The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 30,2041 lTne business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertîing soener or later finds itself immune to business." De r Bý Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Ministry of Transportation enforcement off icer William Alvey inspects the wheels of a tandem dump truck during Wednesday's truck safety blitz. Inspection findings cause for concern from NEARLY on page 14 spot. Such defects included lire problems. emergency brake prob- lems, loadt security issues. broken springs and problems ssitb steer- ing control arms. The veictes taken oit the road wîll be required to undergir a full safety standard inspection before they'll bc able to resumne busi- ness as usual, Mr. Leeman said. The inspections required teamwork by officers from the Ministry of Transportation, Hlton Regional Police Service and the Ministry of the Environment. It was quite a large blitz," Mr. Leeman said, adding the results were close 10 last year's. Although some tractor trailers were inspected, most were small- er vehicles such as cube vans and dump trucks. 'It was a succcssful teamwork effort." Stphanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessenCàn1honcanadi- anc hampion c om. 1&M " Polish sausages *Varely af cald culs " Deliciats breads & *Fite pastries & buts cakes " Hame-made *Sandwiches made ta peragies arder and mach, - Cabbage rails mach mare.. 885 Main St. East, Unit #3, Milton *905-693-0913 M-W 1G.u-7p e Uuu'nftl t QsSp 89 Sut UeS Peiw from 9:00 ar. Monday, Aug 2ed at 10:30 a.m. At the Agricultural hall, Milton Fairgrounds, Robert St., Milton Selling items remaved tram 2 Tronta estates mith inclusians Featuring: A large selectian af quality Geargian, Victorias and early 201h century lurnishinga, architectural items, vintage Penny Farthing style bicycle, lighting, Victarian glass, Shelley, Chintz, R.S. Prussia, and ather fine china, Rayai Daullans, quantily af sterling silver, paintings, past carda, decaratives, etc. fll listing cas be taund an the web aI Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, lalerac. No reserves. No buyer': premnium. for future sale or consignment information fax or phone: fo 'Ile :uto e 90687-24T Fiouiag *orarrr. Foir Sa.. Carolyn Seabrook- Ferguson, Ares Manager- Halton Region, 905- 634-7732 or at SEDAN 1 SPORT HAT(HBACK 1 SPORT WAGON Need a theme or your company golf laurnament pianned for this sumnmer? Have you considered partnering wfth a greal charily ln your com- munlty for thia avent? Almoat 40% af canadians will develop some form of heart disease and strake over their litime. With aur aging population, ils critical 10 understand the undertying causes of these diseuses. The Heurt & Strolce Foundatlon mimas heavffy on public donations te, ensure vital heart and stroke research continues. We need your help. What w. can do for vou: V We witl issue a tus receipt ta each gaffer for the charitable dantation portion of their registration casa. V We wili pravide each gaffer with a Heurt and Stroke gift bug, which inctudes apparut, ather brunded items and heaith promotion informa- don, V Wu will pravide a large cheque la publicty present ta us, witf, your donation amount visible, for photo apportunilies with your company and the media. V At no coul ta yau, we will pravide a public speaker ta present ana af ais different Heurt Heuthy Lifestulu presentations ta yaur emptayees during the yeur. (This is a greut addition la your exisling warkplace wetinuss program) V Most împortantly, wu witl heip you reduce the risk of heurt diseuse and strake la you and your compuny. HOLD THE ROAD. AND WHATIVER ELSE YOU'VE GOT. Sieuli styling. Impeccable rood morrners, Fomily-lriendly procicolîfy. Even o 5-stor sotety rating* Thuy'ru qualifies that have brought Mozdaô sedon over 70 international owords.. including top honours right hure ot home. And now, Conoas bust new fomily vehicle**hos a lomrly ail ifs owr.Itntroducing Mozda6 Sport Htchbock and Mazda6 Sport Wagon. Two uxhilorotisg new additions thot share everything thts right about the Mozda6 sedon .o nd add aven greater versatility to fit your lifestyle. Thres no other family of cors like this. Sa go ahuad, bring whotever you've got. And lut the rood do the some. Sue your dealer lot o test-drive today. STiNSiSO ftfTRStS2 3L DOHC 16 vorlcn 4 cylindati ne (1 <4 rodais) * 3 GI OOHC 24-vuira V6 argina (V6 rnndals) e Powrassisfed 4-uSuel disc brukes * Anti-locS Bruke Systern (ABS)*eractionv conrrai systeare Air conditivcing e Poner iindoins, dov Ickaond nîrrors eKaylaaserye 60S/40Dfofding ruair seotbuck .erh frinkmnounted release levrsraeTilft a alscapic starinauwheeana Cruisecanfiraî,w/ fsering wheel mnted contras G-r fX."daWa 2004 MAZDA6 SEDAN GS-14 AiSTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PURCHASE INANCiNG FOR 60MONTHS- - OR - <EASt PROM A<Ç $3,90 DWN eAYMENT ANT EASTE PATMENT INCiASDES PREIGST ANS PStE 'THE IVE D005 PESENtS AN ENtIRELv SIFFERENT VEtiCLE "TAE MAZDA6 SORT WAGON ON THE OTHER HANS COMBINING TSE LOGKS, HANSUINO ANDS UZE 0f A SEDAN PERMIfS voci f0 HAVE SUS KES CARGO ROOM WITA THE AB8UTY f0 SWAIEOW AUGE LOADS ON OCCASION4 IN A CestHtAf ENJOYSSSEING SRIVEN" R,4 ,dR-11i , .,Itc. ChrarcIe Hnraf hd RicS , i i - ufit c WHrct-A Id 2004 MAZDA6 SPORT HATCHBACK GS-14 2004 MAZDA6 SPORT WAGON GS-V6 AUTOM.sfIC TRANSMISSiON AUTOS5ATIC TANSMISSION STANDARD 3.01L DOWC 24-VALVE V6 ENGfINE PURCASEFINAONGPURCHASE PîNANCING FOR 60 MONTHSS FOR 6 MONTAS' - OR - - OR - iPASE PROM FUSE PROM WHPRMONTv 48 MONTHSSPER MONTS i48 MOrfilS $3 950 DOWUN PYETANDA SSi3i50SOVEN PASMENT ANS SO ESECUUITT DEPSIT 0sicm nfy DEO iFASE PASMENT INCLUDES StASE PASMENT ICUSES FREIGAT ANT PD E PREiGT ANS PS E MmeJm gyr m<SMI-lINVI marna Acton W W111111.: Achilles Motors Limited 357 Queun St. East (519) 853-0200 (905) 453-8965 ASI< ABOUT OUR LOYALTY OFFERS FOR EXISTING MAZDA CUSTOMERS. GRADUATES GET AN ADDITIONAL CASH AWARD 0F UP TO $1,000 TOWARDS A PURCHASE OR LEASE. MAZDA e 1T2.1% Porurafr= eb./0t rhr f rlaci ueONe 2004 Mardatisedan, 2004 Mot @6SportOarrhoat ad 2004 MariolSpr Wagorn. i aoe exmples tori 1000 af28 o nianrg tir mntlfîtpyraita Ittît 0fits0ardin st 8.isSf2800 teiratotal otflOt78 ther uifiesceieriilable. tranin AgSîRR Z R SpoR rrt rti St-tf ead 2004 MCaIStporrt apaut-st teFi aerrte u our dirfiuri drlin, taurirpafmnii ine rer righi rad Pli aI of925 riforlir t a moligatri ir e2004 CarIaI R GR RH rpirlrri fiai, r1f3988Total Irai, obligaifr tel,204 MarIal Sport Cagon GS-V6 itttztAOis SIî t,774 irîrlirg clw a p or aivolanart irai rf S3,950. 20,088le prr fui mitlerlanarîrapplie, i îrif aleee, alifioral 8< pr lki applie.25,00 kmlms n volW fanai aur rrîr i nsrenfum uiriý, eirtinu, aiesarndrta re a ar argeixra. Derlar Mrf irifraru tri i t Dalair rlerîmarp Ar eesraîîsftferi arrilatie roJln fl 22884 ftroi led flfiaeir i an iancrri Cfrar 8tiqralitol <cuSrrasuly frr yrrcler rirîrîi lfaîiTestirduvaiin h W1orîthe204Mo larîrîtal ighetiaiig possibltrfor ii dpoîrrrgrilfrrnta îiprei h J.ff 9 2018 t84 CffAR8fFTH[t tUAWRDFR0482 Pff91NfWt0tFltAIL E(i[ - fpriilt/fi4iMlue2/04 I I I m à L- -1 2004-15