12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 3, 2004 Just So Challenging!, Master Park in the movies Master Park's many achievenients in the martial arts has allowed him to become an actor and stuntman attaning various roles in worldwde movi es and television shows. Recent credits are Mappearances in jackie Chan movies, Tuxedo, Medallion and Shanghai Knights. gndEspeciaIIy wifh VOUR PET la Mid www.redwoodpetresort.co Doggie Daycare - Private Cat Area G roup & Individual - Nature Trail WIk Playtirne " Certified Pet Care Technician on Staff'0 " Obedience Training Starting in the Spring LV UR 90» 5-878-"410 P TR RT7ON Aubur Rd, Mon JSC t-te Kwîîîîi)î canme ii Mîlton ast (X tober with or thtidea tif teat hing peotple, chidren and aduits alike, the chern istre tof Tac Kwîîn-Dît they have opened up a cltati and i onvenient fa lîty witb a large training space that bt'lp tht tea bers coc(entrate on teact.ing the students the martial art. ISC is operated iîy Master Jung in Park who fîx usts on only tc'aching Lae Kwîîn-Dîî Hte ftrrnly believes tii keeping tii ont' marttal art iiirm, thuas alowing bitim t'sx'rtly nmanage bis students aiiiliti's and texpertise'in lt' Kwîn- Do. What i(ian a tîrst i tnît'stutlt'ntxexaL t ,t S( Master Park sinujly wints bis students tii totnte ii atndl înîîîy titiniartit I art.Htietves Ioi encouhr- agte Flis students to Iti thc'îr bst ut tae Kwîn- Do,. atnd lp tîthern sttriti ttuain flîttu',r tutu,, "" ', v 1 -tlsiIli qvf A r 1 The' class iseif is a joy. ISC instructors train their siLdents with rnusie while traning them how tii kick, punch, run and bounce, while encouraging thern ici Kîhap, hringing ail their energy tiîgether wîth an end] resuit of yeiling out which llîîws the student ttî maximize their efforts. It s proven that Tae Kwon-Do is a great workout. It relieves stress, improves self confi- dente and is a great motivator for people to try to take on new t hallenges. JS( has chosen Milton as its new location he( ause ot the coi.imunity. They love the peo- pie in tîîwn anti feel a very po)sitive energy from t They want tii develop good community rela- tions with Miltoîn and feed that they wiil organ- ize this by trîendship and tearnwtirk froni ils miembers at JS(. At JS(, they feel that they wili have' a very seriiiu(.sxrt'psib)iliry with mentail anti physit ,al trainîing ftir their stidents, so that they wîli eventually gain confidence and abili- ts tii attain everything tht'y wint to at hieve in lit>. t-tr people sshii are not tarniliar wîth Tae Kwiîn-Dî, thîs tratiitiîinil martial art frim Kitrea c urrc'ntly has, i0nmillin peopile training in over 144 ctîuntries throughtiut the world. It bas also been adopted by the Summer Olympic Cames, wbere it made its debut at the 2000 Sidney Cames. The character of Tac Kwon-Do can cuniy he described as promoting fair play and baving fun. Master Park bas incredihie experience. His nany acbtevements in the martial art have allovved bîm to become an actor and stuntman, wîth numerous miles in various movies and tel- evîsion shows worldwîde. In December 2001, Master Park bad the bonour of joinîng movie star actor Jackte Chan's stunt team and bas wiirked on and appeared in novies sucb as Tuxc'do, The Medallion and Shanghai Knigbts. Master Park invites everyone in Milton wbo is interested in Tae Kwon-Do to corne down and learn at iSC. Tbey are currently offering a une- week free trainiîng trial offer to anyone who wîsbes to try thîs martial art. He is confident that everyone wîll enîtîy themselves and wîli bave fun learning Tac Kwon-Do. MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC CATHERINE WILKINSON CR, RMT Rellahitatio10çsHEALTHCART PROFESSIONAIS " Specializing in Shoulder & Neck " Stress " Relaxation " Reflexology (foot massage) " Pregnancy 1 HANDS ON REHABILITATION SERVICES Laurier Medical Centre 497 Laurier Avenue Suite 8, Milton, Ontario 905.875.3902 for appointment * - Cardage Square LI CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTRE *One Time, weekty, B'Weekly or NMonthly Seric TTil, 5T~* No Contracta. No Hidden Fees, Nu >,Mz, No Long Terni Obligations Beneath the clean. vou'iI find sparkling customer service. meathr e sil Chitoptictor Jenna Goddard Orest Sztzuniuo 5MT Naturopathic Doctor New Patients Welcome 905-878-5725 370 Main St. E., Milton www.sctkd.com CHILDREN TEENAGERS ADULTS TAEKWONDO (OLVMPIC & TRADITIONAL STYLE) HAPKID (WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR) KICKBOXING (CARDIO CONDITIONING) DEMONSTRATION TEAM RESPECT CONFIDENCE itc pr iata onDISCIPLINE SELF-ESTEEM bce va(ued by the u;ýorl *Chronic Pain *Motor Vehicle Accidents *Whiplash *Headaches *Sports Injuries Dt. Shaut Damens, ChIropractot ý il - W'/ 1 lpmfemýDMIË Home CýMMàE SeTÈce @L-à