The Canadian Champion. Tuaaday, Auguat 3, 2004--5i Council ,gives condo building green lightj UMELANE HENNESSEy The Champion Plans for ia îî lîî~~.i t" ( II Iiii .i li luS i :L II:1.îiiu i. Oflficial plan and Loning hylaw amnend- ments were adopted ai last week's counicil meeting to make way for the 5 1 -unit build- ing. Last month, the Town's administration and planning committee sent the building's developer, H.D. nvestments Ltd., baek g10 the drawing board after hearîng couneil- lors' and residents' concemoi on the height nf the building, sshich mas about 18 metres. Now, plans have ehanged regarding the roof style, bringing the building down to 14 metres. Dave de Sylva of H.D. nvestments Ltd. thanlced counecil for approving the plans. "We're going to have a building that you cati really be proud of. We'll use top-quai- ity materials," he said. When the proposai iniîially came for- ward, il was a three-storey apartment build- ing with 50 units and a lwo-storey health centre. Staff then told the developer more park- ing was needed, so plans were revised. TIse current proposaI bas 99 parking spots. 49 above and 50) underground. The Subdivision draft plan îapproved j By MELANIE HENNESSEV The Champion Toîwn counicil approved draît plans foîr a new subdivision in Mltons souîh end last week. The proposai, put forsiard by Maniamait Ine.. includes 171 sngle detached homes and 44 townhouses for the northwesi cor- ner of Thompson Road and the future Louis St. Laurent Avenue. The area will also have hlocks designat- ed for future residential developmenî, a district park, neighbourhood park, walk- ways. stormwater management and two future schools. Council .ipproved a Loning bylaso amendment to permîit the developmnent. taking the approximate 5itiacre piece of' land from ils future developmenî designa- tion to residential medium densîty, open space and greenlands. "Planning staff is satisfied thai the poli- cies and criieria found in the oiffictai plan and secondary plan are met in thîs propos- a,' a report from Director ol Planning and Development Me] lovio said. Several preliminary reports were pre- pared in support of the application, such as a traffic impact study, noise control study, areheological assessment and stormwaîer management report. While Senior Planner Barbara Koopmans noted the application bas been in circulation for quite some time, the Town hasn'î received any written comn- ments from the public. The developer wilI have to pay the newly-implemented Town development charges, which ment from $6.509 to $8,189 after being approved by counicil June 28. Development charges at the Regional level also went up recently and are now some of the highest in the province. Melaniie v cuit 6e reaclîed ut mhen,îessev(&)miltoîîcunudiuîîc-huntpioni.c-o M. exterior of the building wil lic donc in sione and stuccri. with the e<lotir pallel "The concept plan provides l'or approxi- mately 601 per cent ni the site to be land- seaped.'" a report from Director ni' Planning and Developmenî Mel lovîo said. "The landscaped area will consisi of' a BI-W«kly Tax Inci. plus NO PAYMENTS 90 DAYS $0 DOWN combinaîion of planting beds and lawn of the facility for counecil. areas. In addition, rows ofi trees ire pro- Architectural sketches broLîght to a pre- Witil tle ioiig .and ofiicai plan amend- ments, the subject lands wilI be taken froîn medium density resîdential zîîning 10 resi- dential/office zone. Ward 1 Councillor Rick Day asked the developer to bring in an arisi's rendering Mr. (le Sylva said lie wîlI brîng a3- model of the butlding to the next council meeting. Me/unie Heîtne.ssey <oui he reucled ui mhennesosevamloncunundiuuihumpion.c- om. bvges ..antr die -ye i hirn 4cyt. auto. air tilt. cruise, power windows, rimer locks, Eotned44 Z71, 5YL 8 uo iTs rie posu'r mî'rors. only 12.000km. haIance ofwaranry. PWindows. PLocks, Bucketso Console, Dual PSeuls, Indy Si2O 2277995 Redt Silver Tutone .3, 9 $20 ~ ~Stk# P2269. 2 99 5 spd. air, tilt, crise, power windows, power lochs. CD, Loaded, leather, one owner, lîke new. Silier cassette Power moonroof, key remote, Indigo Bise. Stk# 5847A. Sk# P2278 $13,995 $l59995 Auto, air, cassette, keyiess remote jade green. 4 Cylinder Auto, Air Tift Cruîse PW ndows, PLocks, Stk# P2276 PMirorso Burgundy Finish, Balance of Factory Warrany $7995 Stk# P2256. $157995I V6, Auto, Air.'rit, Cruise, RWhindows P lOcbs PMrrors Auto air, ti, cru-isepoerwindowspowr lcs $0 D W ~CD, Tai Green, Balance of Factory WarrantyStk# P2257. staclerone owner, sharp! Al sale prices plus a@ and al applcable axes Paeenlu Iclude a and are bi-weekly amrlzed p a 60 mhs OAC. Mb Our Salas Reprsenaive 1 dlIls RIH RD O iServsng MIton CHEVROLETOLSMoBILE 878.2393 HWY 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON /7 ~«/UYi7 FROM