When rust 4mmw M m IN appears acf p rompt! y - Contnued fram Page 12 - If your car has already begun to rust, dont despair. As long as it isnt bad enough to require body work, a rust control chemnical con stili pene- trate the rust, preventing further oxi- dization and stopping the spread of Corrosion, . Find an environrnentally safe prod- uct. preferably one that has a hydrocarbon (oil) base.1 * nsist on watching the technicians to make sure they do the job knowl- edgably and with care. (For exam- pie, they should spray the rust con- trol product into hidden areas such as the top of the gas tank.) If they won't let you watch, take your busi- ness where the service is better. a Keep your vehicle clean and, dur- ing the winter months, sait free; dlean the wheel wells frequently with a power washer, a Promptly touch up door dings, ut- -ir scratches and rock chips, which are 39** * ri S opportunities for rust.HUSMo.-Tus News Canada ('011) MEDAI. MAITENANCE SERVICE ~Lube, 011 & Flter Change " Top-up of Washer FluId $L? 4~ ç L4 Tire Rotation rLPeace of Mind Inspection. L4 Provide Wrtten Report on Findings mhw your support for our Oympie team!I FREE cmommetary Roots Team Conada T-Shirt S when you taire advantag, of thisaservice! 4y 2 Ps0 4 -1 Sum nieoere lnseere O tu s.r Mid surginer Vacation S ecial! 0 age includes inspction!$3 -'Befts a Suspensien Heses Cempements *Tires - Exhaust Il to a Tire System Plu$ ud~ (ail fer an appontfiut toila1 0-7S3 -ip!4 LofiLINU taeR,é, ý The Canadian Champion, Frîday Juty 30, 2004-13 ý,Habitat for Seüdi UI 0toi alla here continuing By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion When it cornes to providing a band up for low-income families, Milton is lagging behind its surrounding communities. Habitat for Humanity HalIons goal of building homes in each of its five comrmuniîjes is quickly taking shape - everywhere but Milton and Oakville, Ihat is, where parcels of land are stili being sought. Susan Goetz, chair of Habitat for Humanity Halton, is appealmng te the communities teIum the situation around. "We need the community to step forward," she said, explaining there might bu someone who bas a piece of land they want to donate to the non-profit organization or seli at a fair market value. Ms Goetz said she knows suitable land will eventually be found in Milton, it just takes time. "Il is possible." she stressed. "1 know the land is there, its just not discovered." In Acton. excavation ut a building site is expected to begîn next muintb. Ms Goet.' said, and in Burlington, H-abitat Halton is in the final stage of (discussio1n5s ith a land provider. In Georgetossn, a piece o)f lansd ssill soon bc banded oser. Habitat for Humaniîy is known for its slogan of providing a hand up -n(it a band out- to faînîlies i need. Esmilies chuseis to benetit f rom Habitat for l-umanity svork alongside volunteers to huild their homes. In fact, they must con- tribute 5(X) s olunteer h(îurs tossard tbem. And the homes, arenit free. The families purchase them at a low>er-thban-maiket-s'alue cost. and puy a no-interest. no-profit mortgage. H-abitat l'or Hurnanity is able t0 offer the bouses at a low price because the building matenials are donaîed and theres no charge for the labour. Town in need of affordable housing Milton. Ms Guet.' said. is greatly in need of affordable bousing as the tossn growss. Habitat Halton receives cails from Miltonia.ns n need each sveek, she said. "We have a rapidly cxpanding community witb escalating bouse prices." she said. "The upss'ard pressure on retîtal accommodations miakes the stnîggle es'en harder t0 make ends meet eacb montb." 1The poisenty rase in Milton îs about six or seven per cent, she said. and that %N il increase along wîtb the population. She said the need isn't alwsays visible. Ofientimes, its a manter of tenants paying an unreasonable portion of their pay toward rent. li's nut Jiist indisiduals ss'o cati donate land. Habitat for Humanîîy alsu sumnetimes receives land f rom companies and al levels of the gosensiment. Ms Goetz saîd. KarI Reichen. wbo's on Habitat Haltons site selection commit- tee for Miltîo., saîd Milton's bîgb priccd real estate- arising from the small number of as ailable sites- is one of the reasons il's bard tu find land. "There are only eigbî vacant properties in Milton and at Ibis point. îbey're ail tuo expensive," Mr. Reicheri said. He added the cummîttee's difficulty finding an affordable piece of land points t0 the bigger issue of a lack of affordable bousing in Milton. "Milton bas difficulties in providing affordable bousîng 10 maniv of the people wbo work bere."' But tbings are looking up. be said. In tact, the cummittee bas tar- getted a piece ol land il's boping 10 acquire. "It bas sorne difficulties associated sih it. But ss',e're workîng on t. and theres somne uptîmîsm uf success." The TownsofutMilton will be dîrectlv însolved. be said. addîng "We'Illsee boss'wu'î. ake (sut." He ecboed Ms Goetz' appeal to the public, addîng il's quîte pos- sible somieone knosss sumething tlie conîmittee duesn't about a plut uf land. One of the requirements is that the lanîd be in tosso. rather than n rural Miltîo. "It needs Io be iii the urban centre sith aIl the services." bc said. Mr'. Reichert saîd il's important in a tusso that basoit yet bad a Habitat build that peuple understand i's flot a malter of families putîîng their ballots intu a bat for a free bouse. The sweat equity the families must ins'est îs just one ut the ways tbey're taugbt responsible home ownersbip. be said. He added stipulations are put in place so families cant îum around and sell the homes 10 make money. Step!iaîie Tliesse,î cai be reach/ed at st/iiessen4i.,ntiiltonî'-aiadi- anc hampiunn i 0. 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