il .- --------------- - Firefighters' annual safety check program reveals disturbing trend i ie cAampion The second year of a program in which Milton firefighters go door-to-door checking smoke detectors has revealed ail isn't well when it cornes to fire safety. On certain streets checked by the Milton Fire Department, more than haîf of the homes didn't have working batteries in the smoke detectors or didn't have smoke detectors ai ail, said Capi. Doug Shortt. "it's frustrating because for $10, you can save a life," Capt. Shortt said. "Id hazard te, guess a life is worth more than $10. t's priceless." However, the overail situation isn't bad, he said, with most Milton residents recognizing the importance of working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. "Overali, we've had favourable resuits. A lot of people have let us in and weve given themn information on how ta he sae," he said. This is the second year of the program. If you havent yei had a knock on your door hy uniformed firefighters arriving in a big, red truck, il might still be coming, as the checks will continue until Octoher, Capi. Shortt said. Checks taIre place Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as well as Saturday momnings. It's up to homneowners ta decide if they want the firefighters to check their detectors. "I's strictly voluntary," Capt. Shortt said. "If they don't have a fire detector, we'Il install one. If they don't have a working battery, we'll put one in." Capt. Shortt is remninding residents i's the law for homes to have proper smoke and carbon monoxide deteciors. He said they should be checked monthly and recommends resi- dents light a candle, blow it out and hold il under the detector, which should then activate. And when it's time ta set dlocks ahead or behind, it's also time to change the batteries in smoke and car- hon monoxide detectors, he said. Smoke detectors on the market ihese days are more sensitive to smoke in the home than older ones, Capi. Shortt said, making them more efficient. "For a minimal cosi, you can gel an excel- lent detector system," he said. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached ai sthiessen@aniilmonc-anadi- anc hampion.c arn. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Acting Captain Jordy MacPherson displays a smioke detector as he and hie pumper #3 crew go door-to-door Saturday moming on Highside Drive inspecting detectors. Kindermusik at Music and Me Cail Now To Register For Fail Classes! (children 0-7 years) 905-875-6867 M b M1 a u Mak ou oppoiotment today.! LiI00*668M~Oi Bring clarity to your finances. Making the right choices in the confusing world of finances requires clarity. That's where 1 corne in. As your Clarica advisor, l work together with vou Io develop a pln thaîs clearly right for you. Thcrc's a lot taobc said for clarity. Aman Kapur I us 9<5 276-7140 ext 292 Ceil1416 509-2540 antat.kapuetluclaricacom L R C hite, healhh & disabiliîy insurance, savings and refirement pia ns, eptnployee beniefits, Pnorrgage e- business insu rînce The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 27, 2004-7 Tht Onkrio l Ire l «enig rorm Proide brM I ras xamination loi 0a momom al n I Entire ln-Store Stock! Entire In-Store Stock! ge ,DRESSFORMS BUTTERICK PATTERNS ORe. 3320.ea 30. EA ONLY 2.99 m*. Offer valid tii Aug.8104, wfile quaftites Offer valiti Auguit 2-8/04, while quantties » at Not valid wtth ny ather diSCOunte. last. Not vali wlt any other dscount o/fers, cibl discounts NI b. a*Wiedd o Fabiicland's odghiul chuun-store puce. Lock for the red le gs >jl susfinaL mARMIRS' MARKIT Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Meat & Fish Cheese & Baked Goods Fresh Cut Flowers & Handmade Crafts dBaconon-abunhl at the Scholarship Café Fo oeinformation visit our website at or cali 905-878-0581 lIAS? CAW