 2 13 0 4 10 HILLCREST 16 2 14 0 4 COOL OFF WITI[ *OAC, see us for detais TerryRoley Mechanical mc. 925 Main St. E.,QJQ If n Unit #3, Milton (905)781 9 ~7