Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jul 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, July 30, 2004 *Commenit *The Canadian Champion (95)878-À \rîCirculation: Q05. Ian Oliver Neil Olier i Jli Iaui Karen Smith iva Wurndy McNab Ade', Tim Cales Produi Charlene Hall Distrihu l'eri Casas 0,/ alSI 1n ln ini hirrrr on îII'ir ', (Ir'îrý iffi !Id.rrYil f191 I 's i, 'iriiftir ' l iriiri fdr'll îîvic ~~34 j l'~il.'l f r9i, (irrrd 'î'.'rBarri 1' a.' a t1ilItiI j ii ar 1'nI...l. i 75 ' r">d, I Pli, 'Vion. 't Ji' 5 17r ~ '9 ,f ,1 a ' n n '"" ishe r ,,, ,IIw Iirý ifillo'ir, i Iflrra 1rli irakAr" Thi.'s Wir LAIjol1r 14r /Ili' Aj d rtisiiis rd ac-plhred 1on the c rd!ri!' ta i thlieri of a typor irrriirlrrcai errer flitrt i fth e ad'rfrsrrrg srace ol rrb y tire erre- ' tnt p llý ij/r lr r eri brr ogellier irtia reaserair ii flo rrce for signa.ture wrilfnlt e bfargefi for buf tire barrnce ofith1e advertrserrret wil be pard frur atl te appi- cabtp1 t"i~ sle rate Tire prtlsher eserves tire irit I cttegrrrree .rrlrertrserrrenfs or [colnîrial and advterl gcotenrt orrI lirCaordi.rrr tratîipri rs troterted ntrrn iae r 9copyrigirt doautlnrrred oris trohitriteî vftîr Mmai , Tire Mltee Cartadan Charnpoe n a Reyctabln Penttee Time 10 walk the walk After running an election campaign with healtb care as the lead agenda item, Oow's the tirne for Prime Minister Paul Martin to "put up or sbuî up" and the PM appears at least to have takein the firsi step to putting Up. Martin announced recentiv lie wiii oneet wviîb provincial piremiers, lror a three-day bealth-carc sumlmit Septeember i13 un 15. Ttthbt, viedit. the PM1 alti announcetl the suiiinni t ii]bc televisýed "se ihat it xciii bc asirîsa ent as possible." We applatLtd t t si11 deccisionî a", Canadians viii be abie to sec tîneir Jcati ers in action as thex tac kic tbis t -rucrai issue. As Roy Rornancîw, the autbor rof last ycar's report on bealtb reformi, sard. politicians xxho attetîipt t) blrîck progresir will be exposed. Martins goal is to devise a l-year plan to rescue medicare and. undoubted- ly, rnuch of the taik at the sumimit will focus on the prime ministers offer ol $4 billion in extra federal iney to the provinces in excbange f'or tbeir belp in inîplemenîing tbe National Waiting Times Reduction Strategy, arnong other federal initiatives. lronically, Matinis sunmît aninounce- nient canme on tbe lbccls of a svaming by Ontario Medical Association president D)r. Johbn Rapint iat the nuniîbr ol neni tle..toi-s contnint. trIo Otiarioi toi practîce tietiicitie cittlnues to r ll. Rai diiilicars tire t.tr sr irarrc coultl cîîpp lefi lite etîri îîantd urges',ail leveis tri pi ýrx 'rniniîtir proisde dnîCtrs xA tii thie c.t si' sitt ' tri iicttpatini 'uneciilx. tnere itrc' i34 iOntarioi coini iniittis tisi a ,,tiasui ilei'servîce'd andtirî nced oet tmrne ltýiilbl scii a ,iuattion tuai c s xauerlr,tti timore tiran a tiecade agio xclien spaces tri îied- cal collieges v ete scaied back. Wlieîbcr tir long waiîing perîods. a sborage of luinds. be-tter aeeessibiliîy to beaiîb providers. cxpanding homie care. a tiectrr aintd nursinig sbîrîtaize or a national pbanînacare prograîi. tbere's no sbriage of topies l'or tbe finit orinisters te discuirs iii Septetu. Lets bope. for AIl ur sakes, ibey do more tînan just taik. * Our Readers Write Dr. Dave Ys kindness wîII be sadly mîssed Dear I"ditur: i lan Irteli "'g 11,Ir o tr ,ce'Dr. t)t . iîrrrîrîtîîi tier I " uc r i.it iintdj r(1,11i11i. pit engat'd andul .tol l, n ilîcîrilîree kid". t le c sthe t' es i r'îîli i i t 'te\'c \,ici)[i to i antoit];11i", Iri nidsthat i Iris cr ghing tirttherdiînr i beeuse 1t iitirset' Dr. bas e.fie ci\as sucît a ccirideritil and t4easis~tttrait tri b arnîtind and inid supin a girid jrob. ThIe turne liiiirais o\et inîîst .about Iis îrr r riiasrfis\tîeti si Sias tilt he 'a otildlmc neerd rti.vtling unless lit' irl ttilt] cmii ci h.t ht'cas nîg aiît nido il ucîn, il ai a] il cas gnîng Heart and Stroke's Big Bîke event another big success t'i ni ettinmnarnieti n Scprcrnber anti Dr.bas exu a.s se happy fr rrim. fieP' griscne t ir rs' -first %scddrng, irît aind] 1 ci as suoxciieii Inippo mail tInainkl ul tir reteis ie i. Ht'e ciii beesadJl rnisseti k mix enirre i.tnil Cheryl Baratta I)ear Editor: 'ie Milton chripter rît'the H-eart andit Strelce Ftnund.tion is pieascd rIt rnnirunce tînrt the Big Bike Ride 1ti r Stroke hetd Jutit 12 c%%rs a suc- cess, %ci nb more tiin .5,61(1 rIdate beîîng enllecîed foîr lite-sac ing research and publie education. The Big Bike l'orr Sîroke is an cîctit that eînphasizcs motivation and co-operation. Participaints are astred iii collect naininnimiuminof $511 n pledges and eam prizes brised on t attsritirnd pledge tetais. Fise teains joined in tne fuin. The Big Bike for Stroke s onue of the firundaîjon's inosi succesclul fundraisers. draw -' ' -"the-support- of Hea k,. Ç , A t, Sooner the Derry Road widening cornes the better more than 16(1(1cnînpanies rîcrrîss the province. This vear. the founda- tionn is ttnt.krîng i rse more tîrît $3.94 millioîn. Thruik yenu to A who made ibis sicin a great esent. Arlene Heidbuurt, area co-crdnator As residenîs deiperately awaiî the widening of Denry Road, driving in the area is more and more becoming a real challenge. Just monîhs ago it seemed the main problem in trying 10 cross or tumn onto the road mocîly occurred dnring rush hour, but now the road is crazily busy ail the timc both weekdayc and weekends, day and nighî. lt's mind-boggling to tbink that by 20116, the traffie volume is expected to reach a whopping 25000 vehicles per day. Righî noci cce're seeîng accident after accident there as ime goec on. 1 catI ht 'Derry l'ighway', as the bigh 80 km/h speed limit in the now residential ares adds to the problemn. With the addition of new homes on Fourth Line, drivers heading northbound 10 Hwy. 401 or those looking to trasel east or west on Derry Road are that mucb mtore in abundance. I've wrinten about it befure. predicîing 'uture probletns such as tese. as the road widening comes laie n the developonent of the aiea. And, as repnrted elsewbere in ibis newspaper, there are alini ctncemnsrîbout the other end of the stretch -ai the intersection of Derry Road and Santai Mania Bou levard/Commercial Streti. Town plains to intaîl traffie ights at the busy intersection have been called off because the Region plans 10 do it mcxt year as part of tc Denry Road widenîng projeet. Waitîng foîr the Region to do it wilcave the Town, and taxpayers. $200000. After some councillors expressed conceni that action needs 10 be taken sooner as the intersection can be "treacherous." il was suggested that part of Derry Road be widened this year 10 speed tnp the traffie signal installation. edito r's desk Who knows if the Region wilI even do that. but regardless 1 can already hear residents east of Regional Road 25 piping up about the volume of traffic they're facing and claiming their area as a prlority. Preparations for the road widening to four laines, which will occur from Bronte Street in the west to Fifth Line in the east, have already begun. but the projeet is stiti a long way from compte- ltin. Wtîen i's aIl donc, traffie ights will have been înstalled at six different intersections and more street lighîs will hase been added. The moad will be safer, but with the 25,000 vehicles travelling mosîly essi in the momîng and wesî ai night, imagine the congestion. As I awaîî the road work. I 'm being extra care- fuI and patient when I venture out 0010 Denry Road troni Foîîrth Line as weil as lrom Conmmercial Street. and 1 urge others to do the same. Motorîsîs must make sure îhey're not so much in a hurry or pre-occupied that they let their guard down even for a moment. And they can'î let any- one behind them pressure them mbt enîering the intersection before they're good and ready. Another accident is waiîing 10 happen. M

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